Omega Garden

Can I have a stealth one that uses a 250hps? That's pretty nice right there.

Omegafarmer <--What he did

you can use whatever lighting you want provided it will fit into the 6 inch diameter glass cool-tube lighting fixture that comes with the unit.
Omegafarmer: Can you tell me what strain you're using, which Omega model and wattage, and average total yield? I see 3-5 pounds from the volks, but no real specifics. (Gram/Watt average would be a great start) I'm really considering getting one, bud I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into. Thanks.
Omegafarmer: Can you tell me what strain you're using, which Omega model and wattage, and average total yield? I see 3-5 pounds from the volks, but no real specifics. (Gram/Watt average would be a great start) I'm really considering getting one, bud I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into. Thanks.

well i was saving the specifics till i was ready to do a demo grow for the forums.

the latest ones have been king lewy and nebula, but NY diesel, champagne, and strawberry cough have worked well. the king is not usually the fave as far as my personal meds but it works way better after its been grown in the wheel believe it or not. something going on in the rotation that makes it more functional. feel like homer describing the flaming homer drink "i don't know the scientific explanation for it but fire made it good"

600 watt lamps are my lamps of choice with hortalux bulbs. 1000 watters if you have em you might as well use em but i never have seen the extra 400 watts worth of yield over the 600s.

have done 4.78 lbs in 6 weeks in one volks with a 600 watt thats 3.62 grams per watt through in about 65 watts for the rotation motor and another few watts for the inline fan for the cool-tube but you really don't usually count the peripherals when doing g per watt calcs.

now i have done many turns in several different wheels so dont expect to get this king of yield right off the bat but you can easily do 1/2 that in the first go round if you have the soldgers ready to go and they are not bugged and you can pay a bit of attention.

even if you f**k up your first go round you are likely to yield more per watt then your best flat land grows and you will be on your way to a place that few men have gone before. there really is no system out there that can touch the wheel once you got it dialed in and its not that hard.

people/humans get stuck in patterns. you know why train tracks are the width they are? it's the distance between the asses of two roman horses, true story.
Thank You. I may be changing my name to "omegafarmer V2.0". I'm setting up a grow and was considering using 2 of the Volksgardens with 1000W lamps. I have a few more questions:
Do the plants finish sooner since they are only developing the single cola?
Can you pull out an individual plant if it develops problems? Does the setup allow for easy access to every plant?
I saw a Omega grow log that was destroyed by water dripping from the rockwool onto the nugs, causing mold. Is this a common problem or indicitive of overwatering/filling the res too high?
What you're saying is that an experienced grower with the time to monitor this system can easily produce over 1 GPW on their first Omega grow? Seriously?

On a seperate subject:
I've been lucky enough to be hired to grow for a medical co-op so marijuana is no longer my hobby, it's my career. Any idea how much I should be getting paid for this? Flat % of harvest? Salary? Anyone have any experience with this?
Thank You. I may be changing my name to "omegafarmer V2.0". I'm setting up a grow and was considering using 2 of the Volksgardens with 1000W lamps. I have a few more questions:
Do the plants finish sooner since they are only developing the single cola?
Can you pull out an individual plant if it develops problems? Does the setup allow for easy access to every plant?
I saw a Omega grow log that was destroyed by water dripping from the rockwool onto the nugs, causing mold. Is this a common problem or indicitive of overwatering/filling the res too high?
What you're saying is that an experienced grower with the time to monitor this system can easily produce over 1 GPW on their first Omega grow? Seriously?

On a seperate subject:
I've been lucky enough to be hired to grow for a medical co-op so marijuana is no longer my hobby, it's my career. Any idea how much I should be getting paid for this? Flat % of harvest? Salary? Anyone have any experience with this?
they finish faster for two reasons, one that you are only growing a single cola and also the rotation is flushing the whole plant with growth hormones each rotation in an attempt to right itself to the pull of gravity.

you G/watt ratio will be better using a 600 watt lamp but yes if i where a betting man given the parameters you described i think it ought to be easy to hit 1 per 1 the first time out.

I believe I know the posting you are talking about and if you read the whole posting it seems obvious that the grower was watering constantly against the advice of the other posters claiming to have experience and also advice from the omega garden website. I think that person may have had an agenda. wasn't he going to go to a coliseum or something after that. he seemed to be purposefully sabotaging his show.

