• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Outlawing guns is pointless and only hurts law abiding citizens


Well-Known Member
Damn, this essex place sounds better then the US.

growing up on a 3000+acre ranch, im very familiar with most systems.

and both ends are safe ginja if you know how to use em

Originally Posted by olylifter420
Why cant you respect my right to bear arms?

back the fuck up...

get off your high horse.

Cancer and alcohol kill far more people, where is your stupid image for that you bigot?

I`m sure i can probably go toddle off and find one for you if you would like?

EDIT: Besides I have nothing against guns, handled/owned more than a few in my time, I just dont think people should be allowed to have them in their homes on every block/road, just leads to trouble

I am perfectly aware that guns are safe and it is just the idiot holding it that makes it dangerous!
Actually yes, you are allowed to own firearms in this country but it is more tightly regulated over here and we dont have people running round in the street with them because the government allows them to be handed out like confetti.

Also this " essex bandwagon type" has been handling firearms since the age of 11 and has been on live-fire exercises with both the RAF and Army, has owned numerous weapons both legal and not and is currently in the process of applying for my civilian firearms licence


New Member
Every day, more than 80 Americans die from gun violence. (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence)That equals 28,800 gun related deaths to our 301,139,947 people as of (July 2007 est.)



LONDON (Reuters) - Official figures released on Thursday revealed there were more than 22,000 serious offences in England and Wales involving knives in 2007-8.[/h]


Well-Known Member
Every day, more than 80 Americans die from gun violence. (Coalition to Stop Gun Violence)That equals 28,800 gun related deaths to our 301,139,947 people as of (July 2007 est.)



LONDON (Reuters) - Official figures released on Thursday revealed there were more than 22,000 serious offences in England and Wales involving knives in 2007-8.
Im sure if you add UK gun+knife stats together and then US gun+ knife stats together the US would still be pound for pound higher.

Also the UK has since 2007-2008 now passed a law where anyone caught in possession of a knife in a public place is guaranteed prison time regardless of circumstances....can you say the same about the US and guns??


Active Member
Next time ill buy the biggest burger in the joint, i dont want someone getting fatter then me, no way im going to let that happen.

The problem is lack of gun education. If everyone was raised hunting and around large caliber weapons, you would see what damage they cause.

There truly is an obesity problem caused by fast foods, why dont you get all riled up about that?
Because most people bring obesity upon themselves, all excesses are bad. If you eat to much salt you will die but that doesn't mean they should ban salt.
Fast food is not a weapon of destruction. It means destruction for the weak, uneducated and/or other problems we are not gonna get into. Just like alcohol.

You seem too heated up on this topic, I suggest you calm down and ease the tone, nobody here was so agitated until you came.


Well-Known Member
You dont make sense man. Fast food is a weapon for the big corps, it keeps people fat, unhealthy so they visit the doctor more. The cycle is large.

Many say ban guns, why dont they ban all that causes bodily harm? Its the same shit, just different methodology.

alcohol kills more people then guns do, so why is there no push for banning the booze?

Because most people bring obesity upon themselves, all excesses are bad. If you eat to much salt you will die but that doesn't mean they should ban salt.
Fast food is not a weapon of destruction. It means destruction for the weak, uneducated and/or other problems we are not gonna get into. Just like alcohol.

You seem too heated up on this topic, I suggest you calm down and ease the tone, nobody here was so agitated until you came.


Well-Known Member
If you aint sure dont pass it off as truth till you do it yourself.

people lessen knife crimes cause we got guns.

like the saying goes, dont bring a knife to a gun fight

Im sure if you add UK gun+knife stats together and then US gun+ knife stats together the US would still be pound for pound higher.

Also the UK has since 2007-2008 now passed a law where anyone caught in possession of a knife in a public place is guaranteed prison time regardless of circumstances....can you say the same about the US and guns??


