One by one

Clinton literally stole from Sanders so that she was the only choice we would have, because 'it was her turn'. DWS resigns in shame and Brazile gives Clinton debate questions.. of anything..Benghazi, whitewater etc this is THE one thing that WAS real..have charges been filed?

And you voted for her.
K. You believe we are besieged by illegal voters then?
And really, you don't even to think that.
More people voted for someone other than trump. Correct?

Would Crayon Help?
I fear this to be true. And if they chose to do nothing, what then. Not like anyone other the than the republicans can force the issue.
This may just be the start........
Scary shit.
Time to fucking stand up and start taking your responsibilities as an American citizen more seriously!

Our government entities serve US, NOT the other way around. If the American People decide they've lost credibility then their mandate to govern is at an end and We the People have every right to create a new one.