Omega Garde...I want one

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Well-Known Member
I have never once argued that this thing is efficient in covering a ring of plants with a light, but guess what I can do that too for about 50 bucks (not including lights) how fucking stupid are you to not understand that?

He has no proof that this thing speeds up flowering time, and thats ALL THIS THING offers, thats it's single reason for it being a viable purchase. And since I have 0 proof that this thing will make my pot plants flower faster, It is still worthless.

You are blinded by shiny toys.


Well-Known Member
Lol, They won't get it so don't worry your little head off about it. What simple math are you fucking talking about here dickhead?
oh gee you make it so compelling to try to educate you LOLOL i think i would rather you never get it. look at a lumen chart and overlay it on your grow compared to a rotary garden that keeps the plants within 18 inches and that will give you the simple math. the rotation effect on the plants will likely have to remain a mystery to you until if ever you get your own experience about it.

your math is getting more erratic as you post, soon you will be able to grow lbs for $5 each


Well-Known Member
Nothing that thing does ( other then spinning, which to this point no one has proven does dick for pot plants) is different then a vertical setup with air cooled hoods. Once again you offer no facts, or evidence only insults to make your claims justified.

The fact of the matter is for half the price you could go from nothing to a setup = to or better then this, it's a spinning vert setup. congrats, you can veg lettuce faster, means a lot.


Well-Known Member
Please do not insult me I dont believe I was insulting you and if I was I apologies.

You proclaim the decrease in flowering time is ALL IT OFFERS.

Being fucking stupid, I thought i would think off the top of my head what it offers.

It offers a large amount of grow space in a small package

It offers a very efficient lighting solution.

It offers a central point for the application of nutrients (this avoids plumbing issues with many stadium grows.

It offers a light exposure that beats all "stadium" style grows that use tiered seating becuase this only covers the sides and perhaps bottom but not the top of the grow room.

While similar to very dense vertical growing options like collasium it has a huge advantage over the stationary units by BEING PORTABLE. This is in addition to the geotropism effect I noted earlier. Plus the ease of venting air horizontally as opposed to vertically.

50 dollars wont get you that.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Different people are willing to pay for different things. I feel like a broken record but noone has shown me anything like an omega for anywhere near the price. All commercial vert systems are expensive, 2 grand for the volksgarden is still acceptable for all the reasons I have above. What I like about these deals is the success they have had with selling the units for hydroponically producing other cash crops and the selling point there is the area savings.

Thinking about it the space savings is the main selling point, not even the spinning. Its the space savings.


Well-Known Member
All the things you listed I have already explained. It's simply a vert system on it's side that spins. You are paying 2 grand for a spinning vert system. So you could build a vert system for much less, and accomplish the same thing minus spinning. And since no one has proven anything about the spinning action and effects on the pot plants flowering cycle. It is worthless.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL.... I have no intention of putting my dog in this fight..... but just out of curiosity .... for those that are DIYers.... I'm wondering if a motor like this: Electric Motor Warehouse - Rotisserie Motor would be the place to start building your own.

What do you think... would a motor like that work? If so then I can see how you could build the entire thing for $500 - $600.

Anyway .... just curious.... carry on with the battle ;)


Well-Known Member
Well it would be based on the weight of the object you are turning and the torque the motor provides. Since I have no idea what the plastic would weigh with plants grow medium etc in it , it's a rough guess. Best bet would be to build the entire tube assembly and fill it with pots with w/e medium you are gonna use, then just weigh that sucker and get a motor that is slightly overkill to compensate for plant weight ( which is basically negligible)


Well-Known Member
You two can sidestep the relevent issue all you want, if it doesn't make my plants flower faster it is worthless, you could have just and efficient a setup for less then half the price.


Well-Known Member
First of all, the 15 days flowering you are talking about is BS. This would not speed up marijuana at all. They quoted 15 days for growing salad, which is straight vegetative growth. This can be attributed to the lettuce growing in a hydroponic system. Go check out the Aerogarden, they claim very similar results, but they dont speed up marijuana at all. Second of all, this costs 2 thousand dollars, money which would be better spent on tons of other things. Third, nobody wants to grow in something that confined. What happens when the weed grows more than 2 ft or whatever the radius of the device is? It catches fire since it will be touching the HID.

+10000 imo


Well-Known Member
this is the mentality that keeps people from posting things on sites like this, and there is no moderating to be seen. you have no idea what you are talking about so you just get louder and keep repeating yourself. more of the GWB school of communication.


