Operation Overgrow

Will you plant pot for 420?

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Hey, maybe on 420 all the stoners should get together and plant as many clones as possible on a day trip. It'd be like a scavenger grow or something... Just drive around to every federal building around, planting some giant sativa clones, high as a fuckin kite, ya know?
I have climate issues but I could start my prep then, and send out good intentions for all the ones you all plant. It's my aniversary on 420.
These Johnny Potseed threads always make me smile.

I am not saying it's a bad, or foolish, idea. The more cannabis growing, the better.

But if sending a message is the objective, go to the police station. Surreptitiously throw a few seeds in the flower containers and flower beds around the cop shop.

City hall is a good option, as is any state or Federal building.

Good luck and good growing.

hahah. I know.

Im just glad this random dude rolled by RIU and changed all of our lives forever.

Hey, maybe we should have a RIU get together, or, oh hell, just forget it.
Hey, maybe on 420 all the stoners should get together and plant as many clones as possible on a day trip. It'd be like a scavenger grow or something... Just drive around to every federal building around, planting some giant sativa clones, high as a fuckin kite, ya know?

Yes, if it is going to be done as activism, make them very visible. Having them set back a bit will allow them to gain some height before being noticed.

I wouldn't do it expecting to harvest anything in front of a court house or public planter. Just do it to shove it in their faces.

I have thought that a nice idea would be to use a planter in the center median of a major road. Think of the planters in the middle of Michigan Avenue, Chicago near Randolph. People stopped at the light in their cars would see them, but they would be a bit out of the way for pedestrians to notice. I think these would last longer. Let's also hit all the government buildings. Roll each seed in a dirt ball and toss it into a planter. I doubt anybody would know what you were up to even if seen. Your handy work would not be visible until well after the work was done.

I need a bunch of cheap seed though.

If nothing else, it will keep the agents chasing through landscaping and maybe leaving some other folks alone. They can then do their little photo ops bragging about $millions of "drugs taken off the streets by their efforts"
true that...
fucking rooftops, high school fields, your neihbors swimming pool, the dentist's office... is this gonna get the overgrow ball rollin, or what!?
I do it all the time anyway. Should actually start in march april is too soon in some areas. A little garden in front of the courthouse is always nice.
it would be hella funny to switch regular vegetable/flower seeds with weed seeds at a garden store !

i dont think they would notice the tape . or you could cut a small hole in the top and spill the seeds out and then one at a time put the weed seeds in there!

or maybe ill just germinate some seeds (like 50) for a day or so and then take them to the outdoor section of a garden store and put them in with other plants and then someone will take them home and grow them maybe ahhaha!

everyone plant your seeds everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!! mahhhahahahhhahhahahahahhahuhaahauhahauhauahauh

watch theres gonig to be a shitload of mj growing in the parks all around California ahahhaha especially golden gate park in san francisco and probably buena vista ahahhahahahahhahhaha

who lives by the white house??

plant seeds over there someone please please pretty please im on the wrong coast!
watch theres gonig to be a shitload of mj growing in the parks all around California ahahhaha especially golden gate park in san francisco and probably buena vista ahahhahahahahhahhaha

who lives by the white house??

plant seeds over there someone please please pretty please im on the wrong coast!

lol, enjoy the president's personal task force on your ass...

dude, Go.Gt. Park is an awesome spot, if all the dwellers wouldn't be able to see/ smell it... lets make an SF overgrow day! pm me, i got some seeds, and some soil moist...
I will have a seperate plot away from my main one dedicated to producing seeds. I want to plant as much as i can next season.
Back when I was still in school, a bunch of buddies and I saved up our seeds over a year.

We saved up enough seeds to fill a coke can about 3/4 way, and on 4:20 day we put all of it into a bird feeder. From there we just sat back and let mother nature shit weed all over the state. :leaf:
Back when I was still in school, a bunch of buddies and I saved up our seeds over a year.

We saved up enough seeds to fill a coke can about 3/4 way, and on 4:20 day we put all of it into a bird feeder. From there we just sat back and let mother nature shit weed all over the state. :leaf:
Outstanding! What better way to remind everyone that cannabis is a plant.

Eventually society will realize the futility of attempting to outlaw nature. Someday the average citizen will come to realize this and elected officials will concede that such a policy is completely counterproductive.
i agree with this idea i have been tryn to get my friends to do this but no one knows where they would grow but im gonna pass out bag seeds and have everyone grow them and put them out side some where male or female i think its an ILL idea and ima try and get ppl who arent members to do this imagine weed EVERY WHERE dealers would be out of a job but the world would be alot happier ahaha
These Johnny Potseed threads always make me smile.

I am not saying it's a bad, or foolish, idea. The more cannabis growing, the better.

But if sending a message is the objective, go to the police station. Surreptitiously throw a few seeds in the flower containers and flower beds around the cop shop.

City hall is a good option, as is any state or Federal building.

Good luck and good growing.

I'm seriously doing that, the "states" headquarters is right near my college. I'm doing it. for sure.
Does anybody know of an attempt like this ever working out? I read on a different forum about one that was attempted by a seed company but got stopped due to "environmental concerns". Has anybody heard about this? Also, another web site got shut down I believe in about 2006 for promoting this same idea.... I'm all for the idea of nature taking its place back, but I would love to hear if anybody has an idea of this ACTUALLY ever working...