Well-Known Member
I know of people that have been locked up for sending, and recieving, Marijuana seeds through the mail.
I say bullshit.
I know of people that have been locked up for sending, and recieving, Marijuana seeds through the mail.
I know of people that have been locked up for sending, and recieving, Marijuana seeds through the mail.
that sucks for them maybe they should use stealth options =)
Stealthdoesnt mean shit if your package gets opened but I still dont believe that dude knows anyone that has been locked up for seeds. I know a bunch of people that get letters when there seeds are taken but I have yet to come across any stories of anyone getting locked up for buying seeds.
In case anyone has not taught you to be nice to strangers I will effect this lesson. I do not know anything about you, or your internet fame, and your opinion is like an asshole, everybody has one but what makes your's so dangerous is that is misleads Newbies into thinking that shipping Marijuana, seeds or bud, through the mail is ok and will not land you in Prison. FALSE
While I do not care to elaborate about the trials and tribulations of myself, or other friends, who have been inprisoned for Marijuana for the simple fact you already made up your ignorant little mind calling me a liar. bigv I have been using Marijuana longer than you have been alive so take the wax out of your ears and listen to Federal Prosecutors who wage War upon Marijuana users daily. We all need no further example of this (you will not believe my info) so take a talk with Marc Emery for starters. Oh wait he is IN PRISON for shipping seeds, damn you can't. Maybe if you start selling seeds online or through the mail you will also find that your version of the truth does not hold water.
My apologies to other readers but when called out I will come out.
that sucks for them maybe they should use stealth options =)
Stealth helps but does not matter if you have a Postal Inspector on a Mission or he/she has experience with this topic. What I am trying to say is stay safe, do not believe internet hype on MMJ Boards that claim all is OK with shipping/recieving seeds, it will land you in Prison if they want to make a case.
God Bless you bigv1976, as you said they "pick and choose who they prosecute." Has a US Postal Police ever contacted you?
No because there is no such thing as postal police.
as stak said, it is illegal but all you get is a letter saying the seeds were confiscated. some seed banks allow you to order "stealth" shipping, in which your seeds are hidden inside a product that must be dismantled to find them. and some offer guaranteed delivery (meaning they will replace if the seeds don't reach you), but ofc they charge a lot more for that. Here's a list of places i've used or have heard are pretty reliable, and some have stealth shipping options.
i read something a while back saying don't buy seeds that cost less than $10 a piece if you wan't quality results. but i wouldn't begin my first grow with $10.00 seeds. start with a common strain that's been a around a while. it's cheaper and you'll be able to get more help if things fuck up
No because there is no such thing as postal police. When your seeds get taken they send a letter saying they took your shit and that is all. Again i challenge you to show me 1 single article of someone doing time for ordering seeds.
Order Date/Time: | Feb 04 2012, 23:14 PM |
Payment Method: | SagePay |
Shipping Method: | INTERNATIONAL EXPRESS Crush Proof Tins T-SHIRT XL |
They were the first bank I ordered from and they delivered bothtimes The ww fem I got I still keep going w clones and it is awesome stuff. The 10 freebies u get are unknown but perfect for germination n growing practice if u are just starting. They deliver in 10-14 days without problems@spex.. i'm surprised to hear that about i just received seeds from them today. i guess i'll find out when they grow up if they are really what i ordered
Wingman420 I think you need to learn when you've been proven wrong, Its ok to learn things, didn't know either that's why I asked, bigv1976 very good info man
I just wanna say I dont think I am a no it all or better than anyone else. I am not a grow guru or an expert of anything growing. I have been growing for just over 2 years and have made several orders from several banks. I am a strong opposer of ignorance. For those who dont know ignorance is speaking without prior education to what you speak of. I will call bullshit when I see it. I see alot of it here sometimes. For all the bull shit though there is some very good info here and that is why I am here. I urge everyone here to think for themselves and reasearch for themselves before taking anyones opinion (including mine) as fact. This is a great site but for every fact posted there is 5 posts that are garbage. I come across as an asshole sometimes but I just want facts.
I come across as an asshole sometimes but I just want facts.