Oregon marijuana prices plunge – and sales soar


Well-Known Member

Rampant overproduction in Oregon’s market for legal, recreational marijuana has produced a 50 percent decline in prices, according to state economists. That widely documented collapse has been hard on farmers and retailers – but a boon for consumers.

A new state analysis finds the price collapse sparked a big uptick in marijuana purchases – and a corresponding increase in associated tax revenue.

“Lower prices are helping to drive the volume of sales higher and induce black and medical market conversions into” the legal, recreational market, according to Josh Lehner of the Oregon Office of Economist Analysis.

Recreational marijuana sales in Oregon will be nearly $543 million this year, according to the latest forecasts, up 29 percent from 2017 and well above economists’ expectations. They’re raising their forecasts even more in future years.
Even before legalization in Oregon, top quality weed was easily available for no more than $150 an an ounce and that was the high end. Weed has been cheap in Oregon for decades. And it wasn't hard to find a source. Some people I know that were selling years ago are no longer growing and have been forced to find other sources of income as their client base has dried up.
At 47 cents a gram to grow they couldnt make it go ?

When people can go to a dispensary and choose from over thirty strains and a collection of concentrates and edibles they choose that over the other even if it might cost a little more. The guy people met in a parking lot to buy an eight isn't what people do anymore. With hundreds of dispensaries in Portland it's going to be hard for anyone running under the radar to sell their product. But I think Oregon is on the end of the spectrum. Southern Oregon has excellent growing conditions and everyone is growing. Plus the four plant limit and you have many growing their own. I setup a friend with four plants last summer. First time he grew. He ended up with almost two pounds. More than he'll ever need. He might smoke an eighth a month. He already gave away more than half just to stay within the legal requirements and still he's got enough pot for years. And he'll grow again this summer.
It's funny how Oregon has excess and Canada is running out. East coast is almost certainly going to have supply issues once things come online here. All of these hurdles in supply chain are going to be fun anecdotal tales of movement down the road.

Under $200 for premium bud is amazing, but unheard in many parts of the country.

Lol if 4 is too much for your friend. Try 12 here in MA. But the max storage limit is 10 ounces per person. So it's a little unbalanced.
It's funny how Oregon has excess and Canada is running out. East coast is almost certainly going to have supply issues once things come online here. All of these hurdles in supply chain are going to be fun anecdotal tales of movement down the road.

Under $200 for premium bud is amazing, but unheard in many parts of the country.

Lol if 4 is too much for your friend. Try 12 here in MA. But the max storage limit is 10 ounces per person. So it's a little unbalanced.

How do you not go over the limit with a 12 plant limit? I'd have to screw my plants up on purpose to harvest less than an ounce and stay under the 10 oz limit if I grew 12 plants. Crazy
I just finished up my headstash here in Denver and I am shopping for $75-85 per oz fire herb over coffee as we speak.
I just finished up my headstash here in Denver and I am shopping for $75-85 per oz fire herb over coffee as we speak.

I have people that won't even take free weed anymore. Had a friend over the other day and offered him a bag. He said no thanks. Another friend had already given him about an ounce and he said that will last him through spring. But he did take some ribs home. Turned down weed but took my barbecue. And he drank a bunch of my single malt. I'm probably going to start growing less and using some of my indoor grow space for herbs and vegetables. Weed isn't a problem but a decent fresh tomato is hard to come by in February. Or some nice lettuce for a salad. I just don't need as much as I'm growing. And with it being as inexpensive as it is It's more cost efficient to grow food.
He's a pussy though, an ounce won't even last me a week, 10 days max

Ha ha. Yeah he's a pussy and he always drinks my Scotch and never brings any liquor over. But damn, I only go through maybe half an ounce a month at most. Sometimes I go days without smoking. I have found I get a better high if I'm not smoking all the time. I give most of what I grow away but that's getting hard to do with so much weed around.
$1200-1400 on the street all day for fire.

Outdoor and other shwag could go as low as $800

I('ve had people calling me asking if I know anyone that want's quantity. Top quality product. I'm not in that racket so I just tell them I don't know anyone. And I don't.
Are you guys getting nice kick ass Liberty Haze or Pineapple Chunk or Girl Scout Cookies grown with TLC for $1400/lb or is it basic Big Bud or basic green bud? I can't wait to find killer weed for $100/oz. All I find is hyped up average weed.

Unfortunately, almost all of the herbs in Denver are beat. There is so much herb everywhere it’s just cheap. Broker friends who have cash can find top shelf fire for that price all day. I have homies who grow absolute fire and often you gotta make room for the next round.
This whole thread is making me question expanding my indoor here in Illinois. Theres a good chance it will be legal here by the end of 2019...definitely by 2020