Omega Garde...I want one

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Well-Known Member
I didn't realize I had to do write ups to prove a point that should be commonly understood, If you DiY it's going to cost ALOT less. Speed just go spend your money.


Well-Known Member
Solomon, now you are simply guessing numbers and fabricating obscure concepts. I did not ask to make a rotational garden, I asked you to explain how to make a vertical garden that holds a large number of plants in a small square footage that approximates the efficiency of a volksgarden. Your the one arguing that its pointless, so give us the design, educate us on WHY it is so pointless. Simplify it for me but retain its benefits.

By the way. Ganjagodess has DIYd two of these at a cost of around 2500 dollars a piece. This dosnt count the labor (which he says was intensive) or the wasted time and materials from trial and erroring your way through this build.

Your description was also simplistic, but "do you want me to tell you how to put in the light" makes me mad. I think my documented experience puts me beyond those kinds of jabs.


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't have to be explaining the simple concept of vertical growing to you then , and I am confused how you think that putting them in that machine somehow makes it more efficient then putting them on any other cylindrical vert method. Can you at least help me understand that point. One of the most simple Cylindrical grow methods can be done by simple putting pots around chicken wire that has a lights in the middle of it, you then Scrog the plants into the chicken wire, and prune to keep them short and just flower once the screen is 1/2 full. Is that better? simple? Same efficiency as that 2500 dollar machine for 15 bucks. and some man hour reworking your garden.


Well-Known Member
Not portable, which to a apartment grower or someone who needs to move a crop without destroying it might be worth the price alone.


Well-Known Member
w/e man, first it was efficiency now it's being able to move it around, gimme a fucking break go spend your 2 grand and make sure to come back with a grow journal so i can beat your yields simply scroging.


Well-Known Member
Solomon, shut the fuck up, dear god. You're the most hypocritical troll I have seen. Yes I called you a troll. Omega was simply spreading word of a system that works great, yet you turned it into a pre-school slap fight. I say pre-school slap fight, yet omega retains his maturity, and respect, while meanwhile, everyone thinks you're an immature 17 year old. I'll start off with this, showing almost half of this threads posts are from yours truly.

First of all, improve your diction. Your punctation and grammar are that of a 10 year old. Secondly, improve your maturity level. I already know you're gonna reply with a long post with no periods, but full of insults. Third, take a step back, and look at what you've been saying. You've basically been arguing against laws of physics, and mother nature herself.

You sit there and say you could match the system for 50 bucks, yet you feel you don't have to prove anything. Since omega actually has experience, YOU are the one on the plank, having to prove to us that you can beat the gardens efficiency. (BTW, you'd spend that 50 bucks on a 150W HID) The reason I bolded efficiency was because that's what everyone is arguing about here, efficiency. And it's not as simple as watts per gram, or yield per square foot. It's all of them, factored into 1. And before you tell me to "do the math", I hope you understand what a formula is, and what variables are.

The reasons the Omega is great.

Even IF you had the same exact budget, trying to match the yield per sq. foot, you would bankrupt yourself on having to have a sea of HID's. Not only would it require a room the size of a living room; the cost of ventilating that room, as well as monitoring the temps and humidity would be more than triple the cost of what it would take to maintain the Garden, which provides self-sufficient aeration anyways. The light distribution is close to perfect; So even if we gave you double the money, you'd still be struggling to try to come in at even half the watts per gram -- and that's assuming you had some sort of efficient way to reflect your sea of lights. So it seems as if even if we gave you triple the money, you'd have a full-time job trying to even come close to the same yield. You notice I have you beat, and I didn't even start to go into the increased growth due to the rotation.

Also, you've been sayin vertical grow, but what you mean is horizontal. Yes, the plant grows vertically, but the whole set up is horizontal.

That's vertical gardening.

Please, do us all a favor, if you can't fully read and comprehend my post, and reply maturely, just don't even bother.


Well-Known Member
you offered 0 to this thread other then to talk more shit, you are just as bad a troll. So I fail to see where anything you say really matters?


Well-Known Member
What the fuck are you talking about? It's not like I have one of these things, you just find it hilarious to argue with the facts of nature, and try to make people mad.

You look like an idiot. The whole forum is watching.

I offered more in that 1 post that you've offered in your entirety here. Actually read it and you'd realize that. I'm done feeding your troll kid bullshit.


Well-Known Member
The fact you said you could match that system using a horizontal space, for less than half the cost...


Well-Known Member
I guarantee I can match anyone growing with that 2k unit that thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread. Cause it's not for 2grand you don't get anything to do the actual growing, no light, no ventilation, nothing other then a spinning vertical cage turned sideways. Which as said many times in my previous posts, we have 0 proof that the rotation effect actually effect the flowering cycle of pot plants. Waste of time thread.


Well-Known Member
Fuck, this thread is tiresome. I don't know why we can't agree to disagree without resorting to flaming. Why not let the reader decide?

I get that some people are skeptics, but trashing others that are willing to give a new system a try, or trashing someone that doesn't buy the hype isn't going to further either side of the arguement.


Well-Known Member
No, I knock people who come on these forums and spout shit without proof, that omegagardener guy is only posting in threads about this thing and is just pushing it like a seller. I am sorry he has offered 0 to make this a good growing system. He posted one pic off the internet he found, woopty doo.
I may have overreacted to him, but he is clearly a troll, I called him it. he called me a moron, thats just the way it is. As said previously I would love someone to come put my foot in my mouth, but you haven't done it yet and I have this itching feeling you can't


Well-Known Member
If he was willing to give it a try, DO IT and post the info once you have done it, don't come on here saying it's the shit with no proof, end of story.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
LOL..... For anyone not up to speed on this thread.... here's a picture of where we are at in the discussion....:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
I am not going to let this person convince 1 innocent person on the web to waste 2 grand on that thing. This one is for you florida girl.


Well-Known Member
No, I knock people who come on these forums and spout shit without proof, that omegagardener guy is only posting in threads about this thing and is just pushing it like a seller. I am sorry he has offered 0 to make this a good growing system. He posted one pic off the internet he found, woopty doo.
I may have overreacted to him, but he is clearly a troll, I called him it. he called me a moron, thats just the way it is. As said previously I would love someone to come put my foot in my mouth, but you haven't done it yet and I have this itching feeling you can't
Since you're so convinced that your arguement is infallible then I don't suppose you'll need to post anymore in this thread. Somehow I think you will, though. You have been doing a fair bit of trolling of yourself, sir, whether you choose to admit it or not.
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