Hey omegafarmer, threads on rotary gardens always catch my attention and I would just like to thank you the information that you have shared.
Anyways, I'm currently studying for a bachelor's in engineering, and from a mathematical standpoint, all the numbers add up in favor of rotary gardens in terms of efficiency regarding space and wattage. I'm glad someone is finally taking the time to thoroughly explain why they are so much better then any other type of gardening. Can't wait to see your demo grow, I'm sure that will open some eyes!
But seeing that you have experience in using the omega and volksgarden I was wondering if your could answer a few questions that i have.
You say that when the garden is dialed in, that 4+ lbs are attainable with only a 600w hortilux. What do you think about using 2 400w CMH bulbs? Do you think that they would be able to produce the same yield/quality buds or even better?
Also, what about the idea of having a rotating screen that is synchronized to the rotation of the volks? I know the screen just adds another moving part that could lead to disaster, but if it is done correctly it would lead to ridiculous yeilds!!
Any answer to these questions is greatly appreciated.