Oregon Elite Seeds

actually the only issue is with the 3 or so ppl on here who say they have a problem and yet they still fail to this moment to contact us to fix it. I cant fix it if i do not know who you are that got affected. LIKE i say if you WERE one of the handleful of ppl affected WHEN it HAPPENED A MONTH ago CONTACT us so we can fix it. when it happened it switched info with a few ppl i CANNOT FIX IT for those few ppl until they contact us..................SO will the 2 or 3 ppl above who have this issue please contact us so we can fix it.

Derp! Der der der!

I only risked the freedom of 2-3 people.......

I say that because you ignored post here in this thread to the issues at hand. You care about money and anyone who cannot see you care about Gator shoes and not anyones security deserves to have there identity in some e else account. You never once have taken the site down. You know, the site that you improved so it makes you more money but, is "for us". That site never once was taken down. Your a shitty dude and I can't wait till we cross paths.

Oh and it is your fault because you own the site and never once cared enough to test it before hand nor did you take the site down, for even one second, when you were made away of the issues. You just lied about it all. It is here in this thread as proof.

You must be 30 years old or younger to not know how this is your fault. Lol

Millennial much? Lmao...You want to be the owner when you are getting paid but it is not your fault when something goes wrong? Lmao! What a dick!

Your such an asshole! Lmao! There are more than 2-3 people here stating they have an issue.

I hope you are gets fucking popped! You can give 2 shits about anything but your wallet.

I will pray tonight you die in a fire! Slowly.

Genuity there is a hole slew of us that hate Toby and his arrogant money hungry ways. If you can't see here in this thread how he is not good for the industry than good luck. I would buy your seeds from anywhere but here.

I am out and I can't wait till you get someone popped and they roll on your two bit operation.

Again, die in a fire you loser! Fuck I hate you and how you down play this bullshit!

You seem quite hostile and somewhat irrational. Did you personally have a recent order that was affected? If so, what was the order #? I'd suggest you stop threatening people before you get yourself hurt.
You say there were only 3-4 people affected? Thats just the ones who brought it to your attention and were ignored in this thread. Who knows how many others were trying to contact you by email and on here for a month like I was and wasnt addressed. If there are 4 ppl complaining about it in this thread, this means that 8 people are affected by it. It not a "small technical issue" you are trying to paint it out as. Im no longer concerned since I wont order, or log into my account again since the damage is already done. This is coming from someone in a medical state, is a card holder, doesnt have the address the same as the grow and Im still not cool with how this was handled and is still being handled. I also didnt get a mass email about anything regarding the breech of security with the site. Maybe its going to the guy whos personal info is on my account??

This obviously could have been handled far better than it was/is and this should be apparent to anyone who reads the last 6 pages. I'd love to run your gear @genuity but if it means acquiring it through OES, then I guess I'll never get to run it.
I feel I've conveyed my point, and in doing so true charcter has been revealed. What folks take away from this is on them. :peace:
I'm sorry @OregonEliteSeeds but I don't believe you. You say only 3-4 people were affected but you have no idea who was affected and who wasn't. That's why you need everyone to text you to fix it manually, because you have no idea who was affected. And you keep saying one month ago, yet the order that shows up in my account is from December 2017. I call bullshit and so no I am not going to text you and give you more personal information that you may not handle properly.

So are you one of the people having problems? Or just giving your opinion?
Cause it seems it's just hate from non customers, just saying..

What information was being spread? Emails? Home address? Credit card #?
To answer your question @genuity I am one of the people having problems and it was full name, email, mailing address, and phone number. It also shows they paid by card but luckily the card info isn't displayed. Just a thought even if I were to message him to clear up my account I would still have no way of knowing if my information is in someone else's account. And yes unfortunately I placed an order around that time period so it's a distinct possibility.
ill have that new ONI drop this next week along with a restock of the new Archive gear (most packs sold out in 24hrs) there are a few left ill have a real special drop from Symbiotic with there new gear other new gear coming as well from Darkhorse, Crockett, Med Tree, Doc Dank and a restock of Thug pug Puta, Garlic and PB Breath and a few others
I’m interested in ordering but would like to do so without opening an account and listing my personal info. With James Beans and Southern Oregon seeds they don’t make you input any permanently kept information and I like that. I will order from EOS often if this becomes an option.

