Pandemic 2020

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Yep covid kills those with weak immune systems and those with weak minds, along with kids and other innocents. It's the new improved model, 50% more lethal and 50% more contagious than the last model, that one was only 50% more contagious than the original strain, but no more deadly. Delta is the one putting the big strong republican men in the hospital and killing them, it's also filling hospitals with kids too, but most of those can't be vaccinated. It's reaching the point where if you are an unvaccinated adult and your die from covid, it should be ruled suicide for legal purposes.

Among the unvaccinated, Delta variant more than doubles risk of hospitalization

New research from England’s public health service has confirmed a suspicion spawned by bursting hospital wards across the United States: The Delta variant of the coronavirus not only spreads 50% more readily than the Alpha variant it rapidly overtook, it’s also making unvaccinated people sicker.

Through most of April and May, unvaccinated Britons who were infected by the Delta variant were more than twice as likely to be admitted to hospitals than were their unvaccinated peers who were infected with the Alpha strain, which was first identified in the United Kingdom.

In addition, unvaccinated people infected with Delta were more likely than those infected with Alpha to seek care in a hospital’s emergency department, the new study found.

The report, published late Friday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, is considered the largest and most detailed accounting to date of the Delta variant’s impact on the pandemic. It is based on the health records of 43,338 Britons who tested positive for coronavirus infections between March 29 and May 23 of this year and whose samples were genetically sequenced.

The findings not only confirm that surges involving the Delta variant will drive more people into hospitals and strain medical resources: By implication, they suggest that when the variant attacks a population with large numbers of unvaccinated people, its victims become more acutely ill.

Its results may help explain why the United States is now admitting an average of 12,285 patients to hospitals each day — a rate that has climbed steadily since late July.

The Delta variant was first detected here in mid-May and now accounts for 99% of all U.S. infections. Communities with low vaccination rates have seen their hospitals and emergency departments overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.
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All I see on here is the blind leading the blind. I guess more sheep for the slaughter.

Great … we attracted another maga moron .
Just go back to sucking on a tube of ivermectin ., with a bleach chaser and UV lamp pumping life giving rays up your rectum.

Do us all a favor and jump back into the Qtard lemming line .

Heard Hemlock is the new Facebook covid cure.
Try some.
Great … we attracted another maga moron .
Just go back to sucking on a tube of ivermectin ., with a bleach chaser and UV lamp pumping life giving rays up your rectum.

Do us all a favor and jump back into the Qtard lemming line .

Heard Hemlock is the new Facebook covid cure.
Try some.
Same asshole, different socks, he can't hide stupid for long.

Unvaccinated, unmasked teacher spreads Covid-19 to elementary school students, CDC reports
The CDC said that some of the affected children at the Marin County, California, school went on to infect other students, their siblings and their parents.

An unvaccinated teacher who showed up to her elementary school classroom in Marin County, California, while experiencing symptoms such as "cough, subjective fever, and headache" ended up infecting half of her students with Covid-19 as well as some of their family members, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released Friday.

Officials from the Marin County Department of Public Health initiated an investigation into the classroom outbreak on May 26, three days after the teacher reported testing positive for Covid-19. The teacher, who initially attributed symptoms to allergies, was one of only two staff members that had not been vaccinated at the elementary school.

Among the teacher’s 24 students, 22 who were ineligible for vaccination because of age were tested. Twelve tested positive for the virus, according to the report, written by county health officials and experts at the University of California's Berkeley, Davis and Santa Cruz campuses.

Children under 12 are ineligible for vaccination, meaning that their safety is dependent on others adults to get vaccinated to minimize exposure to the virus, according to the CDC.

Experts concluded that the attack rate in the affected classroom was 50 percent, but the students seating closest to the teacher's desk faced an increased risk of infection. The attack rate in the two rows seated closest to the teacher’s desk was 80 percent, the CDC reported.

A majority of the students sitting in the first two rows of the classroom contracted the virus, while a minority of those sitting at the back of the class were infected. The teacher occasionally read aloud to students while unmasked, despite school requirements to mask while indoors, according to the report.

