optimal watt / square foot or m2

If you feel you need to go with light bulbs, your best bet is 315W CMH lights.
No. I dont feel that at all. I am 100 % open and have no equipment yet. I want what is best = efficient lights to get mot of PAR, not to much watt and heat. Its mainly a knowledge problem for me. I read a lot about MH and HPS. Only nothing about LED yet. I Will now. Tnx.
Now, back to the original question! The better the light source, the less watts per square foot are required.

HPS 65W/sq ft
MH 75W/sq ft
CMH 40W/sq ft
LED driven hard 40W/sq ft
LED driven softly 30W/sq ft
Extreme efficiency LED setups 20W/sq ft
And the original question was not light source but intensity.

Given that we have 1 000 watt to use for extreme efficient LED. Would 20W/ sq ft give higher total yield then 30 w on less area or 15 watt on bigger area?
And the original question was not light source but intensity.

Given that we have 1 000 watt to use for extreme efficient LED. Would 20W/ sq ft give higher total yield then 30 w on less area or 15 watt on bigger area?

Divide the total watts by smaller watts per square foot and you always get more square feet, thus more yield if all else is equal. This is the promise of high efficiency. All you have to do is afford it.

One can back off that extreme slightly and achieve very good results at much lower cost, this creating a 'sweet spot'. This is where I invested, between 30-40W/sq ft. Because my efficiency is higher than I expected I can shade down the low end of the scale and thus get more square footage for the same watts.
Divide the total watts by smaller watts per square foot and you always get more square feet, thus more yield if all else is equal. This is the promise of high efficiency. All you have to do is afford it.
Yes. But Everything else is not equal. That is why I asked that question.

More watt / sq ft and less total Square foot -> higher yield / sq foot.
Or less watt / sq fr and more total Square foot -> lower yield / sq foot.

That we know. Nu TOTAL yield. Which case is better?
Yes. But Everything else is not equal. That is why I asked that question.

More watt / sq ft and less total Square foot -> higher yield / sq foot.
Or less watt / sq fr and more total Square foot -> lower yield / sq foot.

That we know. Nu TOTAL yield. Which case is better?

If your goal is maximizing yield per watt then go with lower W/sq ft and larger area.
Tnx for great replies. That Picture clearly shows lower W/sq ft and large area is the best way.

Right. Everyone's constraints are different however, leading to a world of different strategies to deal with their situation.

Having more room than available wattage is a relatively uncommon scenario. Best of luck and tag me into your thread when you get it up and running.
Right. Everyone's constraints are different however, leading to a world of different strategies to deal with their situation.

Having more room than available wattage is a relatively uncommon scenario. Best of luck and tag me into your thread when you get it up and running.
Yes, I might also run into other constraints, especially if I use COB LED. but I started out calculating energy use, and seed companies advertise extreme wattage / m2 because they want to advertise a big yield from a small space = what most small scale growers look for I guess. For example, with 1000 W HPS / m2 I would be limited by energy use rather fast, especially since I don't want to be a red flag at the energy company. Even with 600 W HPS / m2 I think energy use is biggest concern for me. With COB LED 300 W / m2 or HPS with 300 W / m2 there might be other things that limit me. For COB LED, the major limit is cost to buy equipment I guess. So I will probably experiment before invest in that.
Another reason I asked is that I feel disappointed at the information on internet. It is not very systematic. I would like to see a number of different standard cases for optimization: power, space, time, and so on. In most discussions, too many parameters are discussed at once. That way it is impossible to find the optimal for each factor.
ive been running 315 watt ceramics for 2+ years now. over a 4ftx6ft f&d table, ive run 2 lamps 630 watts and average 1.5 gpw, running 3 lamps 945 watts over the same table ive hit 1.65 gpw..
Right. Everyone's constraints are different however, leading to a world of different strategies to deal with their situation.

