Onyx Grow Bloom vs Area 51 RW-150 Gorilla Glue #4 Grow


Well-Known Member
Well it's decision time,which light over which plant. The plant that has always been a little behind in size has put on a tremendous growth spurt and now has a larger main stem and the side branches too but has not filled the screen as much. What do you think,coin flip?

Well the RW-150 ended up with the bigger stem and less screen coverage plant. Timers are set and I put them to sleep with the 730 nm,so it begins.


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Well-Known Member
When you peek under the top film of pot, do you see a bunch of microbial growth? Prob helps with pests and saturation eh?
Helps keep the moister more even in the pot and helps with fungus gnats. Lots of bright white roots sticking out of the soil mainly,not that many right now because I let them dry up a little too much.



Well-Known Member
is it just me or does the a51 seem to be covering a better area....

seems the corners of the onyx are a little dark...

just my .02


Well-Known Member
Seems like add 25% to the external case size and you have a lensed LEDs footprint. Unlensed 5watts shine horizontally out of the glass in my 2 CLW solar flares like a flood light

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Well-Known Member
I think the Onyx is brighter in the center than the RW,it is pushing like 60 more watts,which makes the edges look darker compared to the center. Someone I know is suppose to lend me a meter so I can take some real readings on a 3' square,until then it's just guesses. That's why I hung them on swivels and rotate them each day,to help even things out. Depending on the readings I get,I might run the lights at different heights?


Well-Known Member
I think the Onyx is brighter in the center than the RW,it is pushing like 60 more watts,which makes the edges look darker compared to the center. Someone I know is suppose to lend me a meter so I can take some real readings on a 3' square,until then it's just guesses. That's why I hung them on swivels and rotate them each day,to help even things out. Depending on the readings I get,I might run the lights at different heights?
Just buy another ;) The whole LED coverage thing is a major reason I went with Indigro. What do you think comparison wise...


Well-Known Member
I think the Onyx is brighter in the center than the RW,it is pushing like 60 more watts,which makes the edges look darker compared to the center. Someone I know is suppose to lend me a meter so I can take some real readings on a 3' square,until then it's just guesses. That's why I hung them on swivels and rotate them each day,to help even things out. Depending on the readings I get,I might run the lights at different heights?
I'd keep the lights at the same height as each other and keep rotating them. If one is higher than the other, the lower light is going to block some of the light from the higher one. You mind showing a picture of the swivel setup? I'm having a hard time imagining it. Anyway, thanks again for showing us the onyx and sharing this grow with us. Always appreciated, good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
Well I picked up the meter today,now I just need to find the time to take some good reading. I think 3'x3' is stretching the limits of coverage for these lights but I'm hoping for the best,plus rotating the lights a 1/4 turn each day will help even out the coverage I think. Here is a pic of the the RW-150 hung with the swivel.


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Well-Known Member
very easy and smart move on the swivel CM!

Both these led panels are small & have tight secondary lenses, so coverage will suffer unless they enlarge the case and space out the leds===== but that costs more $$$

Larger lens angles will help, but the #'s will drop...........it's a dillemma every led company faces.......Hans using bare/primary lenses with reflectors is a better option IMO, but also has it's flaws.

be safe grower


Well-Known Member
This is really strange,I've got a problem with the plant under the RW-150 and it's only day 3. Both clones are the same age and have been treated exactly the same. Second run with my ROLS mix. The first pic is the glue under the Onyx light and it looks very healthy,the rest from the plant under the RW look like a lock out or deficiency (calcium). The older fan leaves on the RW plant also look much darker green. Thinking of doing a flush.

Mixing up some dolomite lime for a foliar spray.


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Well-Known Member
Thats a magnesium deficiency bruv... calcium is more spoty and speckled to mine... I would treat both sides

Epsom salts would probably work better as a foliar