Pa Growers


Active Member
IMG_9318.jpgIMG_1006.jpgIMG_6403.jpg long story short a ground hog ate it, almost every leave on it and took it down about a foot it was about 3 foot when it ate it, that happened in late july and it bounced back nice just was a few feet shorter than i had hoped. it was my first grow and i had 27 plants than i went out one day and i only had like 9 so i bought a shit load of chicken wire plus scavenged some from my barn and than like a month later the ground hog dug/ pushed its way under the fence and got em and i was left with 4 and 1 turned out male and the other 2 were tiny likeIMG_6140.jpg thats the only pic i have of one of the 2 on my computer but it was small i think i got like a gram off each one.... but it was still good lol
thats not them when they were finished those are all still on my phone


Active Member
yeah it was some good stuff expecualy scence i smoke like an O of mexi brick a week lol cant afford the good stuff rather grow it plus its more fun :) lol but the purple one was from a bag of mexi brick i was surprised how good it was but i got 3 seeds from the bigger one and im gonna order some autos and super autos and grow them outside to see how they do and plus one of my friends found my grow spot so i got to move no one lol


I know this isn't quite related to outdoors but is it OK if I upload a picture of my first grow that still has 18 days left?


Active Member
yeah but i did get revenge on the ground hog....12g slug to the head lol a little over board but i spent a good bit of money on everything and spent hours digger a huge hole in like 100 degree heat. but yeah im looking for a new spot i think someone is willing to let me grow for them but idn yet if not its not a big deal i live right near a huge forest with some natural springs in it small ones but still lol its water :)


Well-Known Member
Thats great, I had no idea you've been growing so long! I'm going on 5 years now.
Definitely in to swap pics and experience.

I hear ya, I say we all try to post some pics this year. At your discretion of course but if ya'll do I will. ;)

I have never taken photos of my plants before a month or so a go. So, so sad, I have had some really good outdoor grows that woudl show of nice. Hell I had some indoor grows in 94 for that were unreal not so much quantity but quality! At the time we called it Daywrecker, better know now as Diesel. That shit was unreal for back then!

I didn't grow 86 - 92 I was in Germany but I went to the Netherlands at a minimum every other month, talk about being in the Dank! back in 86! Loved It!


2500112d1359404654-first-grow-nirvana-auto-fem-img_0066_cr.jpg taken about a week ago and at the moment she has about 17 days left assuming harvest at day 65 from germination. Autoflower blue mystic. My first grow.



Well-Known Member
View attachment 2508074 taken about a week ago and at the moment she has about 17 days left assuming harvest at day 65 from germination. Autoflower blue mystic. My first grow.

Beautiful eman! Nice photo, what do you do to great such a great shot? Really good camera? Any way props and Rep+ for you for sharing the photo, I just switched to flower cycle last Sunday so I don't have any thing pretty to share but maybe I will throw up a photo of her stretch tonight when the lights come on.

Get yourself a nice scope and harvest when most of your trics get a cloudyness to them. If clear leave it, if amber pull it. That has been my rule for years and seems to also produce the best taste. Anyway looking beautiful I will we had SmellAVision here!