If you grow for a co-op using the volksgarden go for a %, if you grow in flat land maybe a flat rate. just my 2 cents, adjusted for inflation hmmmm never mind lol
I'm looking at two VGs with 48 plants in each, which keeps me under the magic number. I'll keep the mothers and clones in a seperate location (I'll do it myself so I can work out the right timing/height when clones go into system)
Basic info:
2x 1000W VG, Experienced grower (not saying I'm great, I just won't fall into any "first timer" mistakes), CO2, and Strict Monitoring of PPM, PH, CO2 Levels, Air Temps. Basically this is now my career and the ladies will have my undivided attention.

How well will the plants fill the empty space if I only use 48 in each? Will I lose significant weight by using less plants?
I'm looking at two VGs with 48 plants in each, which keeps me under the magic number. I'll keep the mothers and clones in a seperate location (I'll do it myself so I can work out the right timing/height when clones go into system)
Basic info:
2x 1000W VG, Experienced grower (not saying I'm great, I just won't fall into any "first timer" mistakes), CO2, and Strict Monitoring of PPM, PH, CO2 Levels, Air Temps. Basically this is now my career and the ladies will have my undivided attention.

How well will the plants fill the empty space if I only use 48 in each? Will I lose significant weight by using less plants?

I think 48 is a good number. looking after the moms/clones is the best, cause others will tell you any f**king thing and that will mess you up, plus getting the numbers you need when you need em is critical to max out production, or else you are at the mercy of....??????

Sounds you are an able contender. PH can fluctuate over a 24 hr period so checking at the same time every day is key or else you can be messing with that too much. The other thing is not to overwater, so just get into the habit of checking a cubes weight by releasing it from the wheel by an inch just so that you can tell that it has some weight to it or else you are trusting it all to a pump and/or timer that are made in china and only worth 10 bucks. a rockwool cube that size holds about 6 onces of water and the difference between that and an empty one is very evident.

It will depend some on how your plant reacts to the rotation as for filling up the wheel the best, but i dont think you you are likely to be sacrificing any yield by running 48 in each. It may be that 48 is more productive then 80, hard to say till you go a run or two. higher numbers only mean higher yields to a point then there is a point when you start getting diminishing returns.
well i was saving the specifics till i was ready to do a demo grow for the forums.

the latest ones have been king lewy and nebula, but NY diesel, champagne, and strawberry cough have worked well. the king is not usually the fave as far as my personal meds but it works way better after its been grown in the wheel believe it or not. something going on in the rotation that makes it more functional. feel like homer describing the flaming homer drink "i don't know the scientific explanation for it but fire made it good"

600 watt lamps are my lamps of choice with hortalux bulbs. 1000 watters if you have em you might as well use em but i never have seen the extra 400 watts worth of yield over the 600s.

have done 4.78 lbs in 6 weeks in one volks with a 600 watt thats 3.62 grams per watt through in about 65 watts for the rotation motor and another few watts for the inline fan for the cool-tube but you really don't usually count the peripherals when doing g per watt calcs.

now i have done many turns in several different wheels so dont expect to get this king of yield right off the bat but you can easily do 1/2 that in the first go round if you have the soldgers ready to go and they are not bugged and you can pay a bit of attention.

even if you f**k up your first go round you are likely to yield more per watt then your best flat land grows and you will be on your way to a place that few men have gone before. there really is no system out there that can touch the wheel once you got it dialed in and its not that hard.

people/humans get stuck in patterns. you know why train tracks are the width they are? it's the distance between the asses of two roman horses, true story.

Hey omegafarmer, threads on rotary gardens always catch my attention and I would just like to thank you the information that you have shared.

Anyways, I'm currently studying for a bachelor's in engineering, and from a mathematical standpoint, all the numbers add up in favor of rotary gardens in terms of efficiency regarding space and wattage. I'm glad someone is finally taking the time to thoroughly explain why they are so much better then any other type of gardening. Can't wait to see your demo grow, I'm sure that will open some eyes!
But seeing that you have experience in using the omega and volksgarden I was wondering if your could answer a few questions that i have.

You say that when the garden is dialed in, that 4+ lbs are attainable with only a 600w hortilux. What do you think about using 2 400w CMH bulbs? Do you think that they would be able to produce the same yield/quality buds or even better?

Also, what about the idea of having a rotating screen that is synchronized to the rotation of the volks? I know the screen just adds another moving part that could lead to disaster, but if it is done correctly it would lead to ridiculous yeilds!!