Well-Known Member
If you aint sure dont pass it off as truth till you do it yourself.

people lessen knife crimes cause we got guns.

like the saying goes, dont bring a knife to a gun fight
As you said they LESSEN knife crimes not get rid of them completely!

Also the fact you have over 5X the population size of the UK means that you are more likely to have a higher amount of knife crimes than less


Active Member
You dont make sense man. Fast food is a weapon for the big corps, it keeps people fat, unhealthy so they visit the doctor more. The cycle is large.

Many say ban guns, why dont they ban all that causes bodily harm? Its the same shit, just different methodology.

alcohol kills more people then guns do, so why is there no push for banning the booze?
because it takes one guy with a gun to kill dozens of people, even kids as we saw. None of the kids/colege student/mall people had a mental disorder, but it only took one psycho with a gun.
On the other hand one drunk guy isn't gonna kill a bunch of people. To put it this way most of the deaths because of alcohol are from people with alcoholism, deaths because of gun violence however are made up of hundreds of innocent victims.


Well-Known Member
Here's some simple statistics:

  • People who die each year from their own cigarette smoking: approx. 400,000
  • Adult nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke: approx. 50,000
  • Kids under 18 alive today who will ultimately die from smoking (unless smoking rates decline): 6,000,000+
  • People in the USA who currently suffer from smoking-caused illness: 8.6 million

Gun vs Automobile

  • Alaska: 104 gun deaths, 84 motor vehicle deaths
  • Arizona: 856 gun deaths, 809 motor vehicle deaths
  • Colorado: 583 gun deaths, 565 motor vehicle deaths
  • Indiana: 735 gun deaths, 715 motor vehicle deaths
  • Michigan: 1,095 gun deaths, 977 motor vehicle deaths
  • Nevada: 406 gun deaths, 255 motor vehicle deaths
  • Oregon: 417 gun deaths, 394 motor vehicle deaths
  • Utah: 260 gun deaths, 256 motor vehicle deaths
  • Virginia: 836 gun deaths, 827 motor vehicle deaths
  • Washington: 623 gun deaths, 580 motor vehicle deaths

I think smoking wins over guns and alcohol, I say get rid of all of them. :roll:



Active Member
Marilyn Manson's commentary for Rolling Stone after Columbine is just as relevant for today's shooting in Connecticut

