Outdoor Guerilla Grow: Slugs & Earthworms & Smell


Active Member
Hi all fellow growers,

I've started an auto grow (automazar, big devil #2 auto, big bang etc.) a month ago outdoors from seed. Unfortunately they died after sprouting because of a week of stormy weather.

Now weather is better and I've planted new seeds. (only 1 sprouted yet, pics to come)

My worry is the smell: junkyard has 1,8-2meter high walls. my seeds are located right next to the wall and other side of the wall leads to a parking slot (at least 20-30 come & go, but no one can enter the junkyard because pathways are blocked by vines&thorny plants)

Will someone passing by smell 2-3 auto plants? (the wall runs at least 50 meters, I can plant them seperate too)

Main concern: The soil is very rich but there are some slugs/slimes and many earthworms. Will those create a problem, How can I deal with them?

Wish me luck,
Wish you luck.
(please do so, 2 years - 2 failed grow attempts)
the earthworms are good for aeration and their castings are good food for the plants, dunno if theres any benefit from having slugs around
thanks for the reply,

as long as I stay away from skunk/diesel etc. strains smell shouldn't be a problem, am I wrong?
eh, to be honest w ya about ten years ago i found 2 diff plants at 2 diff times one summer, in 2 seperate locations.

the only reason i found them is because i was off roading and smelled them, and followed my nose

nothin special lookin either, just reg

but its a powerful smell and anyone familiar with it will instantly know what it is
You can buy slug killer from any K-Mart or Wally World. As far as smell goes, for me I became somewhat amune working around the plants but have been told smell can get ya ripped, not necessarily caught by five o. Two auto's I really don't see any huge problem, good luck with your grow, and remember to share with those less fortunate.

i'm having a very bad start

bad news:
2 sprouts dead, I guess either because of the rain or slugs

im starting new seeds indoors =/
the soil is always humid/moist where I plant, so I'll wait for better weather (or plants to get bigger) for the transplant
here is the pics: (no sprout photo, these are new 2x2)

Slugs are very bad for sprouts.you should keep in small pot indoors near window till it gets a little bigger
It's raining a lot these days here, (southern europe) and those slugs are everywhere after a rain...

I would cry if I wasn't growing auto strains... (at least 2 weeks set back for me =/)
Hey bro, listen, copper will repel slugs 100%. It creates a slight electrical charge and they will not cross a copper barrier. I suggest finding copper tape off of Ebay possibly, I purchased two three meter rolls for a few dollars. Simply create a 1" band around the base of the stock and they will not touch your plants. Or, you can use copper speaker wire in the same fashion. Aside from that, let the plants get a little bigger before placing them outside. Or, if you're able, take the cups inside at night since this is when slugs are active. Regarding the smell, if you're only going to be growing a few small autoflowering plants, the smell will much less worrisome than the smell from a single full size plant in bud. I wouldn't worry too much about that.
About the slugs, tuna can half full of cheap beer at the base of the plant and slugs are no longer a problem, well you will have to dump them out once in a while.
Thanks, I'll try both methods as soon as I transplant out.

However I won't risk another sprout death (~$8 for each loss + my whole week gets ruined, I'm sensitive:))
The weather is still shitty here anyway.

About the slugs, tuna can half full of cheap beer at the base of the plant and slugs are no longer a problem, well you will have to dump them out once in a while.

You also usually have to refill them often and especially when it rains, but this is also excellent advice.
I will start a journal soon, but until then;

here we go:

1st sprout

it is a bit yellowish? (taken yesterday, will update today)


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back from work with a surprise 2/4 sprouts

they are still yellow, with a very small tint of green :wall:



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a good way to keep out slugs is to make a ring of copper wire on the ground around the stem. i dont know why but they wont cross it. also make sure there are no other plants touching yours acting as a bridge for slugs
i'm having HUGE problems...

these photos were from 3-4 days ago

guess what, today I went to check the spot and found my girls were literally raped...



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