Outdoor grow journal - Start to Finish

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I've been playing with Afghan for a couple years, and the vigor of this strain is amazing. I've put them through some real stressful conditions and they still done good. Rejuving, cloning, indoor/outdoor, they are survivors. The stone will put your ass down quick. I've crossed it -so far- with Master Kush, Cali Orange, THC Bomb and Easy Sativa. All you need is one good Mother, then your off & running. Good luck Dude.


Well-Known Member
I've been playing with Afghan for a couple years, and the vigor of this strain is amazing. I've put them through some real stressful conditions and they still done good. Rejuving, cloning, indoor/outdoor, they are survivors. The stone will put your ass down quick.
Yeah, thats why I specifically chose this strain. I really need a hardy plant if its going to survive out in the forest with all the hard rain and bugs.

Thanks for posting! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Day 11 of NEW Afgans

All four of my Afghan plants are still doing very well and growing like crazy, day to day. I might start on very light nutes at two weeks depending on how they look and if they need it. Here's a picture of the tallest one. The others are linked at the bottom...

Day 4 of Afgan x Mazar

I started my five Afghan x Mazar seeds and all of them germinated. One took a few days longer to germinate and is just now sprouting. One germinated, but just wouldn't sprout. I carefully dug it up a couple days later and it was dead. So now I have four Afgan x Mazar sprouts and one Trainwreck sprout from a bagseed.

My initial bagseed is dead! My bird attacked it on the porch! Damn thing! It was just starting to really catch up on its growth and it smelled really great. I'm keeping all my new sprouts FAR away from that winged demon!



Well-Known Member
looking great man... i wish i had some afghans :cry: the only one i planted died! but yours look great! ill keep watching them :mrgreen: good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Day 15 of Afghan grow

I have some new pictures I'd like to post. My four pure Afghans are doing very well, except one which is showing some signs of burn. I gave them JR Peters all purpose fertilizer a couple days ago at a low dose (just less than 1/4 teaspoon per gallon). The other three seem to have responded to the nutes well. I've already watered again with pure water. Here's a picture of one of the lower leaves on the burnt plant, as well as another picture of a plant that might be curling a bit...

That's the only bad news. Here are some pictures of the others...

Day 8 of Afghan x Mazar grow

These guys are doing well. I currently have four of these plants too. The fifth sprouted all retarded, so I pulled it. I dont want to mess with weak plants. I have plenty of seeds and not a lot of space, so I'm going to be picky.


So far I have two germinated seeds in the ground and three more in paper towels.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Lookin awesome. You're growin like a pro now! That first plant pictured is not burned, however. The even yellowness you have on the leaves is nitrogen deficiency. The spots on top of that yellow is a magnesium deficiency. The color shade of your leaves will tell you a lot about their nitrogen level. If the green is evenly fading and becoming yellow, nitrogen level is low. If your leaves are a dark green, almost bluish, you have high N levels. Since you have EVEN yellowing (yellowing only between the veins of the leaves could be a variety of other problems), your nitrogen levels are low. Burn only occurs when N levels are too high. This is further backed up by the light green color of your other plants. They are all asking for nutrients. Don't go overboard but keep it at 1/4 strength, especially for the deficient plant, and you will see them green back up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, great insight Mared. You're one of the reasons I keep posting. Thanks for the help!

I'll foliar feed them late tonight with the nutrient water.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Wow, great insight Mared. You're one of the reasons I keep posting. Thanks for the help!

I'll foliar feed them late tonight with the nutrient water.
No problem. I've had a lot of great people on this site help me and I just want to pass on what I've learned. I'm not a big fan of foliar feeding. My plants grow really well without spraying anything on them, even plain water. I'm just cautious because intense light combined with high nutrient content in the water you spray on can cause spots on the leaves. But everyone is comfortable with different methods of caring for their plants, so if it's working for you, go for it. Just know that if you have problems from what you spray on, I can't really help because I've never sprayed anything on my plants... ever. The exception is clones which have to stay wet but as soon as they're out of the cloner after 10 days, that's it. My plants have no problem absorbing everything they need through their roots. In the great outdoors, no nutrient-rich rain ever falls from the sky. The nutes are all in the soil.


