Hey there. I have ALSO heard that planting autos in the same pot to finish flower, as to transplanting can cause “too much stress”.. ‍♂
There is zero transplant shock if the pot is semi root bound, lift and place in new pot, cover with new potting mix, carefully.
Dont disturb the roots.

The risk of transplant shock only arises if the plant in the pot was over potted or not ready for the transplant upsize in the first place.

or if you disturbed the roots.

As a general rule, the leaves of the plant should always be outside the diameter of the pot before up sizing and roots with mass out the bottom of the pot before moving to a larger pot size.

There is no reason to disturb the roots, turn plant upside down , fingers under for support , shake downwards to remove plant from pot.

or if in PB bag, cut the bag off with craft knife etc, place in new pot and plant accordingly.

The Beauty of transplanting at the right time from the correct size pot is Zero transplant shock
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Im trying to help new growers @JoeBlow5823 @PadawanWarrior , in the perfect circumstances yes you can do it , its it ideal no, the margin of error is higher, as is growth for time, and maybe you yourself can improve your own return for time?

Looking at your setup maybe you too could improve? both of you?

By staging your pot sizes?
Im pretty much a new grower and I didnt have any issues but I also put more effort into it than the average person.
OVER POTTING PLANTS is the biggest factor i see on this forum regarding slow grow rates in veg, once they have ample lighting.

People you need to stage your pot sizes, start small get a good strong root surface area within the pot then move up, this is also so true in many hydroponics systems as well.

Cannabis is a relatively shallow rooted plant. Your Growth rates can double, your crop times halve. less root/watering, nutrient problems.

So Many people have slow growth at the start and this is largely the reason why.
I've just cloned they got a good root and i put in to a 10 gal pot so i dont transplant so much