submitted 21 hours ago* by 3magdnim

Columbine: Whose Fault Is It? by Marilyn Manson http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/columbine-whose-fault-is-it-19990624
It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence. Whether you interpret the Bible as literature or as the final word of whatever God may be, Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around. A half-naked dead man hangs in most homes and around our necks, and we have just taken that for granted all our lives. Is it a symbol of hope or hopelessness? The world's most famous murder-suicide was also the birth of the death icon -- the blueprint for celebrity. Unfortunately, for all of their inspiring morality, nowhere in the Gospels is intelligence praised as a virtue.
A lot of people forget or never realize that I started my band as a criticism of these very issues of despair and hypocrisy. The name Marilyn Manson has never celebrated the sad fact that America puts killers on the cover of Time magazine, giving them as much notoriety as our favorite movie stars. From Jesse James to Charles Manson, the media, since their inception, have turned criminals into folk heroes. They just created two new ones when they plastered those dipshits Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris' pictures on the front of every newspaper. Don't be surprised if every kid who gets pushed around has two new idols.
We applaud the creation of a bomb whose sole purpose is to destroy all of mankind, and we grow up watching our president's brains splattered all over Texas. Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised. Does anyone think the Civil War was the least bit civil? If television had existed, you could be sure they would have been there to cover it, or maybe even participate in it, like their violent car chase of Princess Di. Disgusting vultures looking for corpses, exploiting, fucking, filming and serving it up for our hungry appetites in a gluttonous display of endless human stupidity.
When it comes down to who's to blame for the high school murders in Littleton, Colorado, throw a rock and you'll hit someone who's guilty. We're the people who sit back and tolerate children owning guns, and we're the ones who tune in and watch the up-to-the-minute details of what they do with them. I think it's terrible when anyone dies, especially if it is someone you know and love. But what is more offensive is that when these tragedies happen, most people don't really care any more than they would about the season finale of Friends or The Real World. I was dumbfounded as I watched the media snake right in, not missing a teardrop, interviewing the parents of dead children, televising the funerals. Then came the witch hunt.
Man's greatest fear is chaos. It was unthinkable that these kids did not have a simple black-and-white reason for their actions. And so a scapegoat was needed. I remember hearing the initial reports from Littleton, that Harris and Klebold were wearing makeup and were dressed like Marilyn Manson, whom they obviously must worship, since they were dressed in black. Of course, speculation snowballed into making me the poster boy for everything that is bad in the world. These two idiots weren't wearing makeup, and they weren't dressed like me or like goths. Since Middle America has not heard of the music they did listen to (KMFDM and Rammstein, among others), the media picked something they thought was similar.
Responsible journalists have reported with less publicity that Harris and Klebold were not Marilyn Manson fans -- that they even disliked my music. Even if they were fans, that gives them no excuse, nor does it mean that music is to blame. Did we look for James Huberty's inspiration when he gunned down people at McDonald's? What did Timothy McVeigh like to watch? What about David Koresh, Jim Jones? Do you think entertainment inspired Kip Kinkel, or should we blame the fact that his father bought him the guns he used in the Springfield, Oregon, murders? What inspires Bill Clinton to blow people up in Kosovo? Was it something that Monica Lewinsky said to him? Isn't killing just killing, regardless if it's in Vietnam or Jonesboro, Arkansas? Why do we justify one, just because it seems to be for the right reasons? Should there ever be a right reason? If a kid is old enough to drive a car or buy a gun, isn't he old enough to be held personally responsible for what he does with his car or gun? Or if he's a teenager, should someone else be blamed because he isn't as enlightened as an eighteen-year-old?
America loves to find an icon to hang its guilt on. But, admittedly, I have assumed the role of Antichrist; I am the Nineties voice of individuality, and people tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity. Deep down, most adults hate people who go against the grain. It's comical that people are naive enough to have forgotten Elvis, Jim Morrison and Ozzy so quickly. All of them were subjected to the same age-old arguments, scrutiny and prejudice. I wrote a song called "Lunchbox," and some journalists have interpreted it as a song about guns. Ironically, the song is about being picked on and fighting back with my Kiss lunch box, which I used as a weapon on the playground. In 1979, metal lunch boxes were banned because they were considered dangerous weapons in the hands of delinquents. I also wrote a song called "Get Your Gunn." The title is spelled with two n's because the song was a reaction to the murder of Dr. David Gunn, who was killed in Florida by pro-life activists while I was living there. That was the ultimate hypocrisy I witnessed growing up: that these people killed someone in the name of being "pro-life."
The somewhat positive messages of these songs are usually the ones that sensationalists misinterpret as promoting the very things I am decrying. Right now, everyone is thinking of how they can prevent things like Littleton. How do you prevent AIDS, world war, depression, car crashes? We live in a free country, but with that freedom there is a burden of personal responsibility. Rather than teaching a child what is moral and immoral, right and wrong, we first and foremost can establish what the laws that govern us are. You can always escape hell by not believing in it, but you cannot escape death and you cannot escape prison.
It is no wonder that kids are growing up more cynical; they have a lot of information in front of them. They can see that they are living in a world that's made of bullshit. In the past, there was always the idea that you could turn and run and start something better. But now America has become one big mall, and because of the Internet and all of the technology we have, there's nowhere to run. People are the same everywhere. Sometimes music, movies and books are the only things that let us feel like someone else feels like we do. I've always tried to let people know it's OK, or better, if you don't fit into the program. Use your imagination -- if some geek from Ohio can become something, why can't anyone else with the willpower and creativity? I chose not to jump into the media frenzy and defend myself, though I was begged to be on every single TV show in existence. I didn't want to contribute to these fame-seeking journalists and opportunists looking to fill their churches or to get elected because of their self-righteous finger-pointing. They want to blame entertainment? Isn't religion the first real entertainment? People dress up in costumes, sing songs and dedicate themselves in eternal fandom. Everyone will agree that nothing was more entertaining than Clinton shooting off his prick and then his bombs in true political form. And the news -- that's obvious. So is entertainment to blame? I'd like media commentators to ask themselves, because their coverage of the event was some of the most gruesome entertainment any of us have seen.
I think that the National Rifle Association is far too powerful to take on, so most people choose Doom, The Basketball Diaries or yours truly. This kind of controversy does not help me sell records or tickets, and I wouldn't want it to. I'm a controversial artist, one who dares to have an opinion and bothers to create music and videos that challenge people's ideas in a world that is watered-down and hollow. In my work I examine the America we live in, and I've always tried to show people that the devil we blame our atrocities on is really just each one of us. So don't expect the end of the world to come one day out of the blue -- it's been happening every day for a long time.
MARILYN MANSON (May 28, 1999)

