^^^^ nice the way you took parts out of the quote to make to say something completely different? Why ? because you have no arguement and can't make a point without personal insults.
A little lacking in the sarcasm detection department now, aintcha kiddo?
Too damn funny!
For the record...My statement was intended to be sarcastic as I don't believe we should be in Afghanistan. Additionally, the candidate who said that he wants to move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan is none other than your man.
^^^^ nice the way you took parts out of the quote to make to say something completely different? Why ? because you have no arguement and can't make a point without personal insults.
The two (2) party system sucks and so do the candidates. Sorry, I would love to love one of them but I seem to find a hair ball in my throat when hearing what they have to offer. Just more lies.