Old School Skunk, who's found it???

I smoked a couple of one hitters of Poly Shunk 1.5 {TKC X NC X SM X Sh/Sk} this morning before doing some bush hogging. I checked the time right after I started, and it was 1100. I mowed for a really, really long time, checked the time again and it was 1109. That is some time stretching shit. {I hit this plant with Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin pollen}
Would you mind disclosing where you picked up his gear ? I sent him a message on IG but he never responded, trying to find out where I can pick his stuff up.
As Eastcoastmo said on his web site Thenaturefarm but most are out of stock. He will be releasing more seeds from selected pairings at some point. Stay up to date by following his IG.
I smoked a couple of one hitters of Poly Shunk 1.5 {TKC X NC X SM X Sh/Sk} this morning before doing some bush hogging. I checked the time right after I started, and it was 1100. I mowed for a really, really long time, checked the time again and it was 1109. That is some time stretching shit. {I hit this plant with Powernap X Sinmint Cookies X Gorille de Raisin pollen}
Ha ha ha ha that is the best :lol:
Hi all, been hunting a true skunk for so long anyone found anything close to it? I'm not talking about the sweet one i want the foul stench skunk, so so hard to find have any of u come across this please comment, or is it best to just start back with the landrace Afghan?

To all it may concern, i am new to this forums and the road kill skunk is exactly why i am here. I am a 46 yo guy who grew up in the mid 80's early 90's smoking road kill skunk everyday. It was everywhere on the west coast back then, i smoked it in Washington, Oregon and California. Anything anybody has claimed was Road Kill Skunk after i left Seattle in 96 has in fact never been the true bitch but a variant that had a slight skunk smell but always something else and never as strong smelling. The true RKS may differ in looks from the variety of grow/cure technic but one thing is for certain if a very small nug doesn't stink up your entire house like a skunk sprayed in it, then you do not have the true RKS! The most potent cross of RKS i had back then looked lime green almost neon, it did not have hairs unless you went pulling the bud apart and then you wouldn't find many and it stunk like skunk spray so strongly that it nearly burnt your nose if you put it close to the bag. I have tried all the classic varieties people have claimed was RKS like shoreline and many many others and like i said not the real deal!!! the closest i have came is from a seed company called Greenpoint seeds out of Colorado i bought some seeds from them in 2015. Those guys have 2 of the strongest skunkspray/deadbody varieties i have come across to date...its not the real bitch but its the closest i have found! The first one i grew is called Tombstone and that's for a very good reason! at the end i had people from down the block complaining about my house smelling like dead rotting corpses. I ended up with 7 females with a few different phenotypes and each one was slightly different in smell after proper cure some smelled like dead rotting corpses with a hint of garlic some smelt more garlic but one plants smell went straight skunk spray with a hint of rotting corpse....i thought that one was the closest but then i bought a variety that they claimed was even better, Ghost Town F2. Those seeds produced a couple of phenotypes that smell the strongest of RKS i have since i left Seattle, none are lime green though, all darker green with orange hairs. Has anybody else found the funk?
To all it may concern, i am new to this forums and the road kill skunk is exactly why i am here. I am a 46 yo guy who grew up in the mid 80's early 90's smoking road kill skunk everyday. It was everywhere on the west coast back then, i smoked it in Washington, Oregon and California. Anything anybody has claimed was Road Kill Skunk after i left Seattle in 96 has in fact never been the true bitch but a variant that had a slight skunk smell but always something else and never as strong smelling. The true RKS may differ in looks from the variety of grow/cure technic but one thing is for certain if a very small nug doesn't stink up your entire house like a skunk sprayed in it, then you do not have the true RKS! The most potent cross of RKS i had back then looked lime green almost neon, it did not have hairs unless you went pulling the bud apart and then you wouldn't find many and it stunk like skunk spray so strongly that it nearly burnt your nose if you put it close to the bag. I have tried all the classic varieties people have claimed was RKS like shoreline and many many others and like i said not the real deal!!! the closest i have came is from a seed company called Greenpoint seeds out of Colorado i bought some seeds from them in 2015. Those guys have 2 of the strongest skunkspray/deadbody varieties i have come across to date...its not the real bitch but its the closest i have found! The first one i grew is called Tombstone and that's for a very good reason! at the end i had people from down the block complaining about my house smelling like dead rotting corpses. I ended up with 7 females with a few different phenotypes and each one was slightly different in smell after proper cure some smelled like dead rotting corpses with a hint of garlic some smelt more garlic but one plants smell went straight skunk spray with a hint of rotting corpse....i thought that one was the closest but then i bought a variety that they claimed was even better, Ghost Town F2. Those seeds produced a couple of phenotypes that smell the strongest of RKS i have since i left Seattle, none are lime green though, all darker green with orange hairs. Has anybody else found the funk?
Did you have the original cut of Texas shoreline and who verified it?
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That's why, the real cut is very old school because it's a 30 year old cut. It also has some hints of garlic.
I cant be sure what was used to make those varieties but i do know Greenpoint seeds did the best job to recreate the skunk spray without the sweet smell. You do know that there was more than one cross of RKS right? RKS is a terpene profile more than a specific variety... some were more sativa and some were more indica...the only way i could tell was by effect because they smelt the same...it burnt nose hair. I find it funny how the term skunk has changed over the years amongst my peers in the weed scene, back in the 80's-90's it meant the smell that is emitted when a skunk sprays it sac in a defensive manner, now a days it means very strong loud smelling marijuana and nothing to do with skunk spray...if any of you don't understand what skunk spray smells like perhaps because you live in a country that doesn't have skunks or have never smelled a skunk spray before...buy a jelly bean candy called bamboozled! it has a jelly bean called skunk spray and it is exactly the smell taste of RKS!
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The last time I had rks was in denton tx in 95. I had a bag tripple wrapped in my pocket and walked into my buddy's apartment. I'm standing at the front door and I hear from the back of the apartment "Somebody has some stanky dank!". Dank was an understatement. After I pulled it out of the 3 bags the whole apartment reeked. I saw my buddy about a week later and he was bitching because it took 3 days to get the stank out of his apartment.
The last time I had rks was in denton tx in 95. I had a bag tripple wrapped in my pocket and walked into my buddy's apartment. I'm standing at the front door and I hear from the back of the apartment "Somebody has some stanky dank!". Dank was an understatement. After I pulled it out of the 3 bags the whole apartment reeked. I saw my buddy about a week later and he was bitching because it took 3 days to get the stank out of his apartment.

Was it fire or just stinky?
The Real Deal RKS was almost hallucinogenic, a very introspective high. Everything i have smoked since 96 has been mediocre in comparison. 1993-96 i could get Sour D, all the Chems all that stuff was around, we had some stuff that smelt like pine needles and shit that didn't smell at all, just the same as todays bud really...we would never chose any of those varieties over the skunk though, the high was better lasted longer and you didn't seem to build a tolerance to it like the other stuff around.
The Real Deal RKS was almost hallucinogenic, a very introspective high. Everything i have smoked since 96 has been mediocre in comparison. 1993-96 i could get Sour D, all the Chems all that stuff was around, we had some stuff that smelt like pine needles and shit that didn't smell at all, just the same as todays bud really...we would never chose any of those varieties over the skunk though, the high was better lasted longer and you didn't seem to build a tolerance to it like the other stuff around.

Is it possible to bring that strain back?
Is it possible to bring that strain back?
From what i understand RKS is more a terpene profile than any specific variety, so you would think if you can match that terpene profile you would hit the jackpot and recreate the variety, terpenes grow inside of THC glands which leads me too believe that what we are looking for is an over abundance of terpenes not THC,CDB or any other compound. I think there is a very special link between THC and Terpenes that nobody fully understands yet. You all most have noticed if you get some loud smelling bud the high is complete, everything you are looking for! low to no smell is ALWAYS a weak ass high. I have smoked buds and extracts testing very high in thc but the smell was weak and so was the high! TERPENES are the key! not THC.
From what i understand RKS is more a terpene profile than any specific variety, so you would think if you can match that terpene profile you would hit the jackpot and recreate the variety, terpenes grow inside of THC glands which leads me too believe that what we are looking for is an over abundance of terpenes not THC,CDB or any other compound. I think there is a very special link between THC and Terpenes that nobody fully understands yet. You all most have noticed if you get some loud smelling bud the high is complete, everything you are looking for! low to no smell is ALWAYS a weak ass high. I have smoked buds and extracts testing very high in thc but the smell was weak and so was the high! TERPENES are the key! not THC.

So why do people say that some low smell strains like northern light are fire?