Well-Known Member
No problem. I've had a lot of great people on this site help me and I just want to pass on what I've learned. I'm not a big fan of foliar feeding. My plants grow really well without spraying anything on them, even plain water. I'm just cautious because intense light combined with high nutrient content in the water you spray on can cause spots on the leaves. But everyone is comfortable with different methods of caring for their plants, so if it's working for you, go for it. Just know that if you have problems from what you spray on, I can't really help because I've never sprayed anything on my plants... ever. The exception is clones which have to stay wet but as soon as they're out of the cloner after 10 days, that's it. My plants have no problem absorbing everything they need through their roots. In the great outdoors, no nutrient-rich rain ever falls from the sky. The nutes are all in the soil.
Very true, your a wise guy +rep for that.

Im using worm castings for my soil to keep nutritious, and on occasion baby bio, got to keep it natural in the outdoors. :peace:

Keep it real and goodluck.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Very true, your a wise guy +rep for that.

Im using worm castings for my soil to keep nutritious, and on occasion baby bio, got to keep it natural in the outdoors. :peace:

Keep it real and goodluck.
Worm castings are great. I use a coco coir/worm casting mix. Fast growth like hydro. Full flavor like soil. But I'm indoors and not all-natural by any means. Need the chem nutes for this stuff.


Well-Known Member
You should try it, its good to feel the healthy air in your lungs walking to the growth site ^^.
Ill get something chemical when i start flowering, but other than that i wont be.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
This thread is what it's all about, helping each other. Gold Stars for all! For Gin M., Organic Vegging, then Chem Flowering? What a shame. I originally got the Chem Bloom & used it... Until I read the ingredients in Earth Juice Bloom. When I read the ingredients during Story Time to my plants, they quivered. Their favorite stories is, of course, Jack and the Bean Stalk, and Johnny Appleseed. However, the E J Bloom caused me a bit of a dilemma. 25% of the flower hairs was turning brown when I first used the E J Bloom. All of a sudden, white hairs started bursting out on hundreds of smaller flowers, to such an extent that I had to supper crop;.. just take the buds that was ready while others flourished. I started calling them Don King's, due to the stand-up straight whit hairs everywhere. I wish I would have had the stuff when first flowering started. Speaking of the Bluish/Green color, I have several vegging babies from one inch to 36 inches. I ran out of Vegging nutes, and now just using mushroom compost tea when watering. I noticed yesterday the Bluish tint, VERY nice looking. However, like the "Easy Sativa" from KC Brains, they are not suppose to be a dark green. So take that into consideration. Have a good Day.


Well-Known Member

To Mared and anyone else following. Here is one of my 19 day old sprouts. The lower leaves are looking very yellow all over which would seem to indicate that it needs nutrients...

However, I've already gave them nutrients once, as described in a recent update. A day after feeding, they started to look burnt. Mared Juwan said that it looked like a nutrient deficiency, but look again at that plant...

Both lower leaves have turned brown and fell off. I dont know if I should give more nutrients, or continue to feed pure water. I dont want to burn the thing to death. Two of the other plants look fine, although one is starting to brown on the leaf tip. Advice? Thoughts?

Here's another small issue with another batch of plants. This one is a little younger and is showing some small white spots on the leaves. It doesn't seem to be getting worse like the plants above...

Thanks for checking in. Help out if you can!


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Those brown/black spots are magnesium deficiency for sure. You can go to the GrowFAQ for more detailed info but these are their pictures for mag def. Just go to a pharmacy/drugstore and buy epsom salt. Mix in 2 tablespoons per gallon with your feed water.



Well-Known Member
Ah, well its update time I guess. I promised start to FINISH, so I guess I better wrap this puppy up...

Most of my plants died, either from too much love or from another unknown cause. I did have 4 Mangos growing well though. Once I decided to just leave them completely alone, they grew about a foot high, but never got taller. Nutes never really helped. They finally showed sex, then died off.

Conclusion... I dont have a green thumb apparently. Now on to a new project... mushrooms.