Organic Grow With a Mix Of Strains (Newb Alert)

Hey guys, no updates i've been too devastated to even think about the grow and so pissed off.

I installed the Blumat watering system, and left town and it was an absolute disaster. When i was away all i could do was watch the moisture % of the pots drop, and see the plants go downhill on the cameras. When i got back virtually no water had been used from the reservoir and the floor of the tent covered in dead leaves.

I got the Blumat thinking it would be the easiest solution but i couldn't be more wrong. I spent hours setting it up and trying to get it dialed in and it's destroyed everything. I should of went with my original plan to build my own system using regular irrigation parts from the store, a small pond pump and wifi smart plug. It would of been cheaper, easier and i could of controlled the watering from my phone as i could with the lights, temps, humidity and fans.

All that work down the drain is heart breaking. Fuck you Blumat.
Hey guys, no updates i've been too devastated to even think about the grow and so pissed off.

I installed the Blumat watering system, and left town and it was an absolute disaster. When i was away all i could do was watch the moisture % of the pots drop, and see the plants go downhill on the cameras. When i got back virtually no water had been used from the reservoir and the floor of the tent covered in dead leaves.

I got the Blumat thinking it would be the easiest solution but i couldn't be more wrong. I spent hours setting it up and trying to get it dialed in and it's destroyed everything. I should of went with my original plan to build my own system using regular irrigation parts from the store, a small pond pump and wifi smart plug. It would of been cheaper, easier and i could of controlled the watering from my phone as i could with the lights, temps, humidity and fans.

All that work down the drain is heart breaking. Fuck you Blumat.
Really sorry to hear that your blumats failed you. Even more sorry for your loss. I'm super passionate about my plants too, they're like my children.
How did you dial in your blumats? I run blumats on a pump system. I tied it into my 350gpd RoDi. I pressurize a 2gal accumulator tank to 100psi and use the pressure reducer. I run a 4'x8'x18" fabric bed using only (2) 9" maxi's, one at each end of the bed. In-between them I have a double ended blusoak manifold. I've never had any problems. But there is a certain procedure in setting up the carrots or maxi's, and the soil needs to be fully hydrated first. Then you take the blumat that been hydrated and filled ensuring there is absolutely no air bubbles inside the cap. Unthread the dial all the way out and while completely submerged under water screw on the cap. Insert the blumat into the soil and slowly tighten the dial in the cap until you get that single droplet of water that hangs.
Freshly/fully filled blumat, fully hydrated substrate, this is the only way you can dial them in. If your soil isn't fully hydrated when you install the blumat your not going to successfully "pair" them.
This is what I am referring to with the double ended blusoak manifold. I have supply lines to both ends as a failsafe, in the event I have a clog from debris in the caps valve of one Maxi, the manifold will still fill from the opposite end.
Also I'd highly recommend getting the digital tensiometer. Makes the initial dial in easier and greatly helps to fine tune the system.


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