Organic TGA Grow Journal - Plushberry, Qush, Flav, Ace of Spades...the list goes on!

Love airpots, don't know if I will ever go back to conventional pots after this...the ease of transplant alone makes it worthwhile...not to mention the root ball quality. I have yet to run a side by side comparison with the same strain (since I'm on a pheno hunt right now), but next run I will be doing a comparison for sure. There will be all sorts of experiments going on lol, with all sorts of different pot types/sizes, soil mixes, teas, etc. Just another reason that I need to keep a detailed journal. In the future there will be more threads etc. so its just going to get worse lol. But preliminarily after this round I can say that I think the airpots are going to give me healthier plants and therefore bigger yields. Plants that don't have choking roots are always going to be happier than plants that think they are running out of space. Air root pruning seems to be the future of gardening, especially in the nursery pot realm and areas where plants need to be kept for 5+ years in one pot....just my thoughts at least.

its all in the soil mix... i use grow bags, super cheap, just as good as air pots for the most part if you have the proper soil mix that comes together like a sponge.
slightly more coir or peat than aeration material, most people like a 50/50 mix with the perlite and dont get me wrong plenty of drainage is good, but i like a mix about 65/35-60/40 to the perlite, that and compost teas help to bind the soil together better.
Thanks for the vid I ll watch it when I have some time next weekend.

I meant to say in my post, congrats on spotting those hermies!! I dont even think of looking for bananas when the buds are so immature.
Hey there, Cann! BTW I love and worship George R. so big ups on your avatar! Your setup is impressive and humble all at the same time. Youy seem well schooled, and have all the necessary tools for the job. + REP indeed! Stay Crunch! *Crunch*
Dameon - Thank you sir, but as we discussed a minute ago my avatar is Terence Mckenna...not sure who George R. is, wanna post up a link lol? And tell us why you worship him :) would love to hear it. Glad to have you around, thanks for the compliments :bigjoint:

Thanks for the vid I ll watch it when I have some time next weekend.

I meant to say in my post, congrats on spotting those hermies!! I dont even think of looking for bananas when the buds are so immature.

Definitely take a look at that vid...well worth your time. I've probably listened to that talk 15 times...

And thanks, I really wasn't necesarily looking for the hermies when I found them, but I do tend to spend a lottt of time just sitting next to my ladies talking to them/fondling them, so it is not surprising to see shit that most growers wouldnt...also I swear to god I had a dream one night where a few of them were hermie, and the next day went in there and the few I had dreamed about had tiny immature nuts...not really sure how that happened. I do sleep right next door to the flower room, so it's possible the ladies and I were sharing a bit of energy that night - really unsure. Plant dreams are always surprisingly significant to me....either that or my paranoia about hermies made em herm! lol. Either way it's all good, a few of the older ladies have spit one or two nanners at this point, but since were halfway through week 7 it's all good - the pollen will barely have time to mature and pollenate...and its on the nice purple plants and I don't want to chop them early at all haha
Ever since I read this I have been slightly discouraged from using coco over peat...

Anyone else agree? I have like 6 cuft of coco just waiting to be used...might run some side by sides and do a mini replica of this experiment...

Peat might work better but it comes at a price. It takes hundreds to a thousand years to regrow and is being removed at an astonishing rate, not to mention how important it is environmentally.
Alright...thats the one reason I wouldn't use peat...But after seeing the comparison and insane difference of peat vs. coco, i might still have to stick with peat. Still gotta find a way to use my 6 cuft of coco though so we'll see where were at in a few weeks..


Here are the seeds as of yesterday. QT#1 is a goner...I think the humidity was too low and it was unable to escape from it's shell - I took a look at it today to find it black and rotten inside its shell...looks like it choked itself out good. Tap root is black...:wall: Pissed at myself for not having them in a humidity dome...a lesson for next time I guess.

I got some more pics, I'll put em up later.
That link looked biased really,,, some of the plants looked like they hadn't been watered in forever. Organic growers are usually concerned with the wellbeing of the environment, usually why they go organic in the first place.
Coco on the other hand is easily replenished... Anyway.
Everything is looking nice cann.... as usual...