Four students from other classrooms also tested positive to Covid-19. They were all siblings of three students in the unvaccinated teacher's classroom, "and exposure was assumed to have occurred in their respective homes," the CDC reported.

Four parents of children at the school were later infected in the outbreak, according to the report. Of the infected parents, only one was unvaccinated. The vaccinated experienced symptoms including fever, chills, cough, headache and loss of smell.
List of Dumbfuck Covid Remedies …
Note : Additional “ cures “ will be listed as more products are tracked

  • Colloidal Silver
  • Inhaling bleach / disinfectant
  • Inhaling 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Gargling Saltwater
  • Wearing White
  • Carbolic Soap
  • Rum mixed with hand sanitizer and fabric softener
  • Vodka
  • Drinking Hot Water / boiling
  • Taking scalding baths or showers
  • Nasal sprays both retail and fake ( unknown ingredients )
  • Drinking large amounts of vinegar
  • Blasting your mouth and nose with heat guns or hair dryers
  • Hot Weather / Cold Weather / Sauna
  • UVA / UVB / UVC exposure ( mouth / body )
  • Ingesting Volcanic Ash
  • Wearing wet wipes as a mask
  • Cocaine Amphetamine cocktail
  • Betel Leaf
  • Ethanol / methanol
  • Chloroform
  • Sodium chloride / Sodium Dioxide
  • Poisonous Datura Fruit
  • Oleandrin
  • Plant Sap
  • Ivermectrin
  • Rodenticide
  • Ingesting Cow Dung and Urine
  • Cotton ball soaked in violet oil up rectum
  • Bananas / mango / durian fruit
  • Ingesting large amounts of onions
  • Hot peppers / ginger / turmeric
  • Azithromycin / hydroxychloroquine
  • Fennel / Hot Tea
On and On …. Now all this bullshit and you can just get a vaccine.

List of Dumbfuck Covid Remedies …
Note : Additional “ cures “ will be listed as more products are tracked

  • Colloidal Silver
  • Inhaling bleach / disinfectant
  • Inhaling 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Gargling Saltwater
  • Wearing White
  • Carbolic Soap
  • Rum mixed with hand sanitizer and fabric softener
  • Vodka
  • Drinking Hot Water / boiling
  • Taking scalding baths or showers
  • Nasal sprays both retail and fake ( unknown ingredients )
  • Drinking large amounts of vinegar
  • Blasting your mouth and nose with heat guns or hair dryers
  • Hot Weather / Cold Weather / Sauna
  • UVA / UVB / UVC exposure ( mouth / body )
  • Ingesting Volcanic Ash
  • Wearing wet wipes as a mask
  • Cocaine Amphetamine cocktail
  • Betel Leaf
  • Ethanol / methanol
  • Chloroform
  • Sodium chloride / Sodium Dioxide
  • Poisonous Datura Fruit
  • Oleandrin
  • Plant Sap
  • Ivermectrin
  • Rodenticide
  • Ingesting Cow Dung and Urine
  • Cotton ball soaked in violet oil up rectum
  • Bananas / mango / durian fruit
  • Ingesting large amounts of onions
  • Hot peppers / ginger / turmeric
  • Azithromycin / hydroxychloroquine
  • Fennel / Hot Tea
On and On …. Now all this bullshit and you can just get a vaccine.

I wouldn't mind trying the vodka cure.
Horrifying …..

2 unvaccinated child daycare center employees were found dead at home from COVID-19 on the same day

Two day care colleagues from Georgia were found dead in their homes on August 22nd, having died from COVID-19.

Both women were unvaccinated……….

A third employee of the Sugar and Spice Child Care center in Statesboro is in hospital with COVID-19, with a fourth being infected but not hospitalized, Bulloch County Coroner Jake Futch told the News Observer.

Manequeia Freeman and Leslia McClain - whose ages have not been released - were both found by next of kin, Futch told the local news outlet.

Vaccination rates in Statesboro, Bulloch County - where the two women lived and worked - are low, with only 20% to 29% of residents being fully vaccinated.

Across the state of Georgia, 50% of people have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, with 43% having received a full dose.

The unfortunate deaths come as the USA struggle with a recent surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant.
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