One Liners


Well-Known Member
anyone got any good one liners? i'l give u a few to start off.....

Seems most men are in favour of the muslim full face veil.

It solves the age old problem of where to wipe your dick after a blow job


Well-Known Member
If a firefighters business can go up in smoke, and a plumbers business can go down the drain, can a hooker get layed off?


Well-Known Member
Q: What's the difference between a hooker and a drug dealer?
A: A hooker can wash her crack and sell it again


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between Michael Jackson and a grocery bag?
One is made of plastic and is dangerous for children to play with.... the other is used to carry groceries


Well-Known Member
What is the difference between erotic and kinky?
Erotic is using a feather....kinky is using the whole chicken.


Well-Known Member
I just popped upstairs and surprisingly found my wife using Veet on her bikini line.

I thought if only you could use some of that on your moustache, I may even fancy shagging you.


Well-Known Member
A 80 year old man walks into the bedroom and finds his wife doing a handstand naked shocked he asks

"what are you doing?"

She says "I know you can't get it up, maybe you could drop it in!


Well-Known Member
'FOR SALE'' Complete set of Encyclopedia in good condition.

Reason for Selling:

-No longer needed. -Got married. -Wife knows FUCKING EVERYTHING!

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
While dancing with a lady, she leans in and says, "you smell good, what do you have ON"
I whisper back, "I've got a hard ON, but I didn't know you could smell it"


Well-Known Member
Couldn't find anything to eat in the fridge last night.
I hate working in the morgue when there's only male bodies.


Active Member
This thread is pretty silly.

And it's colder than a polar bear's pussy outside. When's summer gonna actually get here!