Well-Known Member
Stop telling everyone that lp's are the only way to access their meds. You're being unreasonable. You want to make money off of us. To fucking bad. Never gonna happen. If we listen to you and beleive what you say then well over 75% of Canadian mmj users are crinimals already. The system is wrong not us. Get use to it. This message will be beat into anyone spewing the lp is the only legal way bullshit Everytime you push your agenda.
Innocent until proven guilty. Its the part thats in-between innocent and guilty that should concern most. "Until Proven" Thats the part that scares me the most, not jail time, defending your rights is expensive and time consuming. right or wrong its going to cost ya. Until cannabis is stricken from the cdsa, its a risk, and its a personal choice to conform to your governments request to use LPs, or to rebel.