Well-Known Member
Ok dude, put up or shut the fuck up. Show me a vert system for a reasonable price that compares to the omega. DO IT! PROVE ME WRONG!! Just plan it out for me, use paint, ANYTHING! Show me the vert system that compares, from someone that has never done vertical growing.

Lol, cause hot air doesn't rise naturally.
Not when your forcing it through tubes dude. I have an DIY ducting system that exhausts my rooms and let me tell you that if I had 3 volksgardens I could exhaust the lights with 6ft of tubing. If I wanted to cool vertical gardens with central light tubes between multiple vertical growing circles I would have to run multiple tubes from a central manifold for intake and exhaust, or I would have to zig zag the lines up and down in which case my fans would be working insanly hard. But you know that right? Becuase your "hot air rises" is as good as my 400 dollar DIY shitty HVAC system?

Dude, your talking a lot of shit and accusing other people of doing the same, I only claim, because I grow weed and appreciate its features, that it is a good deal. I have backed that up with the reasons I have. I also feel, based on the experience that I have growing that I could make my money back with one of these, thus making it a good investment.

Now please show me a verti grow that compares for 50, hell even 500 dollars.

Edit, half price is 1000 dollars, please show me a vertical growing plan for 1000 dollars for a small space that has the same features.

FLOWERING FASTER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT So dont stress about that factor


Well-Known Member
Why am I the one being told to put up or shut up? I am talking about verified growing methods that are all over the internet, If you are too fucking lazy to browse any sites other then this, you are clearly whats wrong with America today, 0 get up and go, you would rather spend twice the price and get someone to send it to your lazy ass. You put up the 2 grand and show me I am wrong. Not one thing you have said can't be accomplished by a vert system. Go do a grow journal with your awesome 2 grand growing machine LOL.


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this has dawned on you yet, but you are the one out on the limb spouting speculation as fact and telling me and 1000's of others to prove it.
All i asked for in the beginning was to have my foot put in my mouth, not one of you have posted anything solid to prove anything to anyone, yet you keep arguing and calling me dumb. I just don't get it.


Well-Known Member
this is the mentality that keeps people from posting things on sites like this, and there is no moderating to be seen. you have no idea what you are talking about so you just get louder and keep repeating yourself. more of the GWB school of communication.
Um because, I advocate DiY over sending 2 grand to some greedy fucks exploiting people who either can't physically build a system for themselves from a physical disability or lack the knowledge to inform themselves that this is indeed way overpriced for what you get. Now if you can show me that the plants grow faster, more then willing to admit I am wrong about the spinning. But until i see pics and grow logs, It's all bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I wonder why I didn't click view all posts earlier on you omega farmer. You clearly are more knowledgeable then me with your whole 89 posts, and EVERYONE of them being in a thread where you tell people to get omega gardens and almost everyone tells you, you are full of shit. Lol. Speed if you really want unbiased information don't take it from this guy please at least get yourself some more information. My guess of troll stands confirmed.


Well-Known Member
from this guy please at least get yourself some more information. My guess of troll stands confirmed.
I take very little from omega, just his stuff about nute levels and plumbing.

All the rest I take from company docs and high times articles. None of my claims are based explicitly on omega.

NOW SHOW ME A VERT GROW THAT BEATS THE OMEGA GARDEN, Hell even give me a concept. Instead of telling people they dont know what they are talking about its very very satisfying to EDUCATE those ignorant people, its better then arguing forever.

End the argument, show us a simple vert system with the same basic effectiveness of a volksgarden.


Well-Known Member
i dont think i have told anyone to buy anything. rotational growing is the only thing that i am interested in, the rest is hmmmm how would you say it.....oh ya FLAT LAND and its not worth my time


Well-Known Member
Speed man I could build this fucking omega garden for under 1grand bro. Start with Thick black PVC style drainage Cut to length based on how many sites you want, then slice out each site for the plants clearly all of this has to be done on angles so the plants will sit properly in the cylinder facing the light directly, they also need to be below the edge of the pipe as in sticking out so they can dip into the res as they rotate by. now you build a res for them to dip into it's going to need curved sides as it's a tube and has to sit down in the medium. put a couple air stones in the rez solution with a nice 100 GPH pump. I haven't spent more then 150 bucks so far. Then you need to add metal reinforcement to both ends of the pipe, on one end you are going to mount a motor, I don't know exactly how much the cylinder would weigh but at this point you would figure it's mass and then figure out how much torque the proposed motor would output, I figure the thing would weight less then 150 pounds pretty easily. I don;t know a lot about motors, But I am sure for less then 400 bucks you could get one powerful enough to turn this thing, you would have to use a different gear ratio to get the rpm's where you want. Do you want me to tell you how to put lights in it too?
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