Old news for potheads ...


Well-Known Member
,but fresh for NASA ...:P


Publication Date: May 31, 2015

***sole source of lighting (SSL),for NASA ...

Red light.
The most staple waveband of light that anchors SSL LED arrays for plant growth is red.
Broad-band red (600-700nm) light has, by far, the highest quantum
efficiency for driving photosynthesis,
with a broad peak from about 620 to 660 nm
(11). As well, red has numerous photomorphogenic effects on plant development
mediated by the photoreversible pigment phytochrome.In general, red light
promotes stem elongation, leaf expansion, biomass accumulation, and contributes to
a phytochrome photostationary state (PPS) that can determine flowering, dormancy,
and other important photomorphogenic responses of plants, including seed germination.

600 nm to 700 .... That is the most wanted band for red ...
Either from monos mix ( 600 nm -620 nm -640 nm -660 nm -680 nm -730 nm )
or from a broadband red ( nitride ) phosphor ...

Blue light.
There do not seem to be any simple answers regarding how little or how
much blue light is required in an SSL prescription for any given plant species, or even
when to apply it during a given plant life cycle. Even though
approximately one-thirdof sunlight PAR emissions consist of broad-band blue (400-500 nm), plants grown
outdoors seem to be not particularly sensitive to blue light, at least at outdoor light
intensities (12). Under SSL conditions, however, which tend to involve much lower
PPFs than outdoors, the intensity of blue light seems to be a critical factor. Sometimes
only a few percent of blue are needed for a particular plant response, above which
blue is inhibitory, but that may change during the course of a plant’s life cycle.

Plant-growth functions that seem to be particularly sensitive to blue light in SSL situations
include stem elongation and leaf expansion, with “too much” blue inhibiting growth
in both cases
(13). Other plant responses having an absolute requirement for blue
light include phototropism, stomatal aperture, leaf thickness, and chlorophyll content.
Effects of blue light on secondary product metabolism are mentioned in the section
on value-added for SSL.(..)

So.... no need for blue LEDS ? :wink:

Green light.
Green light (500-600nm) falls between broad-band blue and red light
along the PAR energy spectrum. Green often is disregarded as an unimportant
waveband in photosynthesis because absorption spectra of extracted leaf chlorophyll
pigments indicate very weak absorption in the green region of the PAR
. Because
chlorophyll has major absorption peaks only in the red and blue regions, researchers
initially selected first red, later blue, LEDs for first-generation LED arrays to support
plant growth.
However, intact leaves do absorb considerable green light, and in a
relative quantum-efficiency curve for photosynthesis vs. PAR wavelengths, some
wavelengths of broad-band green actually are more efficient than certain
wavelengths of the blue band.
Overall, however, broadband green is slightly less efficient than broadband blue. However, when leaf canopies close, red and blue light are absorbed strongly by upper or outer leaf layers, whereas green light penetrates to interior leaf layers, where it subsequently is absorbed and drives photosynthesis of the inner canopy (14). Thus, light sources containing some green can be more effective in stimulating crop growth than are red + blue sources alone,much as when
foliar canopies are closed. When applied together with blue light, green has effects
opposite to blue on stomatal aperture (15). Yet another useful feature of green light
is that the human eye perceives red + green + blue (RGB) light as white light, so if all
three wavebands are present simultaneously in plant-growth light, researchers and
growers are able to visually evaluate the stress status of crops, the incidence of
physiological disorders, and “true” leaf color (the way it looks outdoors), whereas if
only red + blue are present, green tissue looks purple, grey, or black, and
physiological stress or disease diagnosis is difficult(...)

Naf said ...:hump:

White light.
The often-confusing issue regarding which colors or proportions of
colors to select for SSL applications with LEDs can depend on species, cultivar, stage
of development, and intensity of available light. In some ways, the use of LEDs for SSL
is causing us to rediscover the value of white light for plant growth and development.
Because of all the complications involving LED color selection and the range of
possible plant responses, the question often is asked regarding whether white should
be the LED color of choice for plant growth. It turns out that white LEDs actually are
blue LEDs with a phosphor coating the inside of the light-focusing lens mounted over
and around the diode. Energy losses associated with the secondary broad-band
photon emissions of the excited phosphor make white LEDs significantly less
electrically efficient than emissions from pure monochromatic blue LEDs (16). As
well, the proportions of red, green, and blue wave
bands in white LED light vary widely among cool-white, neutral-white, and warm-white LED types,

none of which are a close match for the RGB distribution of midday solar light. It actually would be
more electrically efficient to make white light from monochromatic RGB LEDs than to
use white ones. Nevertheless, inclusion of a few white LEDs on an array may have
utility in terms of achieving certain proportions of broad-band color in case green LEDs are not included.

