Organic Flowering Choices; input wanted please...

I add the organicare grow at 8ml/L of base soil (assuming the base soil is already spent). After recycling the soil a few times and blocking off the drainage holes on the pots the soil fertility is rising so I will be adding less. I let it cook for at least a month. This is my current recipe for water only w occasional BS molasses and microbial tea:

1L recycled base soil (was Roots Organics)
20ml fresh EWC
8ml Organicare grow 6-6-5
4ml Kelp meal 1-0-2
2ml Indo guano 0-12-0
2ml Azomite
2ml Raw Humates
1ml Dolomite Lime

Its all experimental but so far best results I have ever had. Good luck with your mix!
Hey Nightbird, I was gonna say 20% worm castings too. Also, it seems to me like you're using too much lime, but I could be wrong. Have you used that much before with good results?

Everything else looked good!