Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

some purdy pics! i apologize ahead of time for not reading all you essays as you put, but i do like the details, thats good for recording purposes. but the plants look great how many tents/spaces you got?

i see youve started to move away from the bottle(nutrients) thats good, organics makes things healthier and cheaper if you know what to buy.
Don't worry about it - a lot of the details in this journal are for my reference purposes because this is the only journal I keep...I'm not necessarily expecting everyone to read all the essays I write haha.

Currently I have 3 tents that are spread between 2 rooms in my house - there is a 8x8x7 flower tent taking up almost the entirety of a bedroom, the closet in that bedroom is a 4x2.5x6 area that I also use for flowering. Then in my veg bedroom I have a 5x5x7 tent, a 5x9x7 tent, and a 4x2.5x6 closet that I keep my mommas in. Also, I have a quarantine setup in the master bathroom - this is where I bring all the cuts I am gifted, or any plant that breaks out with PM or something nasty....

So all in all I have 6 areas with plants, I'm running 3800 watts in flower, and around 1400 watts in veg if you include all the CFL's I have in quarantine and for my mommas. Lots of plants :bigjoint:

Definitely moving away from bottled nutes...they are just too expensive for what it's worth, and I would love to be able to just water with RO water and not worry about anything else. My ladies this round are definitely telling me that they could use some hotter soil - either that or much bigger pots. They have spoken, so I listened...just gotta wait 30 days for my new soils to cook...
god damn that a lot of work right there! i wish i had it rolling like that, i was onn my way too recently, but i downsized so i could move soon.

sounds like some sweet shit going on in there, doing any breeding?

..the soil mix, i would make 2 batchs(inherient flaws with soil mixes dont really want to get into, this is why i gave up on 100% organics a while back) one hotter than the other, i personally doubt the issue is pot size, been than again i dont know how big your plants get and im assuming your using 3gal+ pots.
Cann, sounds like a nice set up ya got going there. I hear ya with the hotter soil, my girls in supersoil were running out wayyyy to early in 5 gals, so I switched to 7 gals and the results were better. With that being said, I'm using 10 gals this next round, anticipating even better results! I think pot size is your answer
Cann, sounds like a nice set up ya got going there. I hear ya with the hotter soil, my girls in supersoil were running out wayyyy to early in 5 gals, so I switched to 7 gals and the results were better. With that being said, I'm using 10 gals this next round, anticipating even better results! I think pot size is your answer

bigger pots less plants. longer veg times, heavy/bigger plants, less efficient.

i think his answer in in 2 types of soil one hotter than the other and transplanting into the hot shit as soon as he hits flower.
Don't worry about it - a lot of the details in this journal are for my reference purposes because this is the only journal I keep...I'm not necessarily expecting everyone to read all the essays I write

Haha I don't mind a good read! Thanks for the detail in your journal, I appreciate it.

bigger pots less plants. longer veg times, heavy/bigger plants, less efficient.

i think his answer in in 2 types of soil one hotter than the other and transplanting into the hot shit as soon as he hits flower.

ive heard the argument against bigger plants, and I'm not buying it.

In medical states (such as mine) where patients are given a plant count but not plant dimensions (such as Oregon), I think it is MOST efficient to veg longer and have bigger plants.

with that being said, can, your problem might not be needing bigger pots, but it was an issue for me :)
ive heard the argument against bigger plants, and I'm not buying it.

In medical states (such as mine) where patients are given a plant count but not plant dimensions (such as Oregon), I think it is MOST efficient to veg longer and have bigger plants.

with that being said, can, your problem might not be needing bigger pots, but it was an issue for me :)

im not saying big plants cant be effcient, im saying there is a limit, i think that limit is 10gal and above pots.
ive heard the argument against bigger plants, and I'm not buying it.

In medical states (such as mine) where patients are given a plant count but not plant dimensions (such as Oregon), I think it is MOST efficient to veg longer and have bigger plants.

with that being said, can, your problem might not be needing bigger pots, but it was an issue for me :)

I agree with you, every time I've stepped up a pot size, so has the size and quality of my buds.... But even in non medical states, or just basically an illegal grow in any state... Above 100 plants is the magical # that gets the feds involved if I'm not mistaken and the charges get worse per plant... When I hear about busts I always hear how they nabbed XXX amount of plants and how big of a bust this is and it was an AMAZING bite outta crime blablabla......You never ever hear about how big the plants were, a potted root system with a stem and leaves attached is 1 plant, be it a 4x4 wide super scrog in a 15-20 gallon pot or a single cola, zero veg clone in a 2 liter soda bottle. both = 1 plant...

