Opinions please - Ready or not?

I reckon you won't regret it......I'm in the same position as you with one of my room's and I will wait till nearly all(70%) of the pistils r browned up and receding........and as far as the trichs go.......well a little amber is good but as I learned on my last crop to much can decrease the potency of your buds.......only my op.....
One looks really close as far as trichomes go. Pretty much all white with just the odd clear one here and there. The other two have more clear and look slightly less ready. I might end up chopping the one and leaving the other two to ripen up a little more. Going to be keeping a close eye on them.
I think that an experienced grower can guage readiness by the overall look of a plant, as opposed to only looking at trichomes. I'm not an experienced grower, which is why I asked for more opinions. I'm looking at trichomes but figured more experienced eyes looking at the plants might see something I don't.

An experienced grower can look at a plant and tell you it's done without using a microscope.

An experienced grower also knows that trichomes don't mature the same way in every strain and should know better than to use them as their sole reason for harvesting.

You should post some pictures with the light off or with the plants in natural light.
Cloudy, milky and amber aren't the only trichome colors either. Some strains will develop colored trichomes like this without ever going through a clear or cloudy stage.


Some strains will amber early, some strains won't ever develop amber trichomes. To call amber trichomes CBD/CBN or THC degradation ignores oxidation, about 83 other cannibinoids, terpenes and how they work together and effect the user.

I breed for a rare early amber trait and most of my strains get amber in week 4~5 and are 9~10 week strains. It is not the couchlock amber but rather it is the trippy amber.

So I have to agree that you can not make a blanket statement that is true for all strains

Its pretty easy for experienced growers to tell when plants are ready. It seems like the ones on here that get all hung up on trich color are the new growers that are looking for people to validate their decision to chop their plants at 6 weeks because they dont have any weed to smoke.Those guys always manage to find enough amber trichomes :)
I disagree that you cant tell if the buds are done by looking....There are other things to check and knowing your strain can be important. before people where checking trichs there was still killer weed....I would personally pick the most done buds in a week. Then let the other buds go another week after that.