I’m interested in ordering but would like to do so without opening an account and listing my personal info. With James Beans and Southern Oregon seeds they don’t make you input any permanently kept information and I like that. I will order from EOS often if this becomes an option.

i will look into that see if after the order is complete if we can remove it from the system dont know if it can be done but ill look into it for sure
I just want to say thank you @OregonEliteSeeds for bringing together a great selection of killer genetics and I hope this website bullshit gets resolved soon.
thank you its been resolved it was fixed right after it happened. right now we're just trying to get the people who have this issue to call us so we can fix there accounts. orders placed after it was fixed were not and are not affected
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You seem quite hostile and somewhat irrational. Did you personally have a recent order that was affected? If so, what was the order #? I'd suggest you stop threatening people before you get yourself hurt.

It is obvious you have never been to prison because of someone like Toby. I have. And how exactly am I gonna get hurt? Lmao

And whay does placing and order have to do with OES blatantly not giving a shit and ignoring people have to do with someone' freedom being jeopardized and not cared about?

Last but not least, I am not making threats but promises, my size 16 shoe will be placed up Tobies ass if I ever cross his path. That is a promise not a threat. 100%

He was a complete dick to me on several occasions, well before I expressed hate towards him. Same attitude as he shows here, he is to busy to care. Lol
my size 16 shoe
That's a big shoe, just saying! :bigjoint:
On a different note:
I created my account on 4/20, I logged in 2 days later, I was looking at my orders and I noticed an order from November that had been canceled. I was like, "I didn't make an order in November" and I sure didn't cancel any orders. :confused:
So I clicked on the order and guess what, there was somebody else's name and home address on my account.:hump:
That's a big shoe, just saying! :bigjoint:
On a different note:
I created my account on 4/20, I logged in 2 days later, I was looking at my orders and I noticed an order from November that had been canceled. I was like, "I didn't make an order in November" and I sure didn't cancel any orders. :confused:
So I clicked on the order and guess what, there was somebody else's name and home address on my account.:hump:
That's a big shoe, just saying! :bigjoint:
On a different note:
I created my account on 4/20, I logged in 2 days later, I was looking at my orders and I noticed an order from November that had been canceled. I was like, "I didn't make an order in November" and I sure didn't cancel any orders. :confused:
So I clicked on the order and guess what, there was somebody else's name and home address on my account.:hump:

ruh roh, so the problem still exists.

database corrupted.

time to start new.

thanks for the headups.

last place on earth i would buy seeds.
It is obvious you have never been to prison because of someone like Toby. I have. And how exactly am I gonna get hurt? Lmao

And whay does placing and order have to do with OES blatantly not giving a shit and ignoring people have to do with someone' freedom being jeopardized and not cared about?

Last but not least, I am not making threats but promises, my size 16 shoe will be placed up Tobies ass if I ever cross his path. That is a promise not a threat. 100%

He was a complete dick to me on several occasions, well before I expressed hate towards him. Same attitude as he shows here, he is to busy to care. Lol

sounds like vancityj wants some size 16 in his ass too...
That's a big shoe, just saying! :bigjoint:
On a different note:
I created my account on 4/20, I logged in 2 days later, I was looking at my orders and I noticed an order from November that had been canceled. I was like, "I didn't make an order in November" and I sure didn't cancel any orders. :confused:
So I clicked on the order and guess what, there was somebody else's name and home address on my account.:hump:

But what about all the reassurances that this was a small problem that has been taken care of?
I do not care what type of genetics this company has. The company is being run by a complete fucking tool who doesn't give a fuck about his customers to the point where he is knowingly putting them at great risk.
Fuck Oregon Elite Shit!!!
Karma is a real bitch
Cheers :)