On Bagseed, and Snobs


Well-Known Member
hey now buddy i didnt call any immature names. relax a little, ok? and post count only makes me a noob on this website, in real life, where i actually live and spend my time, i am definitely not a noob.
Why you acting like your opinion is so important , like a milk or hall monitor school prefect douche bag kind of way
we already have uncle ben for that, cut it out


Well-Known Member
are we comparing the same strain but different plants seeded? clones from the same plant seeded? or two different strains seeded?

of course there are variances on all of this.
Weed with seeds can be stronger than the same weed without seeds. It has something to do with the seed production boosting the thc, blah blah blah, it is not worth arguing over

point is, seeded weed is not necessarily crap
and genetics are everything

and we are probably being trolled


just becasue a plant makes seeds does not mean its going to be less potent, there is no scientfiic evidence supported seed production lowers thc, and if there is, i would enjoy reading it, im not saying its untrue but as of now i have not seen any real evidence supporting this fact, just more bullshit from forums that have been beleived and repeated over and over and over again....just cus lots of people say it does not make it true. goodluck


New Member
I grew some great bag seed and some not so great throughout many years , it was always fun until tropical sativa plants took over my home . At this point in time 20 years later I doubt I would grow any random finds .

Was the seed verse no seed potency myth established simply due to trichome deterioration from the extensive cleaning ? Many smokers know about the seed and tray slide and shuffle , half of the thc is destroyed most times not when heavy seed removal is necessary .


Active Member
Weed with seeds can be stronger than the same weed without seeds. It has something to do with the seed production boosting the thc, blah blah blah, it is not worth arguing over

point is, seeded weed is not necessarily crap
and genetics are everything

and we are probably being trolled
Not arguing with you at all Trousers, was honestly curious what you meant, and I thank you for clarifying.


Have fun growing your bag seed. I'll stick to my GageGreenGenetics, Sin City, TGA, Serious, THSeeds, MTG, G13, Mr. Nice, BOG, etc. Why waste your time on a roll of the dice? I don't want to bust my ass growing something that might be good. I want to hedge my bets on growing something that may be great.
i second this


Well-Known Member
OP good genetics make all the difference. have you ever grown different strains from different breeders vs. bagseed? I HAVE. and i can tell you with 100% certainty that genetics are extremely important, probably the most important. everything after sprouting is just giving the best environment to get the most out of genetics.

what you are really saying here is that someone who has dwarfism can be as good as a basketball player as michael jordan, and that is just ignorant. its the same concept when you are talking random genetics, plant or animal.

have you ever take a plant genetics course?
Have used that analogy tons of times-- yeah, you can basically grow nice dank weed from anything, but genetics absolutely play a role. You won't find a midget in the NFL.

On a side note, people mistakenly consider "bag seed" synonymous with "bad genetics". I think that's the point the o.p. is making-- all plants everywhere pass on good and bad genes, not just the plants that wind up under a breeders care. Some plants are just never given the chance.

On another side note, some of my best plants are from seed from a mid grower who has been sifting through his genetics for years now, keeping the keeper's and culling the bullshit. One of the seeds he gave me has outperformed my four seeds from attitude. Anyone can look at the plant and say it will probably be my best one this harvest.

Another side note, I'm pretty sure one of my bag seed is a sativa. I was super stoked at first, but now I'm not looking forward to the long flower..


Active Member
Honestly, I can't really tell if the OP is pro bagseed or anti bagseed. He seems to argue both sides..maybe I'm not high enough to comprehend. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Saying that someone looks like an idiot. Because they have a different opinion than you immedietlt makes me think gee maybe this isnt the most well spoken person in the world, having said that im not trying to call you out just saying choose your words a bit more carefullty in the future. Genetics is not a small part of the equation by any means my friend imagine trying to grow a plant ofrom bagseed pollinated by some industrial hemp pollen (the kind of hemp produced pretty much everywhere but the u.s) wether the female plant was big bud or mexican shwagg chances are someone growing a good hyvrid like those made by tga and mr. Nice seeds. Is going to grow circles around you in potency/taste/smell/ and uniformity even if they werent a very good grower. Think about if you were growing for commercial production are you picking the low yielding connoiseut strains? Or the high yielding. Doo doo strains everyone else grows? Thats my slant on bagseed, im sure everyone else whp chimes in after will fill in what i missed lol


Active Member
all marijuana strain came from a seeded bag of pot plane and simple, the best seed companies in the world take local strains from Africa, Jamaica st Vincent, Trinidad , Himalayas, southeast Asia, and Russia if they wanting some autos, and they either keep them after they see what its like seedless, or the breed it with there strains. u can get good genes from seed, but u wont know what. and if u have a 16 week strain big deal, id grow that strain in a heart beat. a interesting thing happens to long flowering plants, just look at neviells haze, it can basically flower indefinitely.


Active Member
i think hate toward bagseed mainly comes from the fact we hav to waste our time seeing what the seed actually is....not only do u waste a month seeing if its a fem, you then hav to worry about it being hermie! but bagseed in general is only a variant of the plant it came from! so obviously it can b good, its all bagseed at the roots of the genetics anyway. all a manufacturer does is save us time.....and for a few quid its definately worth it.


ive seen plenty midgets in the nfl and nba shit look mugsy the 5 foot nba star maybe 4 foot i cant remember but he was way shorter than my woman lol its how you grow and train the damn thing.


and who is to say that seed companies are sending what you want =- i know people that worked at nirvana its not always what you ask for it could a bagseed wih some made up name just like most of them smh but everyone knows everything lol bag seeds or not give that bitch some love and shell love you back.


Well-Known Member
I hate when people generalize "bagseed" like it's one particular strain or something... Bagseed can be the best thing you've ever smoked or it can be complete crap. There's NO way of knowing what you're going to get, so there's no way to make any kind of assumption.

Everyone knows that growing and curing techniques make or break a harvest... but if you're starting with bad genetics, your final product may LOOK great, smell great, taste great, whatever, and not get you stoned. I've bought a lot of bud like this, and sure, it's better than it would have been otherwise, but that's what differentiates schwag from mids from beasters etc. But you're not going to get seriously dank shit out of some seeds you found in your schwag, no matter how much tender loving care you give her.

If the genetics aren't there, you can only squeeze so much out of her.


Well-Known Member
ive seen plenty midgets in the nfl and nba shit look mugsy the 5 foot nba star maybe 4 foot i cant remember but he was way shorter than my woman lol its how you grow and train the damn thing.
Mugsy could also dunk @ 5'2". Tell me that doesn't have anything to do with his genetics.


Active Member
Shut up about bagseed not being good. You look like an idiot.

If your pot has seeds in it, you can bet that even if it is super good, it's WAY better without seeds.

You can grow the best kind nuggets from some the crappiest mostly-seed dirt weed in the world.

Genetics play some role, but for the MOST part, if your bag had seeds, it could have been A LOT better. The more seeds, the better it could have been

When a plant is pollinated, it focuses on those seeds, no more good stuff.

So when you get seedy pot that is even half decent ghetto piss IT IS GOOD POT IT JUST GOT POLLINATED.

So keep your seeds, grow those seeds, don't let them get pollinated, and stop giving people 10 dollars to 100 dollars a pop for something that you can get 20 of down the corner in a nickel bag.

The quality of pot is less about genetics and more about 1: was it pollinated? and 2: how was the harvest, dry,cure handled?

You can take a seed from the most mexican of mexican garbage and grow top-shelf pot with it if you grow it with more care than they do. You will cure it, clip it, dry it properly (ie, not in piles in the sun... but in a proper place) and cure it properly, and you will use the same exact genetics, and shit all over that commercial shit.

It is how it is handled, dried, cured... fucking catapulted over the border... look - it's more about the grow and the cure and less about the seed. Yea, there are some great breeds out there, but even the best strain in the world would come out garbage grown and handled and harvested the way the commercial retards do it.
I agree, I always start with bag seed. When I first grew 10 years or so ago I used bag seed and produced some fine plants. I cloned them all and took the best producer and made it a mom. I just got back into growing recently and again I started with bag seed. I plan on cloning all of them, labeling them, then saving the best producer as my mom. For personal smoke why waste money and the risk on buying seeds from seed banks? I guess if I was going to grow for selling and wanted a specific breed I could see it, but for your average smoker bag seed is fine.

no clue

Well-Known Member
No question bagseed can produce great pot. For me, I am trying to grow something special. It is much of the reason I grow. With good genetics from a reputable source my chances of growing something special are improved IMO.