Outdoor organics

I would venture to say this stuff is not truly organic ?

Thats what I wanna do cause here we don't have much options for organic the way I look at it bc digger I have to spend over 150 for the super soil if I can buy Gaia green 19.00 2kg the hydrophobic guy buy my crib he told me its two cup pure cubic feet never go full amount as said ill go for 1 and half cup pure cubic foot and he also said u can do also both mixed with the Same soil like supersoil but for me there no point of getting 4-4-4 cause I'm growing autos I'll just use the flower mix with soil and fill the bucket half way and the other half just top dress it with pro mix hd add lil worm casting kelp alfalfa dolomite lime and Gaia green cause I already have two autos going with the organic soil I made there looking nice but these few days were cold the first two strains are cherry bomb and northern lights now I waiting for better days I have blue cheese auto and tegus females blue dream also so if there any secrets or tricks to these strains for more yaild I'm talking about the autos I no the big ones super crop em then I want to really try monster cropping have u give that a shot yet bc how did it work out for u
this is my first time trying autos. im growing some natural and some topped and lst, and some even transplanted from 1g-3g grow bags. ill let you know jow it works out so far my plants havent had anny issies with topping or transplant which are the two big auto NoNo's. Im not using Gaia green on my autos
No but besides that is it salts and cheleated and what is it made of or derived from ? I bet it's like maxsea or flora nova.
no i believe its straight raw organic material that they blend. its not water soluble like maxsea more like pre blended amendments. here the ingredients from 4-4-4Screenshot_2015-05-22-21-11-02.png
Sweet ! so have you tried brewing tea with EWC with it ? maybe some mollasess ?
Great tip!! all those things in there look good for a one size fits all ....
looks highly avaliable so might go light in a tea ..
edit...i like that alfalfa meal man it gets things going!! in a tea for sure!!
Ive never brewed teas but im open to suggestions on how i would make a tea. This is just my first attempt at organics. I just bought 5kg jug of molasses too and i have a gallon of alaska fish emulsion if i can add some that to the brew aswell.
Edit: and I still have 2 litres of EWC left.
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I think that's how I'm gonna do mine when it comes to flower stage of
My girls thanks for the tips boys I tell u the truth to spend 150 take make your own mix and on top three to 6 weeks to cook I'm in Canada summer starts June its need to be planted by May r winter long march is where it end but still not hot enough to cook the soil outside so this product has every thing sub cools soil has or roots organic soil has and it's cheap and u don't have to wait 6 weeks to cook and u can make compost tea out of it to so to me it's worth it its my first time so I'm going easy half of what the labels says I'll 2 tbs instead of four then tea it up or top drees it and do it every two weeks
i thought he ment the rock powder NOT the dry fert!! sorry diregard my post:0heheheh
put 2 pounds comfry in 5 gallons rainwater and make a fermented plant extract . feed to flowering plants 2 tablesoopn pergallon

I've got an FPE going on a few days now, consisting of a mix of dandelion and plantain. I've read some controversy as how long to ferment. Can you ferment too much and get too many anaerobic bacteria and possibly do some damage or the stinkier and sludgier the better? I ran one article that said all the useful minerals had been transferred from the material to the water in a few days, though comfrey took a lot longer. Very interested in this!
I have used the pro-mix in the past but found it a little hot. I currently use the #1 as a starter for seedlings then use it as a base for the soil in their forever homes. The #1 has better moisture retention than the #4.

I ammend the #1 60%/40% with compost and a healthy amount of bone meal for transplant. I have good success doing it this way.

The past year I had only ever run into light Mg deficiency so I water with an Epsom salt supplement every 3 weeks. No problems have arisen.
I have used the pro-mix in the past but found it a little hot. I currently use the #1 as a starter for seedlings then use it as a base for the soil in their forever homes. The #1 has better moisture retention than the #4.

I ammend the #1 60%/40% with compost and a healthy amount of bone meal for transplant. I have good success doing it this way.

The past year I had only ever run into light Mg deficiency so I water with an Epsom salt supplement every 3 weeks. No problems have arisen.
That's why is added some Epsom salt to my soil for some reason pro mis soil every one had problems with the meg hope fully it all work out
I've got an FPE going on a few days now, consisting of a mix of dandelion and plantain. I've read some controversy as how long to ferment. Can you ferment too much and get too many anaerobic bacteria and possibly do some damage or the stinkier and sludgier the better? I ran one article that said all the useful minerals had been transferred from the material to the water in a few days, though comfrey took a lot longer. Very interested in this!

look at dragonfly earth medicine instagram they goot goot up to date info on that ...
IME you cannot over ferment . BUT if you add sugar or smell alcohol HOLD UP... and think first 10PPM od alcohol can KILL your plant ... rant over ... LOVE the FPE's