Ordering Seeds Online Question

I'm more worried about local. Anyone ever heard of local law picking it up if you get a note from customs. I live in hootersville and our sheriff is gung ho w/ little to do.
Got my seeds today from Attitude while rollitup.org was down they look tiny lol scared if i drop one they get lost anyway my shirt is awesome
as stak said, it is illegal but all you get is a letter saying the seeds were confiscated. some seed banks allow you to order "stealth" shipping, in which your seeds are hidden inside a product that must be dismantled to find them. and some offer guaranteed delivery (meaning they will replace if the seeds don't reach you), but ofc they charge a lot more for that. Here's a list of places i've used or have heard are pretty reliable, and some have stealth shipping options.








i read something a while back saying don't buy seeds that cost less than $10 a piece if you wan't quality results. but i wouldn't begin my first grow with $10.00 seeds. start with a common strain that's been a around a while. it's cheaper and you'll be able to get more help if things fuck up
Does anyone use the search feature here anymore?

i use it but it sucks it just brings up any thread that has the word you typed in for instance if i type right here top, fim, supercropping, scrog, sog, cannabis, flowering, female, transplant, or nutes

now anyone that searches on RIU for any of those things will be brought here

thats why people need to just search on google and click on the RIU link that it pops up. google search is way better than RIU search
I am (in the near future) going to be ordering some seeds online and had some questions about feminized seeds. I know that with feminized seeds their is a chance the plant may mature into a hermaphrodite. I was wondering if anyone knew the chance that a feminized seed would become a hermaphrodite, and also say I buy feminized seeds and have a successful female plant. If I use that plant as my mother plant and plan to clone many times off of this plant, is there a chance that the clones will mature to be hermaphrodites? Also any suggestions on reputable sites for ordering seeds to the US would be helpful, although I hear good things about Attitude and intend on ordering from there unless convinced otherwise. All help is greatly appreciated.
http://marijuana-seeds.nl/ ????????? scammers ?????? when i first tried to grow i used this company back in 09 ordered 1 seed arjans blueberry haze i got it in 10 days and it was discrete showed up in a cd case things could have changed since then but hey listen to him he would know as of the time is now and attitude is awesome if your packages in customers for over a week dont stress like i did it will get there if you do the tshit i would suggest not gettin the breeders pack
yea or nirvana pick up a hightimes tons of seedbanks reviews +pics might know what you want see a pic of some dank juicy orange purple shit and decide you want that :) atm i think nirvana and attitude are the leading seed distributors attitude has seeds available from other companys a little more expensive but also guaranteed delivery

nirvana is on the cheaper side attitude your paying 150-1000$ for packs nirvana your paying 20-30$ for anything they have fem or reg
Give it a try!! I have ordered from Attitude seeds bank without problems. I live in Western half of U.S. Got my shipment as promised in 11 Days. Here are a couple reasons I wouldn't worry to much about it. 1: The government/customs has way bigger fish to fry when it comes to shipments and won't waste time searching small packaging(seeds) 2: If for whatever reason it does get nabbed they won't waste their time/money/resources prosecuting an individual for a couple of ungerminated seeds. You might get a threatening letter saying they are after you but that's about it (if you do receive this letter I would recommend not growing for a while though.) 3. There are ways to order to be slightly more discreet if you are a little paranoid I.E discreet shipping (they will hide it in a t-shirt or wallet or candybox etc.) Also prepaid credit/debit cards can be used. P.O box shipping or ship to neighbors. They are not going to put you in jail for ordering some seeds. America's jail systems are overcrowded as it is and need to be reserved for murderers, rapists and others that are an actual threat to our society. How many friends do you know that have commited violent crime because of weed??? Oh ya-none. On that note-If you live in a small town-Be A LOT more careful. Everybody knows everybody. That means if you have a nasty mail carrier and he starts to see weird packages from out of country-word might get around and people might start to ask questions. I recommend a P.O. Box in an adjacent town or nearest larger city. You can also bait and switch-start ordering normal items from out of country first-that way foreign packages will appear normal to your mail office and carrier.
Attitudes promotion

ASB Birthday Competition Time: 5K SEED GIVEAWAY

Every 5K views we achieve on our Birthday Promotional video
we add one seed pack to our birthday goody bag.

Lets kick things off with a 10 fem pack of the Cannabis cup winning strain from Greenhouse Seeds "Super lemon Haze"

Spread the word, watch and share the video found
here: http://youtu.be/z3uFESdUXRY

So how do you pick the winner?
Simply write a comment below, like the post or perhaps let us know what you have done to spread the word.

One Winner will be announced on 5th March at 9am (ukgmt)