As far as the peat vs. coir I think most soil-less mixes out there have both in them but are gonna be mainly peat or mainly coir... As far as using coco straight... its something that some growers do and is ok if thats what your doing.. but for running a soil-less mix like most of us are, a mixture of both is best I think... I dont know what roots is made up of as far as the dominant material as I have yet to use it because its tough for me to get... but I usually run fox farms for the most part... which I would like to get away from to just try something else but thats another essay for another time.. Anyhow, FF ocean forest is mainly coir based and happy frog is peat based... I run these in a bag to bag ratio when I can get the supply of it I need. However, ocean forest comes in 1.5 cubic foot bags and happy frog comes in 2 c.f. bags... so whatever that works out to be, from there I add roughly 10% perlite (by volume obviously) as fox farms usually needs more perlite no matter what. My mixture of happy frog and ocean forest comes from matt rize and the vegan crew and didnt come from me, however I have since nixed the vegan ideals in my grows but that base mixture of HF and OF has improved my meds quite a bit since I started using it... I was running either/or prior.... I just need to be able to get a consistent supply of the stuff to come up with any kind of baseline to test other mixes against.

Just some info if you or anyone does decide to run coir or mix your own soil-less starting with coir, buy the better stuff obviously... the cheaper stuff tends to be loaded with salts. The better brands do a much better job of rinsing it.
Ever since I read this I have been slightly discouraged from using coco over peat...

Cann, you will find in many recipes that Coco is added. I think it helps with drainage and aeration of root zone (just a guess). Anyway, I will try to find the video and post it of Mr. Spliff adding Coco to a Batch of Super Soil that Jinxproof and Mr. Spliff made. He also added some clay balls. It lets the roots grab onto and develop better where the clay pellets are?

There is another user that has a recipe where Coco is the main medium and other organic fortifiers are added to complete the mix. I will try to find that thread and post it.

Oh, thanks for the videos of your setup. Really nice. Do you use a pair of Method 7s to see in there? haha. Subcool got the hookup from Method 7.

EDIT: Video Skip to 3:00 for mixing / recipe of Super Soil

Alright...thats the one reason I wouldn't use peat...But after seeing the comparison and insane difference of peat vs. coco, i might still have to stick with peat. Still gotta find a way to use my 6 cuft of coco though so we'll see where were at in a few weeks..

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Here are the seeds as of yesterday. QT#1 is a goner...I think the humidity was too low and it was unable to escape from it's shell - I took a look at it today to find it black and rotten inside its shell...looks like it choked itself out good. Tap root is black...:wall: Pissed at myself for not having them in a humidity dome...a lesson for next time I guess.

I got some more pics, I'll put em up later.
Also, you should use Solo's that aren't clear.
I just love clear cups cause I can watch root development so I know when to transplant...especially nice for clones. I have only gotten green roots one time and that was a cut I left in a clear container for 3+ weeks..most of the time the cups are only for a week or two. Maybe I'll set these cups inside opaque ones in order to give the roots some dark..good lookin out. have you had issues before with roots getting light?
Never used clear pots before, I look at my roots when I transplant though. On 24/0 I have noticed that I don't get roots to show for around 12-14 days when taking cuts in rapid rooters, but when I switch to 18/6 I have roots showing in 5-7 days. I would get some colored solo's and look at the roots of each when you transplant, Im betting the one planted in non clear solos would have much healthier roots, and much faster root growth.
ive never had a problem with clear cups either but then again like i said all in the soil mix... when my clones are ready to transplant they come out the pot solid root mass. best way to check root in my exp with my soil, it to just flip the pot and clone out and if you got good soil it should all stay in one piece so no damage or diturbance to the roots. if your soil is sand an loose this wont realy work... or if your using straw.
keep up the organics!

Subcools genetics are awesome. grew ace of spades my last grow, it was phenomenal!

check out my grow thread, lots of pics still to come, running TGA every harvest from now on!

every harvest? shit im working my own seed brand and i cant even say i would run my own shit every harvest lol. not because its not good but because that sounds boring. variety is the spice of life!