Outdoor 2009 Backyard Giants

Beautiful garden. That tall sunflower is off the hook.
Beautiful garden. That tall sunflower is off the hook.


I had lots more sunflowers but they were to much shade. So I chopped them. All the sunflowers are in normal backyard soil with no ferts. I did have to stake them up though when small.
I love me some sunflowers. I like the hybrids which shoot multiple heads all season. I have several Red Suns around the yard, with my tallest being 9+ ft.
while I am making my frame for the trillis netting I will share how I make my clones. I use the simple old fish tank filter method. I can take cutting and drop in the back of the filter and be ready for cups in 10 day with the G-13 cuttings. 12 days with my other strain. Make sure you adjust your fish tank water to a PH of 6.5 or so. I have only seen 1 cutting not root while using the filter method. Also make sure the leafs stay dry while in the filter.
These cutting were put in the filter on 8-2. Ready for cups 10 days latter.

I like using the fish filter method for I can get cuttings with roots with hardly any color loss to the leafes. I took some cuttings and used rooting hormon to compare.

There is some yellowing but it goes away after one day in the soil.

I also like this method for I can see the roots and not wonder how they are doing when I am useing the dirt farmer method.

Here are my cuttings when put in the cups. It has been 10 days from when I took the cutting.

Here are the cutting I used rooting hormon on. They are starting to grow but reall slow. Lots of yellowing. been in the cups for 10 days. No roots growing out the holes yet.

Here is a shot of the same cuttings after 2 days in the cups.


Here are the cuttings I used rooting hormon on after the same 2 days. Some new growth showing new leafes but doing so real slow.

Anyway this is how I do it. Someday I will make a bubbler. But for now this is pretty easy and simple.
Well this is the frame thingy I was talking about. It needs some adjustments but I will be able to work with it. Just getting ready for any storms. It still needs some work on the back side and trim the tall boards down.




As you can see this plant is just chugging along. Today is the first full sun day since I untied her. She should r eally straiten out today. She is losing her flat top she had. I will have to think of another name for her.


The potted plants are getting pretty big also. The are in full flower now.


lookin good man :clap:
I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more on your cloning method using the fish tank filter.
lookin good man :clap:
I was wondering if you could elaborate a little more on your cloning method using the fish tank filter.

Well all I can really say is make sure your fish tank water is at 6.2 to 6.8.

I just cut and drop in. I use a old pair of scizzers. I try to make my slant cuts at a node point. My fish tank is 70 degrees.

It helps to take the filter pad out. The roots will grow into the pad. If this happens just let them get a good ball and rip it out.

It really is as simple as could be. wait for roots and plant. Do not let the leafes get wet from the top of the filter. it will kill them.

How is this for some stem? This is the plant by the fence. She is truly a hog. If you can see a 3D photo this trunk is much larger than this soda can. This is by for the largest trunk I have ever grown.
i just finished reading the whole thread and i enjoyed it all definately subscribing and thats a monster stem but i use the same fishtamk filter method as you oh yeah and +rep
This plant is starting to get all it's branches in order. After it was untied the weather was mild. The last few days have been sunny so she is stretching her legs again. I will have to go in and place some branches around still. These plants are still stretching. The 5 have started to bud slowly. The fat bushy one on the left end is still in preflower and stretching fast. Here tops are shooting up really fast. I think this plant will be the taller than the middle one when it's done stretching. whatever strain this is I really like how it grows.



I got my storm frame and netting done yesterday. I still got some neeting works to do on the top. I will just use string for this making my own netting. Do not ask me what I was thinking with my building skills. But hey it working. I feel much better have them netted in. I spent about 30$ on the wood and about 20$ on the netting.




These guys are really getting fat. There are in full flower now. Same clones as the others but much further in the flowers? I wonder if this is trying to tell me something? Any ideas what if any? The stalks on the two are just as big as the ones in the above stem pic. Shit you not.

This is my sunflower. Look at the head on this guy. It is not the largest sunflower around wise. But damm is sure is fat.
5150 looks like you live in the great northwest by the back yard i can tell its an oregon washington home i myself live in oregon and love this area for growing ...check out my first grow attempt this year outdoors its doing well just as you are
well this morning she was back at the top of the fence that's on top of the fence. She was about 1" from the top so I have to start tieing her over again. I thought she was just straitening out but she is still stretching as are the other 5. This plant is in the early full flower mode now. I hope she is done with the stretch.

Hahaha your trellis solution was quickly outwitted by the strength of the sun....not the worst problem in the world to have... Looks great!
Wow man im loving the trellis setup...looks like it was easy and very cheap to build...keep up the great work man your monsters look so friggin awesome...do you get yellow leaves at all? LOL
oh and btw the sunflower is huge!
Wow man im loving the trellis setup...looks like it was easy and very cheap to build...keep up the great work man your monsters look so friggin awesome...do you get yellow leaves at all? LOL
oh and btw the sunflower is huge!

On the potted plants I get lots of yellow leaves. I lose maybe 2 or 4 a day.

On the planted plants I get only a few that I have seen. I do see dried up dead ones hanging on the branches or on the ground whenever I crawl under them. But even those are very few.
On the potted plants I get lots of yellow leaves. I lose maybe 2 or 4 a day.

On the planted plants I get only a few that I have seen. I do see dried up dead ones hanging on the branches or on the ground whenever I crawl under them. But even those are very few.
yeah well its unavoidable...when plants get big and bushy like that, the leaves deep in the canopy just dont get enough light...im pluckin many dead leaves off my bigger ones...:peace: