Pandemic 2020

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Horrifying …..

2 unvaccinated child daycare center employees were found dead at home from COVID-19 on the same day

Two day care colleagues from Georgia were found dead in their homes on August 22nd, having died from COVID-19.

Both women were unvaccinated……….

A third employee of the Sugar and Spice Child Care center in Statesboro is in hospital with COVID-19, with a fourth being infected but not hospitalized, Bulloch County Coroner Jake Futch told the News Observer.

Manequeia Freeman and Leslia McClain - whose ages have not been released - were both found by next of kin, Futch told the local news outlet.

Vaccination rates in Statesboro, Bulloch County - where the two women lived and worked - are low, with only 20% to 29% of residents being fully vaccinated.

Across the state of Georgia, 50% of people have received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, with 43% having received a full dose.

The unfortunate deaths come as the USA struggle with a recent surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant.
And the south will rise, and fall again...
List of Dumbfuck Covid Remedies …
Note : Additional “ cures “ will be listed as more products are tracked

  • Colloidal Silver
  • Inhaling bleach / disinfectant
  • Inhaling 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Gargling Saltwater
  • Wearing White
  • Carbolic Soap
  • Rum mixed with hand sanitizer and fabric softener
  • Vodka
  • Drinking Hot Water / boiling
  • Taking scalding baths or showers
  • Nasal sprays both retail and fake ( unknown ingredients )
  • Drinking large amounts of vinegar
  • Blasting your mouth and nose with heat guns or hair dryers
  • Hot Weather / Cold Weather / Sauna
  • UVA / UVB / UVC exposure ( mouth / body )
  • Ingesting Volcanic Ash
  • Wearing wet wipes as a mask
  • Cocaine Amphetamine cocktail
  • Betel Leaf
  • Ethanol / methanol
  • Chloroform
  • Sodium chloride / Sodium Dioxide
  • Poisonous Datura Fruit
  • Oleandrin
  • Plant Sap
  • Ivermectrin
  • Rodenticide
  • Ingesting Cow Dung and Urine
  • Cotton ball soaked in violet oil up rectum
  • Bananas / mango / durian fruit
  • Ingesting large amounts of onions
  • Hot peppers / ginger / turmeric
  • Azithromycin / hydroxychloroquine
  • Fennel / Hot Tea
On and On …. Now all this bullshit and you can just get a vaccine.


Lol...they are gonna feminize themselves with that first one. Soy boy cucks are going to turn to STS to cure the rona next.

Texas Anti-Mask 'Freedom Rally' Organizer Fighting For His Life With COVID-19 …. Because of course.

A Texas man who helped organize protests against pandemic restrictions is fighting for his life after being hospitalized for nearly a month with COVID-19, the San Angelo Standard-Times reported.

His wife, Jessica Wallace, wrote Wednesday on Facebook that she had a “heartbreaking update” about her husband, Caleb.

“He’s not doing good. It’s not looking in our favor,” she said. “His lungs are stiff due to the fibrosis. They called and said they’ve run out of options for him and asked if I would consent to a do not resuscitate. And it would be up to us when to stop treatments.”

“My heart just can’t. I can’t imagine my life without him.”

Caleb Wallace, a 30-year-old father of three, has been unconscious, ventilated and heavily sedated in the ICU at Shannon Medical Center in San Angelo since Aug. 8, the Standard-Times reported. His wife said on a GoFundMe pagefor household and medical bills that he was was intubated multiple times, had high fevers, infection and bleeding in his chest.

When he first felt symptoms on July 26, his wife told the Standard-Times, he refused to get tested or seek medical care. He instead began treating himself with a cocktail of Vitamin C, zinc, aspirin and ivermectin, an anti-parasitic drug that has been falsely promoted as an effective treatment for COVID-19 by conservative media. He was taken to the hospital on July 30.

Jessica Wallace told the Standard-Times that she was “less conservative” than her husband and personally wears a mask.

“Caleb would tell me, ‘You know masks aren’t going to save you,’ but he understood I wanted to wear them,” she said. “It gives me comfort to know that maybe, just maybe, I’m either protecting someone or avoiding it myself.”

Apparently he became a ghost today.

