Opinions on Poppy Seed tea? A.K.A. Opium

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heres what i ended up doing...i just did what seemed natural.. didnt follow any tek. if there are suggestions etc..please chime in

  1. qwizokingWell-Known Member
    not that anyone really cares, but im bored

    results roughly an hr after ingestion
    time: 1:57pm
    modified post from other thread...

    solution stable at 74°f
    ph sitting at 3.3..will not be corrected or stabilized after initial soak. there will be 2 washes, a quick and a long soak.
    light is minimal, enough to see what im doing while product is in solution.
    i contemplated adding more, possibly something altering cyp enzymes
    even an emulsion agent, but decided against.
    i did ingest an insignificant amount of caffeine with a light but fatty meal at ~10am.

    175grams of "organic" supermarket seeds
    with the hope of 100-150ug of morph equivalence
  2. the quick wash, a few minutes. before seeds absorbed moisture, the longer soak was ~30minutes.

  3. effects, obviously encompassed a range of compounds. so inherently different than straight morphine/codeine.

    i would guess through experience.
    20mg morph equivalent. its still creeping..more thebaine than i was expecting. no nausea..

    overall, im pleased with the results
    and it tasted delicious like expected
    now to sit back and watch a movie. maybe ill smoke some tobacco (a rarity, i dont smoke cigs) to kick me up to my level
I found long ago that tobacco use, for me anyway, combined with opium would bring on the nausea that normally only cones with larger amounts of opium.

Feeling good and having a strong cigar will put me into a yack that is far less pleasant than it should be.

The very first time I decided to try poppy straw I found an importer online. Just as a test I ordered 20 pods, maybe three bucks each.

I have never seen their like again and I only vaguely suspected how rare they were.

They were a dark mottled brown, dripping with frozen black tears.

Brewed up five pods, split with my wife.

We both got sick.

The next week we Brewed threethree.

We both got sick.

I saved the rest for years after I discovered the place we got them from went offline.
Has anyone actually grown out poppies the specific ones they derive H from? I've seen a nft setup I think it was someone's avatar.. Curious as to sourcing seeds with the Silk Road gone.. Any ideas?
ive no clue, but neen interested in growing poppy a while.

yea i feel ya canndo, nicotine can definitely bring on the nausea. but if your not quite where you wanna be, itll help. if your already up there..you know when you are, noises dysphoric, bright lights nodding, etc. then it can make yiu fall off and maybe throw up or whatever..
atleast for me.
Has anyone actually grown out poppies the specific ones they derive H from? I've seen a nft setup I think it was someone's avatar.. Curious as to sourcing seeds with the Silk Road gone.. Any ideas?

Yes, it's easy, any ornamental will work but you are far better off with a type that produces lots of morphinemorphine.

Tas afghani look around, you can get them online easy.
Do the research, the type makes a huge difference, some are selected for morphine production others for thebaine, that stuff doesn't work nearly as well.

Don't smoke it, that is a luxury.

Milk the pods twice then let them dry on the plant and keep them for tea.

Unless you think your pods can be seen. It's one thing to have poppies, another to have scored ones.
Myrrh is a decent, very mild and low power opiate. I have had good effects from the essential oil (vaporized); I vape about 6 drops, and I basically lose the urge to do *anything*, and usually end up dropping the vape (literally) and feeling awesome while listening to chillstep for an hour and change.
My best friend who introduced me to LSD died of an opiate overdose. So I'm really not a fan, but from a medical POV, in small doses, I think it might be OK. I've been on tramadol drips in the hospital and it made me feel a whole lot better (I had a gallstone over 1" large and required immediate surgery) but my friend was definitely abusing the opiates, he had oxycodone, hydrocodone, methadone, benzos and like 4 others in his system when he died, threw up in his mouth and drowned/axphixiated himself and the pathetic dope dealer he was with just ignored his thrashing body and then his all his shit before calling 911, and to top it off that guy never went to jail even tho he killed my best friend, and I say killed because he encouraged my friend to take more and more of those stupid pills even tho he couldn't
Yeah I think with the proper respect it would do good, but I don't think its something that specifically would be good for me cause I have such a negative mindset, of course I do know that you can od and die if not respecting it so maybe I could try it a couple times, with the proper respect and not with a drug pusher telling me to take more and more and... Just so he can get money
That's not really a good situation
Yyyyeaaahh..... I dunno. Most opiates just seem... not worth it at all. Too toxic, too addictive, and far too heavily "regulated" by greedy junkies.

I mean, if you go buy a bag of H, you really have no idea in hell what you are putting in your veins.
Yyyyeaaahh..... I dunno. Most opiates just seem... not worth it at all. Too toxic, too addictive, and far too heavily "regulated" by greedy junkies.

I mean, if you go buy a bag of H, you really have no idea in hell what you are putting in your veins.

There are other roa
There are other roa
It was figurative. I've heard of people passing of fucking NBOMES as opiates before..... the poor bastard who fell victim snorted 28mg. Of 25i. He only survived because his girlfriend found him in a coma/seizure (I can't recall which). Needless to say, you should, at the very least test your white, ambiguous looking powders.....
I grew some poppies last year and tried some tea out of the pods, I must of ended up with one of the verities with little to no alkaloid content because it had no effect. I had no tolerance at the time so I really was hoping for a nice buzz but nope notta, I really want to give them another go though. Should order seeds soon, I hear march is prime time planting. By the time they are done I will be off methadone finally too so hopefully they hit me like a ton of bricks I don't have any intentions of ever doing opiates again, unless its from growing poppies that way you only have enough so where just as you start liking it too much you run out.
Has anyone actually grown out poppies the specific ones they derive H from? I've seen a nft setup I think it was someone's avatar.. Curious as to sourcing seeds with the Silk Road gone.. Any ideas?
The silk road is gone but there is like 10-15 alternative marketplaces and has been since a month after the original shut down, more keep getting busted, more keep coming online, its going to be a never ending game, they can't stop it.
Anyone successfully vaped opium off a dab rig? What temp to produce vape without blowing up the good stuff? Last time I grew I was getting very nice dose from straw tea but could never get off from smoking, probably too high a temp or not enough skill prepping it.