On the road again, with some TGA!


Well-Known Member
So I haven't had a grow going in a while, never finished off the last journal I started because of ninja like pollen sacs that while they did not get on everything they still did damage. I hate starting new journals because it feels like forever before any action actually happens, so I waited til I was a bout two weeks in to start this. I decided to put the femmies away for a lil bit and start some regular Space Bomb by TGA. I have 3 more packs of TGA seeds I am doing soon (Qrazy Train, Apollo 13 BX, and Chernobyl, gonna all hopefully be done in Super soil) but wanted to get started on some now and do a test run.
The test/variable I am trying this time around will be the taste difference of organic Super soil against the Fox Farm nutes I have now (found out today I won CannaTalk's puzzle contest and am getting a free liter of both Canna Terra& vega so we will see what the future holds...) and see if there really is a difference because never before in my life have I been able to say I have tasted the same strain grown under those different conditions. They were sprouted in rapid rooters, in a humidity dome (don't freak I just use it til they germ) under my 200w LED panel at about 80 F 65%RH. Took them all of 72 hours for all 5 to be born, the first one took almost less than 24! So props to subcool, I know he has some haters but atleast his seeds germ'd, now just gotta see my M/F ratio...
I started them on 08/04, this is three days later before I put them in 1 gal. pots of Fox Farms Light Warrior, was only giving them distilled water at this point to keep the rooter moist but not soaked.2013-08-07 06.22.31.jpg
This is what they look like after the transplant, put some myco WP by extreme gardening in 3 of them and so far the difference is minimal, maybe I will see the results when I go to repot them in a week.2013-08-07 19.54.24.jpg
This is about a week later, not really booming growth, sorry bout the LED but the pics were taken on my phone since I don't have a camera, next week I will be putting them under my Inda-gro 420 in my 3x3 tent and out of the closet so just squint for now, I did try to play with the WB and turn on flash this time though2013-08-15 02.58.05.jpg2013-08-15 02.58.24.jpg2013-08-15 02.58.39.jpg2013-08-15 02.58.52.jpg2013-08-15 02.59.37.jpg
This was a pic as of last night, put in a Co2 boost bucket bout 4 days ago, can def see the difference thinking the slow start was due to not enough ventilation to get fresh co2 in there. The light is on 22/2, will start working the way down to 18/6 by the first week of september. Unfortunately I did not plan for how little nutrition was in Light warrior soil so 2 of them started cannibalizing their cotyledons pretty early, started giving em big bloom and lil bit of grow big and now all is well. Pretty sure it was P def because they are busy trying to make roots right now, can be hard to see def. under led sometimes...2013-08-21 04.25.23.jpg
Well hope you like what you see up until now but I don't entirely care since it has only just begun and the fun starts soon! Gonna plan on giving them their first topping next week before I transplant. Don't think I mentioned it till now but I am aiming for something in the realm of mainlining but its still new to me.
Quick update, I have the 3x3 set up (note to anyone who uses silver edition tents, those plastic peices in the end of the poles are important!), kinda had a mishap with some exposed pole ends and the tent got a lil rip cuz it is a tight squeeze over the frame... oh well its not a gaping hole. Almost have it setup with the 420 in there and my exhaust system setup except for ducting, so the next update will be of them in their new home!
I topped them two days ago, earliest I have ever done it but if I'm gonna try to mainline you gotta get on this shit early. Pics in the next update
Thanks P, hope your competition gals are looking good. Ya, I am kind of in a dilemma with the canna stuff though, pretty sure was the bastards plan, kinda want to get their whole line to do it proper and all, but their boost and rhizo aren't cheap.... All the same Im glad I won the puzzle contest lol. The lil ones have recovered very well for their first topping. Will put up some pics when I wake up, work the night shift.
What brand led are you using. I'm a big led fan and I'm currently using a pro grow 260 but I'm hoping to expand soon.
Honestly don't know the name on any of my panels, the shops I have bought from always seem to carry some off brand (made in china) but when I bough them I was new to growing and did not wanna throw half a g on a name brand for nothing, these lights are 2 years old so like 3 gen of led advancements ago lol. Spectrums used now are way different than what I am using anyway, but I have always liked the way led's keep the internode space tight.
Real update time
So first thing I have learned about this strain is that Space Bomb likes her food! I have not feed this often this early and still had signs of def. like this before, usuallly I wait a good amount of time before starting the feeding regimen, haven't been killing em with the nutes but they obviously need some more p is my guess cuz they got red petioles hard... makes sense in a way since the TGA description of this strain says gigantic root ball, literally so its just making crazy amounts of roots before it starts the shoots!
Took the pics in numerical order and will try to start doing this from hear on out.
Space Bomb#1
2013-08-24 02.52.40.jpg2013-08-29 18.53.35.jpg
Space Bomb #2
2013-08-24 02.52.59.jpg2013-08-29 18.54.04.jpg
Space Bomb #3
2013-08-24 02.53.14.jpg2013-08-29 18.54.25.jpg
Space Bomb #4
2013-08-24 02.53.55.jpg2013-08-30 02.30.53.jpg
Space Bomb #5
2013-08-24 02.54.16.jpg2013-08-29 18.55.35.jpg
and one more shot of them in their new arrangement, gonna transplant on sunday or saturday, gotta see when I have to work will be going under the 420 when I transplant though. Canna terra+vega showed up in he mail today, came with some free shirts too so that was nice, next update in a couple days 2013-08-29 18.57.59.jpg
Popped em into the 5 gal. containers last night, seem to be digging it even though I really botched this transplant (f'ing soil kept falling apart in my hands while I was transplanting) long story short don't fix what ain't broken! I'll have a lil more room to get my big ass hands in there next time when I upsize to 7 gal. pots for the super soil run, just gotta find some 7's I like, I like a taller than wider pot and that seems to be hard to find in a 7 gallon size....
Topped them for the second time to try and keep with the idea of mainlining, all have responded well except for in the parts where I knicked their lil leaves on a few the first time around:roll:. The top dressing seemed to help but they still got some red petioles, no more leaf discoloration though so I am still winning the battle lol. They are now under the IG 420 so you will get to see them in real light when I post the update of them getting bent and tied down on Thursday. Side note I had my exhaust hooked up backwards for the first hour the tent was going lol, need to stop smoking and just get the garden work done. Have a sneaking suspicion SB#5 is a dude, only cus of the early vigor over all the others but my fingers are still crossed.
Happy toking n growing everybody.:joint:
Here is the first update of them under the Inda-gro, temps got a lil higher than the gals liked so they had a small amount of necrosis on some leaves. wasn't outrageous just don't think they like even a lil heat. Got the exhaust going 24/7 on the lowest setting, and my tower fan for circulation is always running now too. Definitely thinking the biggest of the group is a boy, definitely some extra vigor in #5 (the suspect). They seem to have rebounded well from their last transplant and I am gonna top one more time to get an 8 cola manifold and try pre-topping the clones to get them started for mainlining, was gonna tie them down to the pot but I tried and it didn't work out like I want so I am just gonna stretch em every day to try and get the desired results. On a plus note their stems are so strong that when I tried to supercrop to help the bending, couldn't do it! Started to hurt my fingers lol so I just stopped, and I am no weakling but these things are half bamboo! I also just trimmed my nails real short so didn't have my tool lol.
Anyways time for the pics
The day after the transplant in their new tent
2013-09-03 06.20.35.jpg
Space Bomb #1
2013-09-05 09.51.24.jpg
Space Bomb #2
2013-09-05 09.51.37.jpg
Space Bomb #3
2013-09-05 09.52.23.jpg
Space Bomb #4
2013-09-05 09.52.43.jpg
Space Bomb #5(the suspect)
2013-09-05 09.53.34.jpg
My clone situation got a lil more confusing from the fact that I can not locate my 4x6 tent.... Got the poles but no tent, idk how the fuck I can not find this thing it does not exactly fold up and fit in my pocket..... I also do not have the money to get a new one atm. If this were next month I could prob swing it but I just got some doc bill's my insurance says they don't feel like covering, fml. I am working on a solution which may be a new temporary residence for my clones cuz I am not going to mess my flower cycle up to keep clones, worst case scenario I just scrap the comparison to each strain and just grow the Apollo 13 BX or Chernobyl next, would not mind hearing your guys' suggestion on what I should do next since I have no experience with either of these strains. Keep it green and have a dank day!
Glad to have ya aboard hyroot! Got the clone situation figured out, a buddy of mine is gonna root em for me and I should have my space situation solved by then, if nothing else a closet is a great grow space for lil clones lol.