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That's very sad. COVID-19 just LOVES people like that. "I'll wait" she thought... and look at the size of both of them: morbidly obese. I'd be very surprised if both were not diabetic.
I'm waiting for the USA mutation.
The way things are going here with vaccination rates what they are, especially in southern/Republican states, it's almost certain we, or shall I say those Conservative/Christian/Republican/Trump loving motherfucking assholes will create a variant.
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Welp … here we got another anti vax Floridian eating at hell’s table.

Florida radio host who called himself ‘Mr Anti-Vax’ dies of Covid-19

A conservative radio host from Florida who criticised coronavirus vaccination efforts – and called himself “Mr Anti-Vax” – before contracting Covid-19 himself has died, his station said on Saturday.

When Bernier was hospitalised with Covid-19, three weeks ago, WNDB operations manager Mark McKinney told local media: “If you’ve listened to his show, you’ve heard him talk about how anti-vaccine he is on the air.”

In December, Bernier told one guest: “I’m not taking it … Are you kidding me? Mr Anti-Vax? Jeepers.”

The Volusia county sheriff, Mike Chitwood, said the station told him Bernier, 65, died on Saturday night.

“I’m numb,” Chitwood told the Daytona Beach News-Journal. “To me, this is a death in the family.”

As the contagious Delta variant spreads, states led by Republicans resistant to public health mandates, Florida among them, are struggling with a surge of hospitalisations and deaths.

The overwhelming majority of hospitalisations and deaths from Covid-19 in the US are among unvaccinated people.

According to Johns Hopkins University, nearly 637,000 people have died of Covid-19 in the US.

Covid deaths among conservative media figures who opposed vaccination or other public health mandates continue to attract national and global media attention.

Now …. You would think conservatives / anti vax spreaders would see “ the forest thru the trees “ as it were.
But no … bodies will continue to pile and at the end , scratch their fucking heads in disbelief.

Stupidity is the catalyst of Covid.
An 88-year-old professor in Georgia resigned in the middle of class because a student refused to wear a mask over her nose: 'That's it, I'm retired' …….

An 88-year-old professor at the University of Georgia declared his retirement during a class when a student refused to wear her face mask properly.

Professor Irwin Bernstein told the University of Georgia's student newspaper, the Red & Black, that one of his students had shown up to his class on the second day of school without a mask. When a peer gave the student a mask to wear in class, she did not wear it across her face properly. She said she found it difficult to breathe with the mask over her nose, the most effective way to wear a face covering, according to health agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Bernstein had asked her numerous times to wear the mask correctly, he told the Red & Black. The student ignored each request, he said.

"Whereas I had risked my life to defend my country while in the Air Force, I was not willing to risk my life to teach a class with an unmasked student during this Pandemic," Bernstein, who taught psychology, said.

Good for him …
Kid Rock Cancels Shows in Texas as 'Over Half the Band' Battles COVID
Kid Rock's two shows that were slated to take place in Fort Worth, Texas, on Friday and Saturday (Aug. 27-28) have been canceled due to COVID-19.
The rocker, rapper and sometimes country singer was scheduled to perform at Billy Bob's Texas in Fort Worth on those nights. He turned to Twitter on Thursday (Aug. 26) to give fans the news of the cancellations, writing, "I am pi--ed. Over half the band has f--king covid (not me), and before u s--t for brains bloggers and media trolls run your mouths, many of them, like me, have been vaccinated."

Kid Rock goes on to say that he wanted to keep the dates anyway and "at least try to entertain u good folks," even if he had to play an acoustic set, deejay or juggle.

"But seriously, s--t is way out of my hands on this one," he adds. "I am beyond upset and you real ones know I would never cancel if I absolutely didn’t have too. For this, I am sorry."

Kid Rock returned to the stage for the first time since quarantine began with a headlining set at the Sturgis Buffalo Chip during the 2021 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, S.D., on Aug. 8. He turned to social media afterward to share a picture of the packed, maskless crowd, telling fans how much he had missed performing and adding a defiant message.
"There is nothing the mainstream media or internet and social media trolls can do but look at this pic and weep, knowing they will never beat us," he wrote, adding, "F--k them, love to you all."


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