One harvest a year?


Well-Known Member
So I am new to outdoor growing and used to having the ability to switch the lighting cycle. So I am thinking about an outdoor grow and I wanted to make sure I had this right, there is only 1 harvest correct? Plant in spring/summer and harvest in late fall before it starts getting cold?
I have no experience but autoflower strains could possibly allow you to stagger it out thru the grow season.
I have heard people in NorCal getting in 2 a year.

I am not positive but I am thinking the normal one of like spring to fall then I would think maybe like fall to spring but I am not sure. It seems like the plants would not get enough light to flower unless they do one like fall to winter since it dosent freeze up there it just gets a little cold.

The plant will 'veg' for maybe a couple weeks then stretch and flower. Plants from seed may not flower right away, they get to a certain height with the preflower stretch and all and then they could finish before the lighting outside would be like 'veg' liting indoors, you know what I mean, like they will finish in the winter when the light is like 12 an 12 still and is going back to 18 hrs of daylight.

I am pretty sure this would be what they are talking about.I also know a lot of people like to depo their plants, meaning they deprive them of light with black tarps to alter the outside lite for instance 12 and 12 in the middile of summer. They say they get a lot more for the stuff because it is harvested before everyone else. So everyone else is holding on to what they got waiting for their outdoor crop for the fall and others that depoed are already done!! You could get as many crops in as an indoor gardener would almost besides the fact that outdoors plants may take a little longer to finish.

People that depo also say that their plants are danker looking, like something out of a hydro indoor setup. This could just be their skill level or the fact that the plant is forced into flowering rather abruptly instead of having the light gradually shift to 12 and 12.
I am not 100% sure, but I think you could manage 2 harvests a year if you live in an area that doesn't frost. You have your normal fall harvest, but you could veg indoors in the fall/winter, and put the plant out around Jan or Feb and it should bud.
I have no experience but autoflower strains could possibly allow you to stagger it out thru the grow season.
Autoflowering stains claim for automatically flower under many different lighting schedules. So I am thinking as longs as you don't have dark all the time like in alaska you could get away with doing them whenever you would like.... Seed to bud is 60 days aint bad. Especailly if you have a gang of seeds at your disposal....
I am not 100% sure, but I think you could manage 2 harvests a year if you live in an area that doesn't frost. You have your normal fall harvest, but you could veg indoors in the fall/winter, and put the plant out around Jan or Feb and it should bud.
hahaha you summed up what took me 15 min to type in 2 sentences!!
I plan on pulling in harvests all year long... one after another after another after another... you can kind of see the method to that madness on my journal.... Mix strains, have an indoor incubator, and veg them inside bringing them outside occasionally, start them at different times.... Ok, for example: I started with my first batch (the largest plants in my journal), then I added a few more clones from a club later on (to mix up variety and add more harvests, because they are ready at different times), then I took clones of my biggest plant, they will veg indoors for awhile, then about two weeks later I took another batch of clones from that same plant.... then about another two weeks later I cloned the rest of the larger/older plants that I have (to keep variety and different flowering times).... so basically I now have all these clones of different ages vegging indoors, and the light cycle has already changed to 12/12 outside, so once I feel they are a good size and rooted well enough I can put them outside until they are done, once outside they are immediately put into flowering... so if I took one of my GDP clones and put it outside, and then about two weeks later took another GDP clone and put it outside, the harvests would be about two weeks apart... the only thing to worry about if you do this is frosts and too cold of temps... but that can be fixed by adding a wall of good netting and a heater and mulching with a black landscaping plastic on top mulch. The only break in harvesting outdoors that I am looking at is next summer, but I also plan to have a nice indoor set up by then to pump out huge clones for the outdoor season, and to continue harvesting during the summer time.... Just to let you know, if you do it this way, its tons and tons of constant work ;)..... Harvest from October all the way into April/May of the next year..... One long perpetual harvest......