OrganiGram open for registration

Stop telling everyone that lp's are the only way to access their meds. You're being unreasonable. You want to make money off of us. To fucking bad. Never gonna happen. If we listen to you and beleive what you say then well over 75% of Canadian mmj users are crinimals already. The system is wrong not us. Get use to it. This message will be beat into anyone spewing the lp is the only legal way bullshit Everytime you push your agenda.

Innocent until proven guilty. Its the part thats in-between innocent and guilty that should concern most. "Until Proven" Thats the part that scares me the most, not jail time, defending your rights is expensive and time consuming. right or wrong its going to cost ya. Until cannabis is stricken from the cdsa, its a risk, and its a personal choice to conform to your governments request to use LPs, or to rebel.

I agree, there is plenty of medicine on the plant not just the top primo buds. For cooking or extracting the so called *waste* works great, why throw it away. I would never suggest smoking it, and would never charge more than $1/g. Its a great option if your a patient that only extracts and ingests orally. its an inexpensive way to get the medicine from the plant. There is a whole industry making medables from "waste", I can Guarantee most commercial edibles aren't made from bud. I for one prefer to smoke the top flowers, and extract or cook with the harvest "waste".

according to HC your only method of medicating with shake is smoking it so I think the BHO and edible arguments should be left out of this conversation. Of course they are alternatives but if we're going to go down the "L.P's are offering as an alternative " road, fair is fair. they fully intend on you smoking it.
Innocent until proven guilty. Its the part thats in-between innocent and guilty that should concern most. "Until Proven" Thats the part that scares me the most, not jail time, defending your rights is expensive and time consuming. right or wrong its going to cost ya. Until cannabis is stricken from the cdsa, its a risk, and its a personal choice to conform to your governments request to use LPs, or to rebel.

How much does it cost these days to show up in court and enter your medical documnet into evidence? And to subpena the signing doctor?
if your sick, or lazy like me. or are uneducated about your rights. Lots. Most people don't know their rights or the laws, and will need help to defend themselves.

according to HC your only method of medicating with shake is smoking it so I think the BHO and edible arguments should be left out of this conversation. Of course they are alternatives but if we're going to go down the "L.P's are offering as an alternative " road, fair is fair. they fully intend on you smoking it.
Canna Farms straight up says that their shake is for oral ingestion. Aka cooking. Delta9 has instructions on how to make tea properly in their info section. Wonder how long it will take before HC warns them about that too lol
according to HC your only method of medicating with shake is smoking it so I think the BHO and edible arguments should be left out of this conversation. Of course they are alternatives but if we're going to go down the "L.P's are offering as an alternative " road, fair is fair. they fully intend on you smoking it.

its relevant in BC. edibles are exempt from the cdsa, and extracts? a valid option if u r bc.

These guys are way out of the loop and won't ever come full circle. I'm not sitting here pushing an LP agenda - I get 100% of my product from non-LP sources. I'm just trying to point out that being so blindly anti-LP is making you sound like an idiot.


I deal in numbers and facts. Feel free to live your life in conjecture.

1. Marijuana, without a valid prescription, is illegal. Selling, carrying and sharing it is no different than selling, carrying or sharing other narcotics of the same class.

2. Compassion Clubs, dispensaries, international locations, the largest edibles producer in the US and countless other people use trim/shake to make edibles. Throwing all that in the garbage is a waste of good product. Do you also empty the bottom of your grinder into the garbage?

3. LPs are legal. A prescription from an LP is legal. Carrying LP marijuana around in an approved container is legal. Almost everything else falls into a grey area unless you are personally affected by the injunction with legal paperwork. Anything beyond this is factually illegal. Just because you may be able to fight it in court, does not mean it's not illegal. I fight speeding tickets in court and win, but I don't pretend that driving 40km/h over the speed limit is legal.

4. Your head is lodged up your ass
And I want to be crystal, fucking clear about this, because you seem to be confused.

I don't give a shit if you smoke weed on a public bus or carry your weed through the parliament building - just STOP telling other people they can get away with something illegal by telling them it's legal when it is NOT.

I smoke weed too. I carry it. I transport it. I share it from time to time. AND I acknowledge that it's illegal to do all of the above.
Canna Farms straight up says that their shake is for oral ingestion. Aka cooking. Delta9 has instructions on how to make tea properly in their info section. Wonder how long it will take before HC warns them about that too lol
How the Fuck can they say that when the only legal way to use mj is smoking it? Oddish...itsme please weigh in here.
How the Fuck can they say that when the only legal way to use mj is smoking it? Oddish...itsme please weigh in here.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the things they got written up for.
The reality is that the rules are the rules, but enforcement is lacking. Health Canada is so busy fighting actual black market seepage from the LPs that small things like how a product is labelled are likely just slipping through the cracks.

