opinions on chem gro 4-20-39 and other CHEAP DRY NUTES

I am so glad @thenasty1 shared this thread with me! I was a bit hard pressed in my research regarding switching to dry nutes that I created THIS THREAD hoping to generate some feedback, but I do believe this thread answered damn near every question I had. Man, @im4satori and @ttystikk dropped some major bombs on page 4, and I just wanted to chalk another 'thank you' on the board.
i should probably toss in a thank you to @im4satori @ttystikk @Cold$moke and everyone else in here as well, my nute game leveled up hard thanks to this thread
Thanks, guys.

Next to growing, passing on the knowledge is the most rewarding thing about this hobby for me.
Reviving an old thread as I am about to move on to coco, jacks and blumats. I am gonna make a weak nute solution and rinse my coco with water first, and then the nute solution second. Should I hoook up my RO unit or is it OK for me to use my muni water? I bought a Bluelab meter that will stay in my reservoir. What EC do y'all shoot for? 0.9?
Reviving an old thread as I am about to move on to coco, jacks and blumats. I am gonna make a weak nute solution and rinse my coco with water first, and then the nute solution second. Should I hoook up my RO unit or is it OK for me to use my muni water? I bought a Bluelab meter that will stay in my reservoir. What EC do y'all shoot for? 0.9?

i'm not a big fan of coco but i would check out icmag thread on H3AD's formula for coco with GH. use his ppms and calculate how Jacks' compares to a proven coco formula. you might need to tweak it a bit for a better coco profile
Reviving an old thread as I am about to move on to coco, jacks and blumats. I am gonna make a weak nute solution and rinse my coco with water first, and then the nute solution second. Should I hoook up my RO unit or is it OK for me to use my muni water? I bought a Bluelab meter that will stay in my reservoir. What EC do y'all shoot for? 0.9?
for coco id mix it like this

1.6 to 1.8 grams per gallon calcium nitrate (depending on your N requirements)
2.2 grams per gallon jacks 5-12-26 mix
0.5 grams per gallon epsom salt

thatll probably put you around EC 1.2... if you want it a little stronger mix it the same way with slightly less water

as for the EC im not sure what EC will work best for you ive not ever used blumats, but i suspect the low EC is probably likely since youll not be getting much run off...

id occasionally test some run off or take solution samples from the medium and test the EC to make sure the medium isnt accumulating salts above a certain EC... if the waste samples show EC over 1.5 id flush with 50% strength solution

the reason id mix it this way is because coco prefers a proportionately higher calcium and lower potassium mix

about the RO water... whats the EC and ph of your source water, is it from well or city water?

ahh i just realized what muni water is lol
municipality ... i dont see why youd need an RO unless you got some shity city water... whats the EC of the source water
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