Now I feel if I was worried about sheer yield and turn over/start up to yield time, a SOG with single cola, zero veg clones in 1/2 gal pots in perlite or coco via hempy style would yield amazingly and with an 8 week flowering strain, would take maybe 10 weeks as long as you could get the clones to root in 7 days which in a ez-cloner should be no problem.... but it would require probably 60 or so single cola plants to get the same yield I can with 4-6 big un's with proper training, granted the latter takes much more time but once a schedule is put in place it becomes efficient...not to mention you get some nice big colas with a 60 day veg period on a 4 headed plant without all the larfy stuff on the bottom.... So if and when Leo and his homies breaks the door down of the guy with 8 plants in 7 or 10gal containers... they'll be forced to say they've spent 10's of thousand of dollars, possibly much much more and hundreds, more than likely thousands of man hours when murders, rapes, and every other violent crime is going on that they arent catching.... to say what?.... they nabbed a "criminal" with 8 mature pot plants and a couple mothers..... Not that I'd wanna fight that charge at all, but its a lot better than going in front of a judge with 250 small plants in federal court..... I'm just trying to give the non-legal growers POV....even though I'm in a legal state now, I wasnt always....

Not everything is about yield and efficiency, it is very important obviously... I am also gonna say for organic growing, smaller pots are too much work but theres really no need for anything bigger than 10 gallon pots if your doing a basic 4 plants per light grow with a 60 day veg (clones) depending on strain, 5, 7, or 10gal is more than enough depending on how you grow..... If you grow using bottled shit, even 3's are enough but I wouldnt veg more than a couple weeks but it works... If your vegging longer than 60 days, I'd go with a 10 but anything bigger is a waste I think, as I said, for a basic 4 plants per light grow with a 45-60 day veg...

It boils down to the individual situation and the requirements of that situation but saying larger plants arent efficient just isnt a black and white statement... A larger plant thats covered in larfy lower nugglets and fluff..... yes will produce less quality buds, but some people do that specifically to make hash or butter... but I'm continuing going on a tangent for no real reason other than to just talk/type.......

So.......heres some pics of my lovely 4 headed AOS girl @ day33 to make me look like a little less of a dick.... I vegged this one almost a full month longer (under T8x6's) than the rest of the plants I have in 12/12 that are just about finishing up and I wish I vegged all of them that much longer..... but this gal is the first plant in my garden to actually be named.... However she'll be called AOS-3 until I know shes gonna remain all female but so far so good... This is actually my first plant to go from seed to where it is now with no real stress and has been that proper green green since sprout... And is becoming my favorite so far because she's been so easy to grow and well.... look at her...

Happy new years guys.... again cann, sorry for essay-ing your thread homie... If and when I start my own, please be the first to write an essay and post pics of your plants.... Oh yeah... spicysativa... if you are floating around here, that pic with the tag and the PH meter.... thats what I was suggesting...not those dumbass 3 pronged pieces of junk to check your soil PH.....

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Thanks for the love everyone :) Happy new year to all!!! :blsmoke: I know that 2013 is looking like it'll be the dankest year of my life so far...wishing the dankest for all of you as well!!!

god damn that a lot of work right there! i wish i had it rolling like that, i was onn my way too recently, but i downsized so i could move soon.

sounds like some sweet shit going on in there, doing any breeding?

..the soil mix, i would make 2 batchs(inherient flaws with soil mixes dont really want to get into, this is why i gave up on 100% organics a while back) one hotter than the other, i personally doubt the issue is pot size, been than again i dont know how big your plants get and im assuming your using 3gal+ pots.

bigger pots less plants. longer veg times, heavy/bigger plants, less efficient.

i think his answer in in 2 types of soil one hotter than the other and transplanting into the hot shit as soon as he hits flower.

Thanks sir - It was definitely a whole lot of work to get this setup up and running...not to mention the $$$. Luckily I'm not planning on moving for at least 8 months, so I got some time :mrgreen: As far as breeding goes - I gave away all my males to a friend who lives in nor-cal, he is currently running them out and collecting their pollen. Once he has their pollen stored I might nag for a few vials :bigjoint: other than that I'll have to wait for my 5 qrazy train seeds to show sex, and by that point I might be ready to quarantine a male and flower him out somewhere in my house...
Good call on the soil mixes - I currently have like 5 different batches cooking so there will be all sorts of experiments going on in the future...hopefully not too many that I get overwhelmed...but I will definitely be planting into a lighter mix before I plant into my hot mix - thanks for that suggestion. Also agreed with you on the veg times/plant size issue - I am going for medium veg time and smaller pots (still 4.6gal airpots!!!) trying to maximize efficiency. I'm going to mainline a few strains and veg them longer to see if that produces an equivalent harvest...but honestly I think a pseudo-SOG style grow is going to be the best for me. A lot of people say you should use 7gal or bigger pots with supersoil, but I am not necessarily convinced. Perhaps I will buy a few larger airpots, but they are so damn expensive and I don't have that much space in my tent... In an ideal world I am imagining 30-40 plants in 4.6gal airpots, about 2.5 feet each and lollipoped to provide airflow and minimize touching of leaves (PM is the enemy :fire:). This should leave me with mostly colas, a lot of good secondary bud, and not much larfy popcorn. Not to mention relatively fast turn around due to short veg times.

