Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Can you link to those AG comments? I clearly remember reading that his opinion was that the terps were not what he remembered being RKS and that these plants had more of a sour funk to them - never any mention of the skunk we seek.
That sounds like the Domionion Local Skunk I'm about to take down, after I take my kids to In/out Burger Lolol..
Instead of laughing at, why not work with so we can put this discussion to bed? Let's get it documented with plenty of pictures and multiple verified reports from different people.

Plenty have claimed they have it, not too many have put up anything except to try and scam people out of too much money.

It may just be the hippie in me, but I don't like to see the drama caused by all the tight cards to the chest.
Thats right Brother !

Columbian Gold Ordered 12 plus they’re doing 1 free so it’s 13 Colombian gold seeds for 70

Afghan 4 landrace regions mixed. Ordered 3 packs plus they throw in another landrace and 5 more Afghan Mix seeds.

now for the Mexican landrace info...
good luck it it was that easy someone would have done it. we will see how my grow goes high hopes

Columbian Gold Ordered 12 plus they’re doing 1 free so it’s 13 Colombian gold seeds for 70

Afghan 4 landrace regions mixed. Ordered 3 packs plus they throw in another landrace and 5 more Afghan Mix seeds.

now for the Mexican landrace info...
Acapulco gold is what you seek and good luck finding it pure the same as when it was used to make skunk 60s to 70s say and im sure many may claim to have it but do they? i hope someone does but im a realist i doubt it sadly alot of mexi stuff been hit with hybrids for so long just like jamaica was or take Africa or India in the last 20 years and even now they all getting wrecked by idiots bringing in foreign genetics and messing up the original genepool good luck all the same mate i hope you prove me wrong lol
Acapulco gold is what you seek and good luck finding it pure the same as when it was used to make skunk 60s to 70s say and im sure many may claim to have it but do they? i hope someone does but im a realist i doubt it sadly alot of mexi stuff been hit with hybrids for so long just like jamaica was or take Africa or India in the last 20 years and even now they all getting wrecked by idiots bringing in foreign genetics and messing up the original genepool good luck all the same mate i hope you prove me wrong lol

MOB seeds has a backcross from their 40yo cutting.
heres something funny to think about.. the skunk i had in 89 was the real deal. even the other guys stuff around here wasnt exact as ours.. my dad had 2 buddies that were partners. the seeds came from washington state. no one said the name of it that i recall. the partner thats alive today says skunk 1. the ex wife of the one who passed said it was columbian gold? and she is the one who sent the seeds!
i seriously doubt there was much or any afghan in the mix. we had a half dozen or more afghan crosses and not even close. short bushes compared to our sky scrapers. and thats just looks. smell and taste was totally different also.
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