Out door 2022 open show an tell

I was thinking the same... I ran them when he was calling the iranian short season ( changed the name since)
And they were done twards the end of july.. one was done the second week.. near the 48th parallel
I b
I was thinking the same... I ran them when he was calling the iranian short season ( changed the name since)
And they were done twards the end of july.. one was done the second week.. near the 48th parallel

I believe SmichiganOG said they got Iranian Early Flower from Oregon Green Seeds. Oregon Green Seeds says they got it in fem form from Dr Greenthumb and worked it into regs. I also got some from OGS, but it is suppossed to be very suseptible to mold, so I haven't tried it here in Oklahoma. Anyway, a little strain trivia.
I b

I believe SmichiganOG said they got Iranian Early Flower from Oregon Green Seeds. Oregon Green Seeds says they got it in fem form from Dr Greenthumb and worked it into regs. I also got some from OGS, but it is suppossed to be very suseptible to mold, so I haven't tried it here in Oklahoma. Anyway, a little strain trivia.
I missed that. Good call..
My homage
Goodbye moroccan hash plant...you were awesome while i knew you
(reveg stuck clone)

that frosty fugly thing was once this beauty pageant queen
But..she never recovered after the first flowering....she's flowering a second time now and gonna be gone in another month or so, and never return...no hope in normal life with her so...any seeds in her will be all i get...thnx girl
So much fkn work...over a year! :(
I b

I believe SmichiganOG said they got Iranian Early Flower from Oregon Green Seeds. Oregon Green Seeds says they got it in fem form from Dr Greenthumb and worked it into regs. I also got some from OGS, but it is suppossed to be very suseptible to mold, so I haven't tried it here in Oklahoma. Anyway, a little strain trivia.
Yup. Mine came from OGS. No mold yet, including septoria. Oddly, the OGOG Erdpurt variation has had some septoria.
Yup. Mine came from OGS. No mold yet, including septoria. Oddly, the OGOG Erdpurt variation has had some septoria.
My OGOG last year had septoria the worst last year and got pulled very earlydo to it. OGOG is half Iranian Early Flower, so maybe that was part of it, but my whole garden had septoria to some extent last year. So this year I have been at the ready with a sulfur solution and we get day after day of 100 degrees plus, but no septoria!
My OGOG last year had septoria the worst last year and got pulled very earlydo to it. OGOG is half Iranian Early Flower, so maybe that was part of it, but my whole garden had septoria to some extent last year. So this year I have been at the ready with a sulfur solution and we get day after day of 100 degrees plus, but no septoria!
It needs high RH for weeks to get going, But ya i find prevention is a lot easier than elimination.
It needs high RH for weeks to get going, But ya i find prevention is a lot easier than elimination.
Last year in July we got 8 inches of rain in 6 days at one point, every outside plant native or otherwise, was riddled with septoria, with some of the native fruit trees becoming almost completely defoliated. The sulfur spray and a dry late Sept. helped keep the septoria at bay, but when the plants got old and week in late flower, it came on with a vengence! Only the Pine Tar Kush and the Royal Kush really got to finish decently.
Anyone have this problem with their outdoor plants.. certian tops in random spots are getting this purple shit.. (its not a temp thing) ive seen multipal threads on the subject but none have nailed it down to a hard answer.. ive had it in past outdoor growa years ago.. starts like this then the leaves start deforming .. i ended up trashing those plants back then.. i would really like to prevent that with these..20220808_161916.jpg20220808_161910.jpg20220808_161900.jpg20220808_161842.jpg20220808_161826.jpg
Anyone have this problem with their outdoor plants.. certian tops in random spots are getting this purple shit.. (its not a temp thing) ive seen multipal threads on the subject but none have nailed it down to a hard answer.. ive had it in past outdoor growa years ago.. starts like this then the leaves start deforming .. i ended up trashing those plants back then.. i would really like to prevent that with these..View attachment 5177242View attachment 5177243View attachment 5177244View attachment 5177245View attachment 5177246

Beet Curly Top Virus (BCTV), named after the beet leafhopper, the insect that transmits the virus.
Cut it out asap, it can spread by contact. Side branches that later develop on the plant are largely symptom-free.
Some plants can overcome it on their own, but not usually.
See pdf for more details.
https://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/hempinsects/PDFs/Curly Top Beet Leafhopper 2020.pdf

I've been loving this Bioceres WP for prevention for caterpillars and hoppers, both can't stand the silica clay coating on the leaves. Hoppers and moths won't stay on the plant more than a few seconds.
Mixing Bt into it as well, and the clay dessicates any eggs or mites when it dries, so lots of modes of action going on.

I've been more vigilant about leafhoppers since seeing the spots they bit last year turn in to septoria almost a month later, as well as 2 plants with the purple tops and stunted growth.
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Got back from a few day trip, it's always nice to see the difference after some time away. BT7 a still stretching an inch from the top of the greenhouse, my pollen chuck apple infusion/lemmongrass has also stretched like crazy. Insane node spacing, smells great but not sure I'll keep her, not crazy on that stretch. I've kinked her and the bt7 over multiple times and they just knuckle up and point right back toward the sun.
Got back from a few day trip, it's always nice to see the difference after some time away. BT7 a still stretching an inch from the top of the greenhouse, my pollen chuck apple infusion/lemmongrass has also stretched like crazy. Insane node spacing, smells great but not sure I'll keep her, not crazy on that stretch. I've kinked her and the bt7 over multiple times and they just knuckle up and point right back toward the sun.
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Looks great!