AAAAGGGGHHHHH!!! Well it appears half of my gals have formed pre-boy parts, I am still in optimistic denial though lol. 2/5 is to be expected I guess when dealing with reg seeds, its just I have been reading a lot of journals of people growing TGA and more often it seems like 4/5 girls instead of the result I got.... Oh well though gotta take your lumps, at least this saved me the trouble of cloning all those bastards, though I could use the experience since I do not exactly have a phd in cloning. 4 full space bombs would have been a lil much in my tiny tent too so I guess the universe worked shit out.
Now to the pics, included shots of the boy parts so you guys can help me through my denial, have not given them the axe yet since they aren't really harming anything by being alive so I have left them for now but before the week is out some will meet their maker....
Group shot 5 days apart
2013-09-08 08.51.20.jpg2013-09-12 01.25.02.jpg
Space Bomb #1 (suspected male)
2013-09-12 01.11.26.jpg2013-09-12 01.12.31.jpg
Space Bomb #2
2013-09-12 01.13.05.jpg
Space Bomb #3 (suspected male)
2013-09-12 01.15.59.jpg2013-09-12 01.17.27.jpg
Space Bomb #4
2013-09-12 01.17.51.jpg
Space Bomb #5(suspected male)
2013-09-12 01.18.14.jpg2013-09-12 01.18.51.jpg
K so feedback on the boy parts is more than welcome, or if you just feel like being a dick and saying I have no idea what I am doing thats cool to. Next update they will be bent over with the clones removed
Ive mainlined them for 8 debating whether i wanna take another week and go for 16! since i know my plant count now i think i got the space to pull it off just dont know whether it would increase my harvest that much, plus rather have eight bigguns than sixteen lils, course done right those lils can be up to a half ounce easy.... hmmm decisions decisions, wish all of lifes questions were like this. to bud or not to bud lol.
Its been a busy week! But here are the pics of the Space Bomb bent over. Took clones on Saturday still waiting for roots, although not expecting much since I am not a cloning whiz. Got like 2 out of 5 first time I tried, idk what my problem is, shit should be easy. Just not my forte I guess, will work on it though. Started some Nirvana Swiss Cheese Fems, gonna do 12/12 from seed since there is a lot of room to be filled in with all the dudes out of the party. Never done a 12/12 from seed so this will be interesting....
The Space Bomb are getting their first night of 12 hours today, added my pfr-pontoon in as well to really spice things up! Just noticed the other day when I took the clones that on this last round of topping I missed a top on SB#2, DOH really need to pay attention lol. Oh well, it will be kind of a mini experiment of whether 8 heads is too many and 4 will do or if 16 would be the way to go. Top dressed both of the space bombs and put a lil myco down on the one before I dressed it.
Space Bomb Group shot, all tied up and shit
2013-09-19 09.14.27.jpg
Space Bomb #2, I included shots of the "mainline manifolds"
2013-09-19 09.14.55.jpg2013-09-19 09.15.23.jpg
Space Bomb #4
2013-09-19 09.16.12.jpg2013-09-19 09.16.28.jpg
Last but not least the start of the Swiss Cheese, first time growing this strain, got a lil tupperware container over them as a sort of dome since my real dome is in use on the clones atm, should work all the same though. Will be picking up a CO2 regulator this weekend, local store has a 20% off sale gotta hit that shit up. Then I am gonna get the tank in a couple weeks, wanna try kinda starving them at the beginning of flower to hopefully reduce stretch, we will see how that goes.
2013-09-19 09.37.41.jpg
Lil update
3/4 clones had visible roots, the one looked like it was trying so Im gonna let her go. One of the Swiss Cheese popped, the other has not done much but I put them both in party cups in some Light warrior. I put 2 of the clones (one of each pheno) in a 2 gal. pot with super soil in the bottom with roots filling the rest, these will go in 7 gal pots with super soil when they need to be transplanted. Then put the other two in 7x7 with half ocean forest half light warrior and those will receive the Canna Terra, still gotta pick up the Rhizo and boost, will get that when I grab my CO2 tank. Got 3 gal of Xtreme gardening tea brewing right now that I am going to give to everything tomorrow afternoon. Have a good weekend RIU and keep it green.:leaf:
EDIT: even littler update the second swiss cheese seed germ'd so thats something, kinda having problems keeping the humidity up on the clones, tried 1 gallon ziplocs as a kind of dome, was hurtin more than helping so I have put my humidifier in there on full blast, hoping that helps. Gave them the tea, foliar'd some of it since nothing is budding yet and figured it would not hurt. I hope.... seen others do the same with good results.