Organic Aeroponic Reserva Privada OG Kush


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1642809View attachment 1642808 At least my VEG tent is doing good. all girls are growing nicely. i still dont feel comfortable topping my girls. i know i need to but still.
View attachment 1642810 Here's a shot of all the new girls i germinated. im getting them used to the aero environment now. They will be in here a week then i'll move them over to the VEG tent.
i have a hard time cutting the tops too dirk,im a butcher when it comes to leaves n sucker branching but cant cut the tops yet :)

dirk d

Active Member
ya and i was looking at those tops and going wow, these are really nice cuts. only thing is that i topped them too short, barely stick out the collars. f***. the secret is that whatever node you want to take that top at, go 1 node lower. lol. man i wish all my clones were tops. I think that is going to be my next goal. lets see.


Well-Known Member
i understand tops dont clone near as good as lower growth, no experience myself. my clones have been killer so far. all lower growth cuts .

i got a couple outside and have went so far as to set up the scalple for sergery, still havent cut one lol

dirk d

Active Member
tops are just nice. they make the best clones by far. so healthy and robust. normally my tops take about 5-7 days longer to root but when they do they are excellent specimens.

dirk d

Active Member
thanks jin, that LSD was sweet but man i do not recommend that strain to anyone. took me 3x longer to trim that girl. so many leaves! its great for making hash though.

dirk d

Active Member
FILTER.jpg So i was having some odor issues and my guy recommened a scrubber so i went out and got a 8" fan with filter. thing is a beast. can't smell nothing!! lol
HAR1.jpg While checking out my flower room decided i want to get all these girls harvested and start transferring out all the girls. i'm starting to get the foundation completed for having 18 girls in flower. definitely lots of work and planning involved. Now that iv gotten the basics down, i can focus on the girls growth finally.

dirk d

Active Member
SUR2.jpgSUR1.jpgSUR3.jpg Here is a branch that had split open one day right down the middle. i had stretched that top out too much each way and it was just too much. what i did is tie string around it little bit at a time till i could close it up. didnt know what to do, it had 2 nice colas on it. recovered beautifully.
SEED1.jpg Well while i was trimming i found that bud with the seed. opened it up found 5 seeds in the bud. no seeds or nanners anyplace else on the plant wtf??? strange. i wonder what would happen if i planted those 5 seeds and if they would be any good.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #1 DAY 43

FLWR13.jpgFLWR1.jpgFLWR12.jpg ya i dont know what to say on this rack it just doesnt look too good. the OG Kush is still alive but man it lucks fugly. i have 5 more og kush vegging right now that will go in this rack as soon as they are done. will most likely just harvest this rack early and put these girls out of their misery. dam. Went ahead and killed a really nice kandy kush. that was real sad. she was a beauty.

dirk d

Active Member

FLWR22.jpgFLWR2.jpg So here are the new girls. 1 KK, 1 707, 1 Blueberry, 1 OG Kush. I'll put the screen up tomorrow, spent all day cleaning out the rails and freaking trimming. man i need to get a new chair to sit in.

dirk d

Active Member
FLWR #3 DAY 19

FLWR32.jpgFLWR3.jpg i think rack #3 must have not been out of water too long. im thinking rack #1 must have been like 4 hour longer w/o water. This rack is recovering very nice. however the heat spike due to the AC shutting off made a couple colas shoot right for the light. had to top one it wouldnt stop growing. Hopefully i've taken care of most of the issues iv been having.

dirk d

Active Member
BB3.jpgBB4.jpg here's a nug of the blueberry. i didnt get it to purple. night temps were like 67 or something. have to wok on that. the blueberry looks and feels very velvetty. has a coffee blueberry smell. i had lots of issue this last run. hopefully have fixed everything for the next runs.

dirk d

Active Member
KK.jpgKK2.jpg here's a couple shots of the kandy kush. she was real nice. cant wait to see these girls once i go dual 600's.

dirk d

Active Member
BB2.jpgBB.jpg Here's the blueberry. so far i like her. im not jumping up and down but im not tossing it out either. the smoke will decide if she stays or goes. would like to get a vancouver blueberry or some dj short.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1647370View attachment 1647369 Here's the blueberry. so far i like her. im not jumping up and down but im not tossing it out either. the smoke will decide if she stays or goes. would like to get a vancouver blueberry or some dj short.
Hey, good stuff, dude. I can't even tell you had a mishap. Nice recovery.

The shots of your mature stuff look gnarly. One can't accuse you of harvesting too early, eh?

I noticed your Blueberry looks a lot like this Blackberry Kush I grew last time... In fact appearance-wise it could be the same weed. The nugs were small and clustered like the ones in your photo, and it had unusually developed trichs. I shook a ton of kief off the trimmings and I had a huge pile of this light green (almost white) powder at the end. Some of the best keif I've ever smoked. Clean, fruity, and what a sting!


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro, I'd bin off those seeds you found from outta that bud myself as they're from a hermie pollination and will most likely just hermie again anyways, but it's up to you in the end what you do with them mate.

dirk d

Active Member
Lookin good bro, I'd bin off those seeds you found from outta that bud myself as they're from a hermie pollination and will most likely just hermie again anyways, but it's up to you in the end what you do with them mate.
thing is skunk i didnt see any nanners at all. wtf?? also didnt find any other seeds. wouldnt 1 male flower be enough to pollinate at least several buds??i was thinking maybe another strain has a nanner somewhere and maybe its a cross. idk. might just throw them out. but man it made me start thinking if one quarter of the top of the bud makes 5 seeds how many seeds can you get out of a plant?? to think i pay sometimes 20 bucks a seed that im sure they probably get 1000 seeds or so from a plant. huh. deep thoughts. lol

dirk d

Active Member
Hey, good stuff, dude. I can't even tell you had a mishap. Nice recovery.

The shots of your mature stuff look gnarly. One can't accuse you of harvesting too early, eh?

I noticed your Blueberry looks a lot like this Blackberry Kush I grew last time... In fact appearance-wise it could be the same weed. The nugs were small and clustered like the ones in your photo, and it had unusually developed trichs. I shook a ton of kief off the trimmings and I had a huge pile of this light green (almost white) powder at the end. Some of the best keif I've ever smoked. Clean, fruity, and what a sting!
thanks jin, the mishap was on FLWR #1 and FLWR #3. #1 is the one im worried about. the blueberry feels almost like velvet, its very strange but i like it. i actually have a velvet suit i wear when i go to vegas or on halloween. its black with tiger striping. lol. its very loud. i once had a girl buy me a bottle of cristal because she liked that outfit so much. lol. got to love cali women.

the feel of the blueberry actually feels like an ex-girl friend of mine. some women just have a normal ***** but some women have that extra soft velvetty ***** that just is sooooo niccce. i love that pheno! lol.


Well-Known Member
thing is skunk i didnt see any nanners at all. wtf?? also didnt find any other seeds. wouldnt 1 male flower be enough to pollinate at least several buds??i was thinking maybe another strain has a nanner somewhere and maybe its a cross. idk. might just throw them out. but man it made me start thinking if one quarter of the top of the bud makes 5 seeds how many seeds can you get out of a plant?? to think i pay sometimes 20 bucks a seed that im sure they probably get 1000 seeds or so from a plant. huh. deep thoughts. lol
It happens sometimes mate with hermies, the male flowers can sometimes develop inside the actual bud and you wont see them till you break up the finished D/c bud when smoking, it makes them a lot harder to detect while in flower too. Most of the time hermie nanners don't even have enough pollen and vigor to push it out as far as a stable male plant can and this will cause only a small area to be affected with seeds. :mrgreen: