Pandemic 2020

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I like you man but your wrong.
I am in the center (15 miles to 1st case) of the largest cluster in the state of Connecticut & 45 miles from the largest cluster in New York, where the Governor just called in the National Guard to help contain it
My town issued an emergency alert yesterday, calling every resident announcing the closure of all schools & non-essential government offices until further notice.
This ain't the fucking flu boyo.
Admit it Jim we all know your seeing someone on the side.....


Once it get's rocking & rolling & the infected start showing up in the hospitals , that's REALLY when the shit hit's the fan.
I have 3 major hospitals serving a population of around 1 million people around me.
Each hospital at max has 50 beds designated for ICU.
Do the math
Fucking scary, right?
♿all depends on how you look at it


Well-Known Member
Here in Canaduh we're making sure that we lower the curve so hospitals will not be overcome.

Maybe you can't get your hip fixed as fast as you'd like but when they do it it will be first class all the way.

My 3 rides in ambulances to get my appendix done cost me not a dime. All I have is basic medical that is free to all here in Alberta. Now that I'm 65+ I get free Blue Cross too for teeth, ears, eyes etc.

I pity you poor 'Mericans. Stand firm against socialist medicine then die on your own ground.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Trump fucked up the airports with thousands jammed together and no preparations. The lazy cunt did nothing to prepare, made a TV show meda announcement with no consequences taken into consideration and no preparations made. There are thousands of America at high risk packed into airports across the nation dealing with Trump's incompetence, I wonder if they are tired of winning yet. How many of his own voters will he be killing?

If we haven't yet, we need to ban flights from the states except to evacuate Canadians and close the border with the states too. We don't have much community spread here yet and containment is working so far, but we are going straight to mitigation anyway for the most part. There's no stopping it., only slowinging it down and regulating it's spread as much as we can. People can be infectious days before they become ill and many don't feel that bad while they are contagious, this compounds the problems of mitigation and will require drastic measures.


Well-Known Member
It's gonna end up being a long paid socialist vacation for America, many businesses are gonna go under and the economy is gonna take a shit kicking. It will be much the same here in Canada, but with a lower infection rate and better response hopefully. We need to get organised with "wartime socialism", like in WW2 to the extent we can and as fast as we can. This is war, citizens will be dying in large numbers, time to start using the resources of the military, our enemies are being struck down too, so why not pretend it's an attack and act like it's a war, it is.

We will do what is required to maintain social order, protect and take care of our people. Some people might not like it and will defy the regulations, as time goes on this will become a much more serious and expensive mistake. Public health officials are incharge not the usual politicians, listen to the experts and follow their advice, ignore Trump, he's a fool, as are those who support him.


Well-Known Member
This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol

Think about how we ran out and bought TP of all things. Costco is changing hours to restock shelves. Open later close earlier and sell more. They couldn’t be happier with you guys freaking out.


Well-Known Member
This is all just crazy bullshit driven by social/mass media crap!

The worst part of this 'pandemic' is the financial hit from everyone freaking out.

I refuse to give one single flying fuck about the whole thing. Stop being sheeple for fug sake!

Trump is right about one thing at least. Every year flu kills thousands of people and nobody cares. Death happens and it happens to all of us eventually so get over it.

Think about who's getting rich over this before becoming a 'sheeple'. lol
Trump has amplified this mess into a panic with his horrendous lack of leadership. As well as his forcing our country to not have any clue on the actual spread/severity of this virus by limiting the ability to test for it.

The only real problem I have with what you say is that you are just guessing, because there is not any complete data to go off of. There is no reason we should be relying on gut reactions in this day in age.


Well-Known Member
The only real problem I have with what you say is that you are just guessing, because there is not any complete data to go off of. There is no reason we should be relying on gut reactions in this day in age.
Right which is why we shouldn’t run to stores and empty shelves.

At this point let’s be honest. We’re all guessing. No one knows thats why everyone is so scared.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It is difficult to tabulate the actual numbers. The number of people who are actually infected, is probably much higher than reported. If that is the case the percentage of people who have died from it, would be lower.

What we do know, based on previous "emergencies" is this one will be used to ratchet down population control.


Well-Known Member
And yea, if an asteroid was heading towards Earth, I'd blame Trump because he's a fucking magnet for disaster.
Close minded much? That’s an odd statement to make. It gives us an insight to your comments. Not everything is his fault. Just everything since he was elected


Well-Known Member
Right which is why we shouldn’t run to stores and empty shelves.

At this point let’s be honest. We’re all guessing. No one knows thats why everyone is so scared.
Yes because the current President of the United States of America is scaring the shit out of everyone who is not in his cult by being the very definition of this meme:

We deserve better than what he is giving us.


Well-Known Member
Yes because the current President of the United States of America is scaring the shit out of everyone who is not in his cult by being the very definition of this meme:

We deserve better than what he is giving us.
Everyone is scared dont be fooled. Some are just trying to keep it together.


Well-Known Member
Here’s an update.

Looks like more have recovered than died. Also looks like death rate in US is less than 2% of those infected. These are from today so of course they will go up.
So spreading disinformation and trying to kill Americans in a national emergency, maybe @potroast should ban your ass as a national security and public health threat. Opinions are one thing, what you are doing is criminal, stupid and serves no purpose, not even your own.
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