that is what i mean by bigger social issues. "It is no wonder that kids are growing up more cynical; they have a lot of information in front of them. They can see that they are living in a world that's made of bullshit. In the past, there was always the idea that you could turn and run and start something better. But now America has become one big mall, and because of the Internet and all of the technology we have, there's nowhere to run" hits the spot.


Well-Known Member
Way too many fast food joints. Leads to way too many un healthy people. To hell with fast foods
False equivalency. Food is made to nourish people. Cars are made to transport people. Alcohol is made give people a buzz. Guns are made with the express purpose of killing people. Sure, all of the above (when abused) can lead to death, but are you really going to trot out this silly comparison between guns and everything else and expect to be taken seriously??


Ursus marijanus
False equivalency. Food is made to nourish people. Cars are made to transport people. Alcohol is made give people a buzz. Guns are made with the express purpose of killing people. Sure, all of the above (when abused) can lead to death, but are you really going to trot out this silly comparison between guns and everything else and expect to be taken seriously??
Many guns are made with the express purpose of nourishing people, and every circus worth the ticket has one for transporting people. I won't go into shooting for the buzz. :eyesmoke: cn


Well-Known Member
Many guns are made with the express purpose of nourishing people, and every circus worth the ticket has one for transporting people. I won't go into shooting for the buzz. :eyesmoke: cn
Heh! Good catch. I should have said HAND guns are made with the express purpose of killing people.

The hunter/gatherers are cool by me!

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Here's some simple statistics:

  • People who die each year from their own cigarette smoking: approx. 400,000
  • Adult nonsmokers who die each year from exposure to secondhand smoke: approx. 50,000
  • Kids under 18 alive today who will ultimately die from smoking (unless smoking rates decline): 6,000,000+
  • People in the USA who currently suffer from smoking-caused illness: 8.6 million

Gun vs Automobile

  • Alaska: 104 gun deaths, 84 motor vehicle deaths
  • Arizona: 856 gun deaths, 809 motor vehicle deaths
  • Colorado: 583 gun deaths, 565 motor vehicle deaths
  • Indiana: 735 gun deaths, 715 motor vehicle deaths
  • Michigan: 1,095 gun deaths, 977 motor vehicle deaths
  • Nevada: 406 gun deaths, 255 motor vehicle deaths
  • Oregon: 417 gun deaths, 394 motor vehicle deaths
  • Utah: 260 gun deaths, 256 motor vehicle deaths
  • Virginia: 836 gun deaths, 827 motor vehicle deaths
  • Washington: 623 gun deaths, 580 motor vehicle deaths

I think smoking wins over guns and alcohol, I say get rid of all of them. :roll:

I say send more cars, guns and cigarettes to Oregon!