Believe it or not, the department assigned to this "project" of theirs is way too small and under staffed.
The RCMP is supposed to be a big component of enforcement, but they have better things to do.

At this point, I'm not that concerned about this point because saying it can only be smoked was stupid on HC's part.
How the Fuck can they say that when the only legal way to use mj is smoking it? Oddish...itsme please weigh in here.

Health Canada’s Information for Health Care Practitioners document describes:

  1. the pharmacokinetics of SIX methods of absorption, (smoked, vaporized, oral, oro-mucosal, rectal, topical)
  2. dosing ranges for FOUR methods of ingestion (smoking, oral, oro-mucosal, vapourization)
  3. the metabolic processes for inhaled and orally ingested cannabinoids
Can you link me to your reference?

Teamwork. Don't even mention it.
I wish the best of luck to anyone who tries to understand our system here.
As much as I understand why most of it's happening, that doesn't make it less fucked.
LP's can't distribute extracts (yet), but as a patient once it's in your possession you can ingest it as you Or your doctor see's fit, in BC anyways.

When an LP ships a pile of blended of uh "sweet leaf" what is the % of thc and cbd?
whatever they report it is after getting the lab test results? :S they cant sell anything without testing it, so they blend it all together and test it and get the % of cannabinoids duh
whatever they report it is after getting the lab test results? :S they cant sell anything without testing it, so they blend it all together and test it and get the % of cannabinoids duh

Please rethink that after you've researched sample size and the process of mixing dried marihuana (HINT: mixing dried marijuana doesn't mix the strains, so each nug/leaf/trim will be a different strain, different reading).
Only in BC apparently. It's something to do with modifying a prescription drug I think.

I'll see if I can find the raw source if I find a minute.

TheBCCaseCourtDocuments said:
[17]There is no way to secure an authorization to possess THC under the MMARs. Similarly, possession or production of cannabis resin, which contains THC and other active compounds like cannabidiol (“CBD’), another prohibited substance under Schedule II of the CDSA, is not permitted under the MMARs. The only form of marijuana authorized for possession under the MMARs is “dried marijuana”, which is defined as “harvested cannabis (marijuana) that has been subjected to a drying process”. The Regulations include, amongst other things, restrictions on the maximum amount of dried marijuana an ATP holder can possess at a given time.

So basically, it's not about what you ingest, it's about what you posses. You can have edibles, oils, etc because they're all illegal substances on their own.
These guys are way out of the loop and won't ever come full circle. I'm not sitting here pushing an LP agenda - I get 100% of my product from non-LP sources. I'm just trying to point out that being so blindly anti-LP is making you sound like an idiot.


I deal in numbers and facts. Feel free to live your life in conjecture.

1. Marijuana, without a valid prescription, is illegal. Selling, carrying and sharing it is no different than selling, carrying or sharing other narcotics of the same class.

2. Compassion Clubs, dispensaries, international locations, the largest edibles producer in the US and countless other people use trim/shake to make edibles. Throwing all that in the garbage is a waste of good product. Do you also empty the bottom of your grinder into the garbage?

3. LPs are legal. A prescription from an LP is legal. Carrying LP marijuana around in an approved container is legal. Almost everything else falls into a grey area unless you are personally affected by the injunction with legal paperwork. Anything beyond this is factually illegal. Just because you may be able to fight it in court, does not mean it's not illegal. I fight speeding tickets in court and win, but I don't pretend that driving 40km/h over the speed limit is legal.

4. Your head is lodged up your ass
So you can't refute my claims? That's just what I though. You can keep sing the its illigal song as long as you like.

1. Oh and you're wrong, marijuana without a valid medical document is illigal. Seeing as your the self designed lp know it all you should know the diffrence. No one in Canada has a perscription for marijuana.

2. Are you on glue or just imagining things? When did I say shake isn't high enough quality to be used for baking/concentrates? Your argument here is with GB not me.

3. No the mmrp is illigal get your fucking facts straight mate. You have a financial stake in this fight. How can lp's fill prescriptions when there are no such thing as a perception for mmj? The medical document I have is approved and accepted across Canada in any criminal court.

4. Stop acting like your not trying hard to make your millions off the backs of the sick and the poor. You should be ashamed of yourself.

5. Earlier this week someone on here told me you are a suspected hc employee due to all the "facts" you "know" lol had a good laugh at that one. fact is you don't know shit.