In few days ? weeks ? months ? years ? ..they will discover COBs ..
And by then ,maybe the special tailored COBS for horticulture are also widely available ....
Which by allowing the growers to manipulate different channels ,
aka different sections of the LES ,either of monochromatic dies ,
either special phospors or both ....
Then any solar light can be emulated ..
Dawn ,noon ,midday ,dusk ...And much more ...
Far-red light.
The recent availability of far-red (FR, 700-800 nm) LEDs presents
opportunities to control plant functions in SSL related to photoperiodism and
photomorphogenesis involving the phytochrome pigment system. Plant species with a long-day requirement for flowering are hastened to flower when FR is present simultaneously with R light (17) rather than using red light alone, and a lower
phytochrome photostationary state (PPS) is established either during end-of-daylighting or as night-interruption lighting in the middle of the dark period (18). In that sense, photoperiod lighting is SSL, even in the greenhouse. Far-red wavelengths also have photomorphogenic effects on stem elongation, with a low R/FR ratio favoring
the “shade-avoidance” syndrome involving internode elongation (19). Leaves
developing in a light environment including FR radiation tend to expand to become
larger and thinner. Although FR and blue wavelengths can have opposite effects on
stem elongation and leaf expansion (20), they both lower PPS, which may trigger accumulation of desirable phytonutrients in leafy greens (21). Like green light, FR wavelengths pass through upper layers of a closed leaf canopy.

Unlike green light, FR wavelengths have mostly photomorphogenic effects.

Ultraviolet and other wavelengths.
Solar light contains both UV-A (320-400 nm)and UV-B (280-320 nm) wavelengths that plants are adapted to,
so indoor agriculture scenarios providing electrical sources of SSL, especially of the narrow-spectrum type,
may encounter situations in which produce quality and/or appearance may reflect a
lack of UV radiation.
Certain cultivars within some plant species, especially
solanaceous crops, develop callus-like intumescence growth on leaves and shoot
tissues in dim light and/or in the absence of UV light (22).
Such physiological disorders then, are a consequence of narrow-band SSL radiation leading to a
wavelength deficiency. In some cases, the presence of elevated blue and/or thepresence of some far-red light can prevent intumescence formation. In other cases,elevated blue does not work (23). There is a reluctance to introduce UV-B into indoor commercial growth environments for worker-safety reasons, but it may be possible to use UV-A if certain worker precautions are taken.

It certainly would be preferable to find solutions to physiological disorders caused by SSL within the PAR spectrum per se, although RGB imbalances also can lead to adverse effects on productivity and crop yield as well.
These are open, ongoing issues of SSL.

R-G-B ....:wall:

Not ...R-B ..That's old news..:dunce:


And after reading these ...What comes in mind ?

Cobs are highly efficient light generating devices ,because they utilise a good number
of under driven single diodes ....
The losses from the conversion ,in a way are "equalized " ....
In relation with monochromatric LED mixes and combinations ...

Broadband Red phosphor ...
Much more laborless and cheaper than using diffrent monos to make a
broadband light from 600 nm to 700 nm ....

( A peak of ..640nm shall we pick ?
To cover nicely ("cover" =power-wise ) at least +/- 20 nm ,both the lower red end and the deep /FR end ?
Yes ..neither 600 nm peak ,neither 630 nm peak ,neither 660 nm one ...The best seems to be 640 nm ....)

White light = blue & green parts ?
Probably yes ...
With using 5000°K CRI 70 ,
lots of blue wls are then present ( " lots " =power wise ),
but also plenty of green and yellow wls ,too...

Two channels as the basic ...

Maybe a third one ?
Say 4000K 80Ra or 3000K 80 Ra ?
For the red side ....
Something like that is needed ..

red 1.JPG

red 2.JPG

red 3.JPG

From :
Rare-Earth Activated Nitride Phosphors:
Synthesis,Luminescence and Applications

The " best already available " ....variable white...( aka " varite " ...:P ) combo seems to be ..