Sampras - I don't think pot size is my issue, I think shitty soil and not enough nutes is my issue. Since they are airpots my plants aren't rootbound at not sure how a 10 gal would be better if I can provide them the same nutrients with supersoil/topdressings/AACTs in a 4.6 gal pot....That being said I agree that it is probably more efficient to grow a few TREES and chop down a bunch of lbs. in six months...that being said I need some money to pay electric, so I gotta generate a crop in a short amount of time. For those of us who have the luxury of being able to wait, long veg times are awesome. For those of us who need medicine immediately, short veg times are the way to go, and they are still damn efficient. Not to mention the fact that you could waste 3 or more months of veg if you encounter issues in flower (herms, PM, etc.).

Haha I don't mind a good read! Thanks for the detail in your journal, I appreciate it.


Good to know someone is reading my essays :mrgreen: at least someone can keep me in check if I say anything crazy...I gotta stay detailed otherwise my stoner ass forgets everything haha. I like RIU cause it is a good constructive place to keep my journal. If i write some dumb shit in a notebook in my veg room nobody is gonna read it and call me it's different :) Glad to have you around Spliff...

Whitey - damn I love your essays bongsmilie reminds me of myself lol. Start typing in someone elses thread and next thing you know its a fat paragraph of text...sometimes thats just how it is. Rest assured that I'll lurk on your thread and write rambling paragraphs and post pics of my ladies haha, gotta give a little back in return. Good point about plant counts and size btw - definitely much easier to justify 10 trees than 250 single cola solo-cup dwarfs. Luckily I live in cali so i'm not as worried as I could be...still staying under 100 for obvious reasons...not trying to fuck with the feds one bit...way too young and white to be in jail down here lmao. ANYWAY, that AOS-3 is looking delicious, such nice pink/purple hues coming out, and damn she is healthy! My ladies are at day 45 and they're yellow as shit haha but then again I hugely underestimated how hungry they were going to be. Either way, that looks like it would be a keeper pheno to me - love to see how she plumps up the next few weeks :blsmoke:

dabumps - good to see you around, thanks for keepin it low key on the thread, I'm glad you like my face :) Always wonder how many people know who that is and how many people think I'm just some random old dude who decided to post his picture on the site lol.
well I feel like I have seen this person before, who is he!!!?

I am pretty lazy sometimes when it comes to learning, but I know organic is the way to go because it makes sense. ( I am a logical person, not a quick learner but logical :eyesmoke: ) I like all the work you do Cann and I cannot wait for your results because after a few runs with my recipe, I am ready to change/improve it. I dont like using too much of one ingredients, I prefer to use lesser amounts of each ingredients but more of them. So keep us posted on which recipe you believe performs best.

THANKS and +rep
K quick picture update:

First, the Qrazy Train seeds. This is what they looked like after 35 hours in a moist paper towelIMG_0783.jpgIMG_0785.jpgup close of the longest tap root - I shall call it QT #1 :)
24 hrs later and the final bean has poppedIMG_0794.jpgnote the dirty looking paper towel which is actually mycorrhizae powder (roots oregonism) that got caught in a crosswind while transplanting...definitely can't hurt though :blsmoke:inoculated from birth. 48hrs later and they have mostly popped the surface IMG_0797.jpgIMG_0798.jpgIMG_0799.jpgIMG_0802.jpgIMG_0806.jpgQT #4 barely poking through :)

Quick shot of the flower room IMG_0808.jpgIMG_0809.jpgnotice how yellow the older plants are compared to the smaller ones
IMG_0810.jpglavender filling out nicely, Day 31. Already pretty frosty IMG_0815.jpg
Getting a real nice fade on Ace of Spades #1 - just wish ist wasn't this early! Oh well, the bud is still going to be primoIMG_0811.jpgIMG_0813.jpgcolor difference between lavender and AOS is insane!IMG_0818.jpgrandom bud shot, I think it's AOS #2. Looking nice, not as faded because it's in a bigger pot...

