once again...cloning from fan leaf


New Member
The cutting needs a node to grow from, with just a leaf there is no node. You can root a fan leaf but it will not grow
look at post 13
and i think with the application of certain hormones,shoots can develope....i.e. tissue culture


New Member
i tried to attach the pic but it said it was invalid file
i tried to paste it but it didnt show up


Well-Known Member
Do you have a link to this being done on marijuana? That post means nothing. I can graft two trees together but that doesn't mean it would necessarily work on cannabis


New Member
Do you have a link to this being done on marijuana? That post means nothing. I can graft two trees together but that doesn't mean it would necessarily work on cannabis
what?the leaf bud cutting?nope
but i just tried to post a pic


Well-Known Member
also wanted to show this,so basically each leaf can be one clone with no cytokinin hormone
Leaf-Bud Cutting
This type of cutting is made up of a leaf blade, petiole, and a short piece of the stem with an attached bud. Leaf bud cuttings are best of species that are able to create roots but not shoots from cut leaves. This method works best when you have a healthy plant, but have very little cloning material to work with because it maximizes the propagating material.
This is post #13 and I don't see anything related to marijuana


New Member
what does that picture have to do with cloning leaves?
like u said u need to have a place for shoot development.....thats y i said to look at post 13,so u can see where it would develope and what its called...
leaf bud cutting
thats what the pic is...except the shoots have developed slightly....same thing though
it has to do with cloning leaves cuz if it works then each leaf can make 1 clone
so if these pull thru i will try it with leaves from a smaller cutting


Active Member
ya this is that new tissue culturing right? ive heard about this... i read it in the cannabible 3... its called tissue culture... its a very new technique and its a mix between cloning and germinating a seed... u can take a clone only strain like Og kush and what not... and yes they have OG kush seeds now but only feminized ones because they had to sexually reverse a clone of Og kush from female to male... then let it self pollinate, in turn causing higher chances of getting hermaphroditic plants... tissue cultue would allow u to take a small peice of plant tissue in holland or wherever, bring it to wherever, Canada, US, whatever: and u wont have to carry a clone around... Here is a quote from the Cannabible 3 under the article "Tissue culture"..."Artificial seeds (Tissue culture) are plant embryos or tiny growth shoot tips that have been encapsulated in small protective beadlike objects. They look like small marbles and last up to 1 year and could be shipped just like normal seeds today" (jason King 91)... get the cannabibles if u havent already cuz they are fantastic...

It is not quite what ur talking about tho homes... but close enough... its not leaves and what not... im sure u need to know ur botany to be successful

Hippy Girl

ya this is that new tissue culturing right? Ive heard about this... I read it in the cannabible 3... Its called tissue culture... Its a very new technique and its a mix between cloning and germinating a seed... U can take a clone only strain like og kush and what not... And yes they have og kush seeds now but only feminized ones because they had to sexually reverse a clone of og kush from female to male... Then let it self pollinate, in turn causing higher chances of getting hermaphroditic plants... Tissue cultue would allow u to take a small peice of plant tissue in holland or wherever, bring it to wherever, canada, us, whatever: And u wont have to carry a clone around... Here is a quote from the cannabible 3 under the article "tissue culture"..."artificial seeds (tissue culture) are plant embryos or tiny growth shoot tips that have been encapsulated in small protective beadlike objects. They look like small marbles and last up to 1 year and could be shipped just like normal seeds today" (jason king 91)... Get the cannabibles if u havent already cuz they are fantastic...

It is not quite what ur talking about tho homes... But close enough... Its not leaves and what not... Im sure u need to know ur botany to be successful
Fabulous info phatlip.


Active Member
ya its a pretty gnarly concept... no feminized seeds!!!!!! im not a fan of treating a clone only strain like shit to get some seeds... how is it poosible at all to get a great plant out of a father that was treated terribly and with chemicals to reverse sex on an already female clone... the cannabibles are the shit!! and if u like the cerebral high of satias over the narcotic stone of indicas, as i do, then his reveiews of the couple hundred strains king he smoked and reviewed and photographed: then his reviews are for u becuase he is a true connaseur and sativa lover... great books and a must for every ganja lover

thanks for the rep too girl


Well-Known Member
ya this is that new tissue culturing right? ive heard about this... i read it in the cannabible 3... its called tissue culture... its a very new technique and its a mix between cloning and germinating a seed... u can take a clone only strain like Og kush and what not... and yes they have OG kush seeds now but only feminized ones because they had to sexually reverse a clone of Og kush from female to male... then let it self pollinate, in turn causing higher chances of getting hermaphroditic plants... tissue cultue would allow u to take a small peice of plant tissue in holland or wherever, bring it to wherever, Canada, US, whatever: and u wont have to carry a clone around... Here is a quote from the Cannabible 3 under the article "Tissue culture"..."Artificial seeds (Tissue culture) are plant embryos or tiny growth shoot tips that have been encapsulated in small protective beadlike objects. They look like small marbles and last up to 1 year and could be shipped just like normal seeds today" (jason King 91)... get the cannabibles if u hav:clap::clap::clap:ent already cuz they are fantastic...

It is not quite what ur talking about tho homes... but close enough... its not leaves and what not... im sure u need to know ur botany to be successful
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Funniest thing I've read in a long time. Good stuff.


Active Member
prob cuz he dont know what ur talking about
ya i guess ur right... quit spewing ur nonsense on this forum... read the new high times and u will see an article called "Tissue culture" they have pictures and everything for super special you!