...2700° K 90Ra + 5700-5000 °K 70Ra
The super - high efficiency of the latter COB type ,makes up for the shitty efficiency of the former ...
Equalization of conflict ...

Utilising COBs from 4000°K to 3000°K* 80Ra ,
is another -non variable - rather " monolithic " approach ...
Which BTW is working great so far ...

But ....

2700° K 90Ra + 5700-5000 °K 70Ra

Seems "fun " to play with a bit ...
Two channels ...

Moreof that while vegging ,more of that while maturing ,less of the other ...
Maybe indeed , makes a -noticeable - difference ...


Light is light ,energy is energy
and thus " Quantity " remains the main variable that should be taken care of ...

But ...The other remaining three light variables , play significant role too...8)
Much more than one can imagine ...

dream cob.jpg
pentagon shaped aluminium case ,5x mounting holes ,60-100 mm Dia.LES ...
Do I ask for so much ....?



What kind of light mj 'likes ' ?
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Valoya has created the world’s first dynamic simulator of solar and outdoor light conditions in collaboration with Microsoft®. The system, called Valoya LightDNA, enables highly accurate replication of outdoor light conditions including light spectrum, intensity and day length.


Beneath his feet is the kingdom, and upon his head the crown. He is spirit and matter; he is peace and power; in him is Chaos and Night and Pan, and upon BABALON his concubine, that hath made him drunk upon the blood of the saints that she hath gathered in her golden cup, hath he begotten the virgin that now he doth deflower. And this is that which is written: Malkuth shall be uplifted and set upon the throne of Binah. And this is the stone of the philosophers that is set as a seal upon the tomb of Tetragrammaton, and the elixir of life that is distilled from the blood of the saints, and the red powder that is the grinding-up of the bones of Choronzon.

Terrible and wonderful is the Mystery thereof, O thou Titan that hast climbed into the bed of Juno! Surely thou art bound unto, and broken upon, the wheel; yet hast thou uncovered the nakedness of the Holy One, and the Queen of Heaven is in travail of child, and his name shall be called Vir, and Vis, and Virus, and Virtus, and Viridis, in one name that is all these, and above all these.

A star died and made a man ,the power ,the violence ,the bad the good , a tree ...
A star stands above all that ...

( Vir=Man ,Vis=strength,Vigor,efficiency ,Virus=poison ,Virtus =goodness ,Viridis=green)

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For the red side ....
Something like that is needed ..

View attachment 3583637

View attachment 3583638

View attachment 3583639

From :
Rare-Earth Activated Nitride Phosphors:
Synthesis,Luminescence and Applications

The " best already available " ....variable white...( aka " varite " ...:P ) combo seems to be ..

...2700° K 90Ra + 5700-5000 °K 70Ra
The super - high efficiency of the latter COB type ,makes up for the shitty efficiency of the former ...
Equalization of conflict ...

Utilising COBs from 4000°K to 3000°K* 80Ra ,
is another -non variable - rather " monolithic " approach ...
Which BTW is working great so far ...

But ....

2700° K 90Ra + 5700-5000 °K 70Ra

Seems "fun " to play with a bit ...
Two channels ...

Moreof that while vegging ,more of that while maturing ,less of the other ...
Maybe indeed , makes a -noticeable - difference ...


Light is light ,energy is energy
and thus " Quantity " remains the main variable that should be taken care of ...

But ...The other remaining three light variables , play significant role too...8)
Much more than one can imagine ...

View attachment 3583650
pentagon shaped aluminium case ,5x mounting holes ,60-100 mm Dia.LES ...
Do I ask for so much ....?

View attachment 3583678


What kind of light mj 'likes ' ?
THere's a reason I called my 2700K 3590 "The Finisher" ahah
I think it was brother @FranJan who mentioned them first ...
Sharp Zenigata ,Tiger series ....
2700°K 93Ra + 5700°K 87Ra in one COB ,two channels.

A tad expensive ,not super efficient but it will do fine as "supplementing " some controlable
bands to a 3000K or a 4000K main lighting ....
An alternative to monos ?





*** They are ceramic cased ,so they need holders,also ....