Oregon Elite Seeds

I won a acuction from OES.i cant find a address on their web site
they never sent a message saying I did or total price
I've sent 3 messages with no response
what's up with the site?
also waiting on a order....
I won a acuction from OES.i cant find a address on their web site
they never sent a message saying I did or total price
I've sent 3 messages with no response
what's up with the site?
also waiting on a order....
Can't help you on the auction, but I got some stuff from OES just a couple weeks ago and when I talked to him he was neck deep in backlogged orders. This thread is actually a decent way to start some dialog with him if you aren't getting email response. @OregonEliteSeeds should be able to give you some assistance. I know it's hard to wait, but it's worth it. My wait was a bit long too bit he was super friendly and helpful once I got a hold of him.
Just ordered granddaddy dawg and cbd jam anybody grown these out supposed to be grape berry on the gd and pineapple mandarin on the cbd jam hope to get some good freebies my first order of hell’s fire came with gdp x chem dawg x tres s I liked the freebies better then the hells fire
What's good? It's been a minute. I like the new layout on your site. looks good. will there be another drop of cement shoes by cult classics in the future, Dolato regular by in house or OGKB 2.0 or mendobreath by any chance?
I've been trying to contact someone at OES multiple times now with zero reply to any of them. I've already missed out on something due to lack of communication and its about to happen again. I cant sign in to my account to place my order with the new site. Do we have to make new accounts with new emails?
hey red, they seem to be having some issues with the "new" website. I seen some chatter on IG about it. I am not sure how long you been waiting but I am happy the guy is trying to make a better website and wish others would do the same. I had nothing but success with my purchase from OES so let us know if your dealings go south red.
Not sure if it was a glitch, but like 12 hrs ago there was free shipping and now there isnt on the same thing I just tried ordering again. :cuss:
So much for preordering a pack of Mimosa from Symbiotic Genetics. Fucking gone...again. Thats twice I've tried ordering something from you guys in the last few weeks and at this rate, there wont be a 3rd attempt. Seems you guys are busy enough without any more of my business. :peace:
1st post here, good to hear i'm not the only one theyre not responding to. Doesnt look like the site upload is going too well either because my account shows someone elses name and address and none of my previous orders. Used these guys in the past and never had problems, always very prompt (with shipping, not so much communication) so I suspect this is temporary.

Anyhow, I got problems with two orders now and i'd appreciate a response. We'll see what happens, i'll report back.

They are def the real deal as far as their genetics go, no debating that.
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Really wondering if i should place another order but i'd like to get my current two issues resolved first. The new website I had to add my bill/ship addess again and it still shows someones elses order under my orders and none of my previous orders. I dont want to place another order and be in the same spot as I am now, last order I recieved the wrong gear and now the site shows the gear I ordered as sold out.
Terp T is a good guy he'll make whatever prolems wrong, right just give him some time he's probably busy fixing problems as we speak.. No I don't work for him just speaking on his character I to am waiting on seeds as well
Really wondering if i should place another order but i'd like to get my current two issues resolved first. The new website I had to add my bill/ship addess again and it still shows someones elses order under my orders and none of my previous orders. I dont want to place another order and be in the same spot as I am now, last order I recieved the wrong gear and now the site shows the gear I ordered as sold out.
Lol I thought I was the only one with this problem