Old School Skunk, who's found it???

Instead of describing how crosses may be, i will just describe the Males and Females of the 1969 Skunk#18 IBL Open Pollination Line and what they will likely bring to the Pairings as a whole line.

These are Original Skunk#1 line derived from 1969 stock via Inbred line, passed to Thai after his uncles passing In Eureka, CA. Pre Skunkman Skunk#1. And also go by a few other handles, Such as Uncle Festers Skunk#18 IBL(from the breeder), Professor Beatnik Skunk#18 IBL, Hells Angels Skunk, Cali Skunk, we choose one truer to form being 69′ Skunk#18 IBL which is when the seeds were derived from.

Firstly Effect like a freightrain for the brain, cerebral magic, brightens the day to where your squinting its so bright, wakes you up and bakes you the fuck out whole being. Every pheno has extensive expansion qualities and most were quite resinous with melt glands.
Thats what was found and what you can expect with true end mexi notes,only sweet they have, not pine, no fruit.
And other nasty ended scents like burnt wire, rubber, onion, astringent bleach notes, pissy, aged cheesy black hash tones, green acrid funks. The Entire run they Morph scents and are even more pungent and funk once dry. The line itself is wide open in the regards of the funk and type of it you will find as well as the plants, but they do have an overall similar appearance in the mexi looks. There is some extreme indica expressions as well, different types of stout Ghanis to Stretch Ghanis.

The plants themselves are beyond vigorous and thick membraned showing their true heritage. Most are full double serrated plants and also display extra digits and most display absolutely amazing builds. Some of the prettiest and most agressive controlled plants that i have had the pleasure to have under hand.

To the cross pairings they will instill very nice Vigor, enhance build and branching of most any and all kind. They will enhance Potency with added Mexi cerebral magic. Brighter and more vibrant with true expansion qualities all around. I do not know how they will dominate, but in this case i hope they do. The line is pure Magic in my opinion with Acrid Chemical and True Skunk1 qualities.

****These are pre release and I felt this is something needed doing with the current focus on Skunk1 genetic but also the Fact of the originator of these seeds ripping folks off and not keeping his word to many members in our community for no reason whatsoever, especially when his genetic selection is solid.

He is Master Thai Organic Seed garden and our open pollination recreation was never to harm but rather to preserve the experience for everyone. This is his uncles line, preserved via seed stock and kept mother for us to enjoy and thats what i intend for all, not to rip anyone off like where these originate. Like i always say, we let the genetic speak.

So there is a few underlying circumstances that have lead me to give you the same shot that I have for Magic. The Main is because it is what the genetic and the plant deserves and so do you.

So Please, ENJOY!

The Nature Farmer
how can someone in australia get these seeds ? iv been looking for like 20 years
#1. They've been SOLD OUT, for a long time, and if you want them, you have to monitor him like the FBI on tRump, or they will be gone in minutes.

#2. Worst case is, he doesn't send to Australia.

What I can suggest in the way of Skunk, and there are Skunk/REEKERS in this line.

Im pretty sure www.sssedsherenow.com sends to Australia. I don't know the specifics, but you should Email them, and ask. BUt IM not 100% sure.

#3. If they do send to Aus, buy the

Dominion Seed Company... Dominion Skunk. This hybrid has both the Original Super Sativa Seed Club Sk1, and also the Pacific Northwest.. SKELLY Hashplant/AKA PUCK CUT.

The MOTHER of this strain is.


Father is Skelly x SSSC SK1, so it has the same Father on Both Sides. ALL REEK, all aren't Road Kill, but I promise you this stuff will defeat many many carbon scrubbers. This is a Sativa Dom strain, but there are phenos that more resemble the Skelly Mom, and will need more veg time, but will produce big. The other pheno is like the Chem91 Mom, and likes to be trained early in veg, and will also produce BIG. Speed Ball Effect, and heavy body after a while.

NONE of the Original Sk1/18 was/is pure RKS, as evidenced by phenos like UK CHEESE. There are also Onion, Chemical decay, body odor, Cheese, Floral, and combinations of all of it.

I believe U Mello at The Nature Farm Genetics says 2%, out of 150, 8% if you include the males, passed his test/requirements to try and Isolate the RKS Pheno for a future line to be release in around 3 months.

You can see MANY PHOTOS from The Nature Farm Genetics of Sk18 on Instagram, but you have to register to view them. He shows photos of ALL of the plants he will use for this next breeding, past plants, and has more different ORIGINAL OLD cuts than I think I ever seen anyone have.

But the Dominion Seed Company Gear with the SSSC Sk1, and Skelly are some genes you want if you can get them to Aus, from SHN

For a more Indica Dom. Look at the Dominion.. Granny Skunk. Doesn't stretch much. 83% Indica. Trance like high. Robotic

Another REEKER is
Sis Skunk.. Chems Sister x Skelly SSSC Sk1. Day Wrecker, Heavy Munchies. Stay on the couch with your head blown off. Stock the fridge.
None of these are cheap though
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I got 3 packs of the 69 Skunk18 going, outdoors. One pack had a few cracked seeds. I let Nature Farm know and he sent me a whole nother pack also with 3 packs of the Hindu Kush Pakistani x Skunk 18. I also have 3 packs of those going as well.

I am comparing them to our Local Hillbilly Roadkill... And for those who asked, yes we are currently working on them. I am actually doing a collaboration with Swami Seeds at the moment with this Hillbilly Roadkill, likely also from Uncle Fester (at least that is what Swami seeds expects) as it was brought here by the hippies that moved here to Eastern Ky back in the 70s from California whom obtained them from bikers who claimed the seed came out of Mexico.

Also, Nature Farm will be releasing the new Skunk #18 #5 progeny which will be worked closer to the Roadkill... So if you missed the original Open Pollination skunk 18s keep your eyes peeled for the new ones coming around soon. He has some amazing phenos chosen atm to narrow down the RKS in his line.
I was just given a tin of uncle fester beans. Good to know it's a potential skunk line..
4 days on mushrooms now. Hunting something lol. Just not sure what chet.if u find the dead ass skunk lmk jp✌️
Just a word of caution. I did too many back to back days of mushrooms in my youth, and fucked up one of my kidneys. I have been able to cope by not eating or drinking anything that bothers me, but it still lets me know it's not right. Taking a few days between trips will let your body deal with the toxins better.
Just a word of caution. I did too many back to back days of mushrooms in my youth, and fucked up one of my kidneys. I have been able to cope by not eating or drinking anything that bothers me, but it still lets me know it's not right. Taking a few days between trips will let your body deal with the toxins better.

I could not agree more with this statement. My view is it is one of the ways the fungi let you know they are not simply a party drug. They deserve the utmost respect.
Cheers :)