Organic Vs. Synthetic Nutrients

So your test was subjective, as I suspected.
Documented where? By who?
Shit gets "documented" daily on RIU by dumb fucks... :dunce:

Actually the only documented proof of higher potency has been done with hydro. In the big book of buds editions you see breeders mentioning some strains show much more thc grown in hydro.

Only in the new religion of organic pot growing have I seen people "say" the weed is more potent or more (complex) tasting and smelling.

I have never seen a lab test along with these claims. Not even on organic breeders websites.

Most growers are just picking the method they are better at in a side by side. too many variables anyway.

It is being proven however that certain micro nutrients (trace elements) may influence these things and there maybe more than the 17 elements originally thought to be used by plants needed for best results.
yeah, so to sum it ll up, Organic grown is way better than synth grown, unless you like the awesome hydro better, I get it now. :bigjoint:

seriously though, I'm able to coax more terpene profiles in an organic feeding program, and cheaper too, than I was able to in an expensive hydroponic/bottled. I loved my hydro, still do, but prefer my organic weed regardless of other factors like ease, cost etc.
I figure a majority feel hydro bottled is for selling and organic grown is for personal use. I like organic grown veggies too, had both, choose org for me and mine every time
All this new info available even specific to marijuana and the same ridiculous theories and arguments still prevail in the forums.

Capitalism is funny.
Yes capitalism is funny, however the joke is on you , you are funding the hydro companies like monsanto every time you buy a bottle of nutrients. Also you are smoking sub-par product that you have no idea what you are putting into it. Enjoy those snake oils.
yeah, so to sum it ll up, Organic grown is way better than synth grown, unless you like the awesome hydro better, I get it now. :bigjoint:

seriously though, I'm able to coax more terpene profiles in an organic feeding program, and cheaper too, than I was able to in an expensive hydroponic/bottled. I loved my hydro, still do, but prefer my organic weed regardless of other factors like ease, cost etc.
I figure a majority feel hydro bottled is for selling and organic grown is for personal use. I like organic grown veggies too, had both, choose org for me and mine every time
Your tests were also subjective.
What was your sample size?
Have you considered the possibility that you never got good at hydro?
Have you considered the possibility that there are people out there with growing skills that are superior to yours?

Never mind.
This is a waste of time...
Yes capitalism is funny, however the joke is on you , you are funding the hydro companies like monsanto every time you buy a bottle of nutrients. Also you are smoking sub-par product that you have no idea what you are putting into it. Enjoy those snake oils.
wow :dunce::cuss::dunce:
Yes capitalism is funny, however the joke is on you , you are funding the hydro companies like monsanto every time you buy a bottle of nutrients. Also you are smoking sub-par product that you have no idea what you are putting into it. Enjoy those snake oils.
Dude, he grows circles around you.

And his experiments are not subjective. :dunce::dunce:
Dude, he grows circles around you.

And his experiments are not subjective. :dunce::dunce:
What do you consider not subjective? He said his patients prefer synthetic, that is the same thing as me saying i prefer organic over synthetic....and i seen his grow and i'm not impressed.
What do you consider not subjective? He said his patients prefer synthetic, that is the same thing as me saying i prefer organic over synthetic....and i seen his grow and i'm not impressed.
Obviously you don't know anything about science or statistics.
That's fine and dandy, but a man's got to know his limitations.
It's obvious that you are simply defending your choice of grow method.
I am sorry if you feel threatened by concepts that are unfamiliar.
Your tests were also subjective.
What was your sample size?
Have you considered the possibility that you never got good at hydro?
Have you considered the possibility that there are people out there with growing skills that are superior to yours?

