I fergot what Sir Naps had said in his OP:
a large segment of the homeless population have no desire to do anything other than what they're doing.
TY for finding the following links, Rog.
Ahh, yeah, that's what the statement was. "They're just lazy, shiftless, worthless, no-good human beings."
Kinda like Fox news and the republican party. Oh, and yanno what my buddy, (may he RIP) would say to your stats, right?
"FAKE NEWS!" and "They're from the gub'ment, and the gub'ment lies". It was a most frustrating relationship, i gotta say.
So here's a large segment of the homeless population which i'm sure has no desire to do their minimum wage job any more
than you or I would, yet here's the numbers:
53% of people living in homeless shelters and 40% of unsheltered people were employed, either full or part-time,
in the year that people were observed homeless between 2011 – 2018.
And i'll agree here with Sir Naps, "they have no desire to ...". Min wage jobs SUCK THE BIG ONE! But they do it anyway.
I love this quote:
More than four decades ago in 1967, a year-round worker earning the minimum wage was paid enough to raise a
family of three above the poverty line (Solar, 1995). From 1981-1990, however, the minimum wage was frozen at
$3.35 an hour, while the cost of living increased 48% over the same period. Congress raised the minimum wage to
$5.15 per hour in 1996, and it has not been raised until 2007.
So, every 20 years the republicans'll bump the min wage a buck or so, whether it needs it or not. :SIGH: Hey, this country, and all
countries were built on the backs of slaves, so wtf, over?
Anyhow I was working back then, sheeit man...it was 85 cents an hour kinda shit. Hell, i got outta vietnam, come home
getting $1.85 and 2.25/hr. FUCK you, man. Min. wage? I never saw it for years. Military was 4 or 5K/yr, but you're on the
job, or at least on call, 24/7, so what's the hourly rate there? Nah, i knew i shouldn't start posting here.