OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble


Well-Known Member
So the first thing they do to you in jail if your going to be someones bitch and trust me you will be, is knock out your front teeth, no one like teeth drag not even in jail, but look at the bright side you will be the best CS around. Now go out in the woods and find the biggest stick and bring it back to me so I can hit you with it.

Couple life rules for you

1 Never hit a woman, everyone frowns on it. Ya we all have or would like to bu8t Jail or having to hear her say "what are you going to do hit me again" NOT WORTH IT. Punch the drywall it's easy to fix and cheap.

2 Never, never, never call a woman a cunt, she will always remember and hate you for it. The only exception to this rule is as soon as the Judge say's your divorced you can call her a cunt as she has all your stuff anyway so can't take any more from you.

3 If you do hit a woman make sure it is her ass and shes down with it.



Well-Known Member
Ok here's the into a fight with my fat ass girl friend...the fucking whale got mad and broke the neck of one of my g.d.p... I got mad and told her how would she felt if some on broke her neck ( stupid cunt so fat she has no neck)... so I slapped the bitch. She cried and stormed out the house yelling that she's gonna call the cops n tell them what i"m doing...(only have two 2 inchers growing at the moment) she said she will make sure I get busted n get butt raped in this whale is crazy....should I scratch my grow? How much time am I looking at for two plants...n is it true that m.j growers r the first to get butt violated in the big house?
na dude fuck that fat bitch, u get butt rapped first in jail if u a child molester or if u raped a little girl or boy. now if u dont live in a state where mj is legalized then u will go to jail. u can hide the plants at yo boys house or sumthing