Here is a pictures of the quarantined hermies in the veg room. IMG_0796.jpg
Sorry about the shit picture...didn't really put any effort into this one. I've been plucking wayyy too many nanners off these ladies, getting tired of it and don't really want to keep it up so tomorrow they are getting the chop after a long period of darkness. Right before the chop I will go through them meticulously and pluck off all of the nanners so they don't release pollen all over my house while they are drying...

Still looks like I'll pull some decent weight off these hermies...but definitely not as much as if I could let them go another 2 weeks...:wall: It's okay though, cause I am getting dangerously close to plant count with all my clones rooting...:roll:

Til next time...bongsmilie
well I feel like I have seen this person before, who is he!!!?

I am pretty lazy sometimes when it comes to learning, but I know organic is the way to go because it makes sense. ( I am a logical person, not a quick learner but logical :eyesmoke: ) I like all the work you do Cann and I cannot wait for your results because after a few runs with my recipe, I am ready to change/improve it. I dont like using too much of one ingredients, I prefer to use lesser amounts of each ingredients but more of them. So keep us posted on which recipe you believe performs best.

THANKS and +rep

his name is terrence mckenna and you probably have seen his face before, some of his work had to do with cannabis, but mostly mycology, his faced has been used many a times for posters and artwork.
well I feel like I have seen this person before, who is he!!!?

I am pretty lazy sometimes when it comes to learning, but I know organic is the way to go because it makes sense. ( I am a logical person, not a quick learner but logical :eyesmoke: ) I like all the work you do Cann and I cannot wait for your results because after a few runs with my recipe, I am ready to change/improve it. I dont like using too much of one ingredients, I prefer to use lesser amounts of each ingredients but more of them. So keep us posted on which recipe you believe performs best.

THANKS and +rep

Glad to have you around Enduroxx - I would agree that diversity is the key to a good recipe - too much of any one thing is BAD news, in plant growth and in life. I will definitely be creating a new thread for my soil mixes and documenting how they compare. Excited to say the least.

The person in my avatar is Terence Mckenna, who has had a profound impact on my life. If you have never heard of him I would start doing your research now lol. This talk is great if you have 2 hours to chill out, smoke bowls, and ponder on life. He gave this speech at Kane Hall, in Seattle, WA in 1994. Unfortunately I was only 5 yrs old at the time so even though I lived in Seattle I had no idea what was going on in my own backyard :eyesmoke: [video=youtube;cgk_DB5eJc0][/video] His crazy rambling voice can be hard to listen to for a long time, but if you are keen and persistent you will be amazed by what he has to say. I would also recommend his books "The Archaic Revival, and Food of the Gods". Great reads. Life changing stuff in there...
his teachings will definitely help your understanding the universe and larger scale of things and variable that often go unrepresented.
he was definitely one of the most under recognized geniuses out there.
his teachings will definitely help your understanding the universe and larger scale of things and variable that often go unrepresented.
he was definitely one of the most under recognized geniuses out there.

+ REP!!!!! cant agree more. if everybody knew about terence the world would be a very interesting place haha. insanely underrated/unknown in communities where he should be...
Nice, I never knew you used airpots.bongsmilie

..How do you like those with a soil medium? Do they increase your yield per gal?

Love airpots, don't know if I will ever go back to conventional pots after this...the ease of transplant alone makes it worthwhile...not to mention the root ball quality. I have yet to run a side by side comparison with the same strain (since I'm on a pheno hunt right now), but next run I will be doing a comparison for sure. There will be all sorts of experiments going on lol, with all sorts of different pot types/sizes, soil mixes, teas, etc. Just another reason that I need to keep a detailed journal. In the future there will be more threads etc. so its just going to get worse lol. But preliminarily after this round I can say that I think the airpots are going to give me healthier plants and therefore bigger yields. Plants that don't have choking roots are always going to be happier than plants that think they are running out of space. Air root pruning seems to be the future of gardening, especially in the nursery pot realm and areas where plants need to be kept for 5+ years in one pot....just my thoughts at least.
+ REP!!!!! cant agree more. if everybody knew about terence the world would be a very interesting place haha. insanely underrated/unknown in communities where he should be...

ignorance is the issue my friend. people choose to believe what they wish and as you know, from taking mushrooms, that there is a thin line between what you believe and what really is. on the subconsciousness level there is no difference, so if you believe in god, then that is what is real to you, and any other hypothetical situation, is not feasible because what you believe subconsciously is fact. so even if your open mided and still belevie in god, there is a flaw, because if your wrong and there is no god, it allah, you would still be fucked, even though it may situation you expected, subconsciously it is not what you believed was a fact. i believe in everything at one at all possibility's and all conclusions happening at the same time and place.