Never mind.
This is a waste of time...

have you ever fed your tomatoes miracle grow on one box and composted rabbit shit in the other?
I do all the time, other boxes use advanced nutrients and nobody has ever chosen a bottled fed tomato over a poop fed one.
theres something to it aye?
good at hydro? whats that mean? I never had mites, plant deaths, I always use top equipment ripped off the pages of a rosenthal bible, the very best genetics in the world and oodles of cash to operate with. of course i am an accomplished grower. maybe the difference is in chelates? bottled nutes have synthetic ones, plants uptake them, organic fed does not have synthetic chelates that plants uptake.
connect a cow to an IV and provide every needed nutrient now slaughter and taste.
next free range one for the same amount of time and try it. duh right? obvious differences no doubt? possibly so much so you may develop a preference of your own in the matter?

also check any info and you'll see organically fed vegetables are indeed more nutritious than synthetically grown veggies.
I'm not selling nutrients, never did, never will, I dont sell any growing supplies, nothing to gain by sharing my preferences and experiences. sorry you're offended by them
What do you consider not subjective? He said his patients prefer synthetic, that is the same thing as me saying i prefer organic over synthetic....and i seen his grow and i'm not impressed.
By the way, what was it that you "seen" in his grow that was unimpressive? Tell us why your grow is superior?
yeah, so to sum it ll up, Organic grown is way better than synth grown, unless you like the awesome hydro better, I get it now. :bigjoint:

seriously though, I'm able to coax more terpene profiles in an organic feeding program, and cheaper too, than I was able to in an expensive hydroponic/bottled. I loved my hydro, still do, but prefer my organic weed regardless of other factors like ease, cost etc.
I figure a majority feel hydro bottled is for selling and organic grown is for personal use. I like organic grown veggies too, had both, choose org for me and mine every time

Organic tomatoes taste far superior to hydro tomatoes, natural chelation and many more forms of each essential nutrient make organic superior for a lot of fruit and veg.

The same should hold true for weed :-)
have you ever fed your tomatoes miracle grow on one box and composted rabbit shit in the other?
I do all the time, other boxes use advanced nutrients and nobody has ever chosen a bottled fed tomato over a poop fed one.
theres something to it aye?

You beat me to it :-)
have you ever fed your tomatoes miracle grow on one box and composted rabbit shit in the other?
I do all the time, other boxes use advanced nutrients and nobody has ever chosen a bottled fed tomato over a poop fed one.
theres something to it aye?
good at hydro? whats that mean? I never had mites, plant deaths, I always use top equipment ripped off the pages of a rosenthal bible, the very best genetics in the world and oodles of cash to operate with. of course i am an accomplished grower. maybe the difference is in chelates? bottled nutes have synthetic ones, plants uptake them, organic fed does not have synthetic chelates that plants uptake.
connect a cow to an IV and provide every needed nutrient now slaughter and taste.
next free range one for the same amount of time and try it. duh right? obvious differences no doubt? possibly so much so you may develop a preference of your own in the matter?

also check any info and you'll see organically fed vegetables are indeed more nutritious than synthetically grown veggies.
I'm not selling nutrients, never did, never will, I dont sell any growing supplies, nothing to gain by sharing my preferences and experiences. sorry you're offended by them
You told me to check "any info" but did not provide references. Finding "any info" is easy. Finding "good info" is a bit harder because it involves science.
Do you know how they grow tomatoes in Holland? Do you think your tomatoes are better because they grew in dirt?
Pretty big assumption, don't you think?
If you can explain exactly how a plant differentiates organic elements from synthetic elements, it will give credibility to your argument.

<drops mic>
subjective :dunce:

Natural chelation and having vastly more types of phosphorus, zinc, boron, manganese plus a host of unessential exotics like silicone and stuff is not subjective with the synthetic nutrient science, rather proved tried and tested in many cultivas of fruit and veg.

Of course taste can be slightly subjective but with tomatoes you dont get a soil aftertaste from hydro.

Hey each way has their pros and cons :-)
If you can explain exactly how a plant differentiates organic elements from synthetic elements, it will give credibility to your argument.

<drops mic>

I can but quite lazy at the moment, suffice to say i remember that the different forms of phosphorus activate slightly different internal systems, the same is true for silicon although it is essentially not essential it does cause activation of certain plant resources and drives different hormone and protein gradients etc etc dull science will get back with citation in time :-)
Your tests were also subjective.
What was your sample size?
Have you considered the possibility that you never got good at hydro?
Have you considered the possibility that there are people out there with growing skills that are superior to yours?

Never mind.
This is a waste of time...

besides, my experiences may not be your findings. I provided my experience not a tutorial or testament.
these types of shares are anecdotal by design and definition, so what exactly is your point, of fucking course they are subjective, they are mine, duh? have a toke, shake a can, relax....