Any answer to these questions is greatly appreciated.

Cinderella 99, 4 weeks into flowering. I started her at about 6", looks like she'll finish under 12". I think I've got a candidate for my first Volksgrow.
Someone sent me a PM but when i tried to respond it wouldn't work so I will post it here with the name removed and hope that the person gets the info

[hey there.. I've been wanting to try the omega since I heard of its existence.. and when I saw your post on the omega it kinda made my mind up on the matter, so I was wondering if you could maybe feed me with some tips on omega growing? any help would be grately appreciated! so here I go:
when do you put the clones in the omega? when you do do you go straight to flowering? how many times to you feed them in the omega? do you use mh also or strictly hps?

about the biggest model, do you think 2* 1000w would be to much? and the last question, in your opinion would a slight increase of 4-7 inches in diameter help yield wise giving the plants more height and then maybe putting in 2 * 1000w ?

sorry for the intrusion.. thanks in advance[/quote]

as soon as you see roots coming out the bottom of the medium then you can put them in the system. when to go into flower depends on how the plant reacts to the system, some can go strait to flower and some can take 10 days or longer. there are some products on the market that will change the plants immediately to flowering without any more vegative growth and that takes all the guess work out of it so i suggest you go that route.

only feed/water once a day and only to a depth of 1/4 inch deep on the root cube. if you water constantly you will likely create root and dripping issues. there is no need what so ever to water constantly.

I use hortalux 600s and i used to use 1000s but the 1000s are a pain IMO. I think the 4 foot is perfect, I have seen larger ones operate and was not impressed.

for my $$$ the volksgarden is better then the larger units for overall handling, price, and the ability to move it fast if you have to. you can move it through a door way assembled and full of plants and if you ever need to do it then it can mean all the difference in the world.
Hey omegafarmer, threads on rotary gardens always catch my attention and I would just like to thank you the information that you have shared.

Anyways, I'm currently studying for a bachelor's in engineering, and from a mathematical standpoint, all the numbers add up in favor of rotary gardens in terms of efficiency regarding space and wattage. I'm glad someone is finally taking the time to thoroughly explain why they are so much better then any other type of gardening. Can't wait to see your demo grow, I'm sure that will open some eyes!
But seeing that you have experience in using the omega and volksgarden I was wondering if your could answer a few questions that i have.

You say that when the garden is dialed in, that 4+ lbs are attainable with only a 600w hortilux. What do you think about using 2 400w CMH bulbs? Do you think that they would be able to produce the same yield/quality buds or even better?

Also, what about the idea of having a rotating screen that is synchronized to the rotation of the volks? I know the screen just adds another moving part that could lead to disaster, but if it is done correctly it would lead to ridiculous yeilds!!

Any answer to these questions is greatly appreciated.

not too sure about the 2 x 400s but if you have them then you might as well try em out to see what you get rather then buying a new 600 watt lamp if that is why you are asking.

not sure i understand the question about the screen, is it to mount on the ends to reflect light back into the garden? is it to do a screen of green thing? pls explain
I was wondering if you have a sense of the kwh electrical use is for a 10001 with 2 600w sunmaster ballast, the fans, motor, pump, vortex/filter, dehumidifier, etc. Rather than factoring all the different parts, I think its easier to ask someone with a similar setup- Thanks
model 10001 has a rating of 11.5 amps of 110 volt at just under 1300 watts and that includes the built in fans, motor, and pump. the other stuff is variable size/wattage
Hello, first sorry for my english ....

Im thinking about to buy a Gi grow,a bonzai, a volk or a omega garden 10001 ... But i have to make a choice

first, Do you work for omega garden ?

Then, you wrote before that you had 4.8lbs with a VG ... with how many plants ?
I would like to run a VG with nothern light strain. what do you think ?
Could you send me pics of this VG running please ?
i don't see anything wrong with your English maybe i should be the one apologizing.

if you do some research you will find out that the bonsai wheel doesn't stay truly round over time so that will slap you upside the head and the gigrow is very flimsy and the watering part of it is problematic. gigrow also has a poor drive mechanism.

try looking for used systems if you want to see how they stand up over time that way you save money and get educated about the quality variances between systems.

I do not work for omega

I do not have any experience with that specific plant sorry

that was with 50 plants.

I tried posting pictures here but the system rejected them for whatever reason and it turns out I am not nerdy enough to make it work out.