Having more room than available wattage is a relatively uncommon scenario. Best of luck and tag me into your thread when you get it up and running.

hey ty,, i know ive asked u this before, but im looking to buy a small cob to cover a 2ftx4ft area.. cxb 3070 or 3590? seems most are using the 3070's but ive been told the 3590's are more eficient.. pluss i cant seem to find many cobs using the 3590's at least not in a 200watt cob..i just want to add a small cob over the right side of the table,, the left side of table has a white sheet reflecting light w the fixtures centered over the table and it seems the plants on the left produce better,larger buds than the far right row..im thinking if i add a small cob over the far right rows bud size will be more uniform...any ideas on what small 200 watt cob to buy??
ive been running 315 watt ceramics for 2+ years now. over a 4ftx6ft f&d table, ive run 2 lamps 630 watts and average 1.5 gpw, running 3 lamps 945 watts over the same table ive hit 1.65 gpw..

hey ty,, i know ive asked u this before, but im looking to buy a small cob to cover a 2ftx4ft area.. cxb 3070 or 3590? seems most are using the 3070's but ive been told the 3590's are more eficient.. pluss i cant seem to find many cobs using the 3590's at least not in a 200watt cob..i just want to add a small cob over the right side of the table,, the left side of table has a white sheet reflecting light w the fixtures centered over the table and it seems the plants on the left produce better,larger buds than the far right row..im thinking if i add a small cob over the far right rows bud size will be more uniform...any ideas on what small 200 watt cob to buy??

For such a space and those watts, get 4 COB chips on one driver in a bar shape. Citizen 1818 might be a good chip for this, I'm not quite sure of the model numbers.
Another reason I asked is that I feel disappointed at the information on internet. It is not very systematic. I would like to see a number of different standard cases for optimization: power, space, time, and so on. In most discussions, too many parameters are discussed at once. That way it is impossible to find the optimal for each factor.

Grows are all different. If you want to know for sure exactly how your system will work, copy someone elses.

Also, grows are dynamic, not static. Changing one parameter could easily impact another.

Also, growers are different so youre going to get many different answers that people will claim are "optimal".

It really just sounds like you want someone else to do all the design legwork for you. All the info you want is out there, you just either havent looked very hard or dont know where to look.

Case in point "power and space" optimization has been a topic that has been beaten to death on this very forum.

"Time" optimization? I dont even know what you mean be this. Also, I think you add in "etc" because you really dont know what else you even "need" to know about.
How are you getting that info from that chart? That chart shows PPFD vs Photosynthesis rate...
From 100 PPFD you get 20 % of max. 350 -> 50 %. After that you need a lot more PPFD to increase photosynthesis. So the optimum I asked is somewhere 100-350 PPFD.
Grows are all different. If you want to know for sure exactly how your system will work, copy someone elses.

Also, grows are dynamic, not static. Changing one parameter could easily impact another.

Also, growers are different so youre going to get many different answers that people will claim are "optimal".

It really just sounds like you want someone else to do all the design legwork for you. All the info you want is out there, you just either havent looked very hard or dont know where to look.

Case in point "power and space" optimization has been a topic that has been beaten to death on this very forum.

"Time" optimization? I dont even know what you mean be this. Also, I think you add in "etc" because you really dont know what else you even "need" to know about.
Stay away from my posts pls. You are a dickhead that stalks me. And you say nothing of importance. Just general bullshit.
From 100 PPFD you get 20 % of max. 350 -> 50 %. After that you need a lot more PPFD to increase photosynthesis. So the optimum I asked is somewhere 100-350 PPFD.

See, to me optimal would be at the highest point on the curve before it starts to flatten out, because past 75% is when the diminishing returns really kick in according to that chart.
Stay away from my posts pls. You are a dickhead that stalks me. And you say nothing of importance. Just general bullshit.

You and tty will get along just fine. I can already tell. lol

Heres a novel idea. Quit making threads that have been answered a thousand times before and use the "search" function instead.

And when google search tells you it couldnt find an answer you can tell it that your question "must have been too advanced for googles feeble little servers to understand".
See, to me optimal would be at the highest point on the curve before it starts to flatten out, because past 75% is when the diminishing returns really kick in according to that chart.
Thus, you dont know what optimal means, as a technical term.