You are asking about nutrients but your question is actually much bigger than that. There are synth nutes and there are premixed "organic-based" nutrients but either of these is very different than growing in natural organic soil.
When you use any kind of liquid nutrient you are force feeding your plants by pouring everything they need all the time onto the root zone. Everything is then immediately available to the plant to uptake which is why you need to dilute liquid nutrients or risk a burn. It does not matter if they are organic or synthetic compounds and the plants don't really care either way. I've done it both ways and noticed very little difference except the bud grown with organic nutrients (was using roots organic nutes) tasted a little better than when I used synth nutes though I had a lot of other problems like thrips for instance. There is a place for "soup style" organics but it invites many issues you don't have to worry about as much using synth nutes.
If you want to truly grow organic the best way to do it is in a natural soil in which all you need to do is add clean water. Some call it supersoil but that's a marketing term. Recycling your soil after each harvest and adding compost like worm castings and other dry soil amendments is the best way to grow organic and will produce hands down the finest tasting cannabis with minimal effort. Your mix gets better each time you recycle it and it does take awhile before you get stellar results.
The difference is microbial and fungal activity which is what breaks down the organic material in your mix and makes it available to your plants. Soil is actually a living thing and if you treat it as such it will grow super healthy happy sticky buds that taste as they should. Organic soils grow bud that is a true representation of the strain characteristics unlike synth nutes that can affect the taste even if properly used. Synthetic nutes kill off these microbes and fungi that make what's in the soil available to the plants which is why IMO they should never be used in soil at all. Synth nutes work best in hydroponic mediums whereas in soils water and the occasional organic tea work best.
Yes it's true organic grows do not typically yield as much as say a dwc hydro system but it is simpler and cheaper with less effort checking ph and ppms. It takes time to get there but once your mix reaches supernatural status it becomes easier to produce yields that can rival hydro grows but it takes training and experience. I could write a book here on this and I almost have already so I'll stfu now and leave you with this:
Knowledge is the power of the organic grower so much research is needed; check out the organic section and my recently updated thread if you want to see how it's done: