Outdoor in the Adirondack


Well-Known Member
So in upstate New York ik know I’ll meet problems like none other or perfect season upstate is dipolar sometimes it’s ok. So I’m taking over grow for an old man ik who got hurt and could upkeep like he would have liked to. So to begin tear down of what I was given to work with

12 plants some from last harvest clones most actually under insufficient lights Fluorescence lights prolly 40watts total ik don’t even comment trust me slow growth an small leaves told me everything
I have no clue where the soil came from but it was diverse let’s say that
They were never fed nutes except some bs mg shit so I bought peat and perlite mixed everything real nice and good with coast of Maine stonington blend
Watered with chlorine tap no ph Test allll winter so here I come along time to save em
Well until spider mites wiped out over half em got some neem oil fixed those fuckers then got thrips I believe seeing if neem will fix been foliage spraying before lights out every two days sense thrip damage got worse

got the outdoor garden ready tilled a 20x20 after cutting sod out then filled in composting mulch and composted pig manure fed organic vegetables an shit yk how it is tilled again after it rained then I marked out where I want the plants and got feisty after deciding to transplant the remaining plants into new soil I waited until I saw mycelium growing on to make sure it was alive yk after being traumatized all winter well I put three in the ground that I had double clones of see how they do goin in early mind you rn is 30 out an rainy really don’t care what happens waiting for soil to cook a lil bit and if they make they make itB2CF719B-F7EA-42B3-9E22-A92CD97AF03B.jpeg
Origin soil is clay and thick asf but it’ll be better after this season imma till in more manure and organic compost after this grow for rn I just dug out 2x2 holes and mixed soil and wood chips with some coast of Maine ferts but I plant to get earth dust and go from their I’m also gonna set up a proper rain barrel for water all organic from now on folks ima also getting seeds in next week or two and if these girls don’t make it so be it lol

the plot is set up with one in center 8 surrounding and one each corner a big x with 4 around center
not tryna be a dick, but this would be much easier to comprehend if you added punctuation..it’s like one big run on sentence
hahah all good man..i’m in zone 4 too..trying to figure out outdoor here..thinking about starting seeds now to take out for mid-may. it’s still in the 30s at night
I’m In Western New York and mid Michigan. Started all my outdoors from seed last week for both places. Guessing mid may to end of may when I’ll kick them outside.
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hahah just busting your balls man ...good luck with everything!! what type of strains are you planting up here? I was thinkin 6-7 week flowering mold/cold resistant indicas
Hahah ik but now it irritates me lmao

have been looking honestly it’s hard to choose cause yonever know how ourfall will play out yk
But I agree
Rn the clones are orange kush, Alaskan thunder fuck, the 10th planet by ethos, the luckiest, ordered some apple Betty an gorilla glue. Trying all sorta shit tbh lmao
Hahah ik but now it irritates me lmao

have been looking honestly it’s hard to choose cause yonever know how ourfall will play out yk
But I agree
Rn the clones are orange kush, Alaskan thunder fuck, the 10th planet by ethos, the luckiest, ordered some apple Betty an gorilla glue. Trying all sorta shit tbh lmao
hahaha...yeah I hear that. nice man might as well! the falls here give out some nice ass colors...this was my only outdoor plant up here and it withstood some 28-32 degree nights in late september..plant looked like cotton candy haha
hahaha...yeah I hear that. nice man might as well! the falls here give out some nice ass colors...this was my only outdoor plant up here and it withstood some 28-32 degree nights in late september..plant looked like cotton candy haha
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Hahah ik but now it irritates me lmao

have been looking honestly it’s hard to choose cause yonever know how ourfall will play out yk
But I agree
Rn the clones are orange kush, Alaskan thunder fuck, the 10th planet by ethos, the luckiest, ordered some apple Betty an gorilla glue. Trying all sorta shit tbh lmao
Best time to put plants out in upstate is Memorial Day any sooner and they will go into flower then re-veg. Definitely try to get some mold resistant strains or try to find some local landrace strains from the OG’s. It’s hard to grow here but when do right it can be very rewarding. Maybe look into autos so you can be done before our rain season kicks in. I use a hoop house and going to try some autos and light depervation on some photos to try to beat the rain season. Not only is the rain season harsh but all the peat outside can be another battle so be prepared for almost anything. I wish ya luck
Best time to put plants out in upstate is Memorial Day any sooner and they will go into flower then re-veg. Definitely try to get some mold resistant strains or try to find some local landrace strains from the OG’s. It’s hard to grow here but when do right it can be very rewarding. Maybe look into autos so you can be done before our rain season kicks in. I use a hoop house and going to try some autos and light depervation on some photos to try to beat the rain season. Not only is the rain season harsh but all the peat outside can be another battle so be prepared for almost anything. I wish ya luck
Thank you!!!