Pandemic 2020

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Idiots. Just idiots.
Given the current worker shortage, it might be time to consider a new employer, it's a sellers market right now. Or when your competition goes down with covid at your current employment, you might move up in management. Either way when the anti-vaccers speak among themselves it is wise to stand back and watch them dig their own graves. They secretly envy the protection the vaxxed have and many secretly want to get vaxxed, the stories of their leaders sick and dying of covid makes them nervous. Make no mistake, they know on some level they are playing with fire, most true believers in anything these days have doubts.
Ok. So I was reprimanded today. Boss told me I cannot discuss politics because I am upsetting people.

Here's how it started. Last week one of the women was talking about how bad her mother's reaction to this vaccine was, how the vaccine is really poison and how she can't believe that THEY are trying to force us to take it (current active covid count in our facility is 2, btw) despite the fact that it is all a hoax anyway.

I told her that I am sorry her mother had a bad reaction to it and that there is a possibility of a negative reaction - but that over 600,000 people in the USA had negative reactions to Covid that included death.

She reported me.

Today, my office Karen and a Teamster were discussing "the guy" that used covid tests on an orange, a banana and a goat and they all tested positive. I interjected and laid out the actual facts. Last summer, the President of Tanzania made the claim that he tested them on a goat, orange and pawpaw (not knowing what a pawpaw was, these dipshits changed it to something they could understand). He was a noted Covid skeptic who claimed to be sending a plane to Madasgascar to hook up his people with a potent but unproven herbal cure. He claimed that the Chinese tests were faulty and are being used to create a crisis. He never proved his claim, nor has anybody else. I left out the part about how this clown died this year and is part of a conspiracy theory about how "prominent African leaders are being murdered because of their vaccine opposition". But since they didn't know that "the guy" was the late President of Tanzania in the first place, I thought it best to let them find that rabbithole on their own. So I left it at, "so you believe and unproven claim by the President of Tanzania over our own country's public health administration?"

Obviously, they kind of can't answer that without climbing up on a cross with me holding a box of nails and a hammer.

So they reported me instead.

Boss takes me aside... tells me I can't talk politics. I say, why not, political discussions are literally a daily occurrence and so are religious ones? He says I am upsetting people. Uh, yeah, I get that but they are upsetting me. He says that I wasn't part of the conversation today so I shouldn't have said anything. I pointed out that we share an office. It doesn't matter, he says. I ask if it would have been OK if I had asked permission to correct some of the facts in the story. No. I ask if I can discuss politics with a willing participant in the presence of others. No. I ask if I can talk in private about politics with a coworker. No. I point out that he often discusses politics and ask if he realizes that there is a double standard being set. Yes, but that's the way it is.

And they call US snowflakes.

"people sleep, sleep in the daytime
if they want to"
The media throws the truth at them everyday, that's why they hate it, but to get it in their faces here in reality is way too much for them to take. The unpleasantness of your truth is a mark of their own deep seated doubt and the fear of ending up a dead fool, like so many we see in the news. Covid Karma waiting to happen, might make a good Tee shirt slogan!
That is really fucked up.

So basically they said fuck your 1st amendment rights so that their employees can spread dangerous death cult nonsense.

Im sorry man, you are a much better person than me.

You should just wear one of those stupid Georgia congresswoman's masks that spell out 'cancelled' on it.
They hate that cancel culture soooo much.
The media throws the truth at them everyday, that's why they hate it, but to get it in their faces here in reality is way too much for them to take. The unpleasantness of your truth is a mark of their own deep seated doubt and the fear of ending up a dead fool, like so many we see in the news. Covid Karma waiting to happen, might make a good Tee shirt slogan!
No doubt my BBC Global news will be the next to go. But they'll parrot Hannity and Carlson (or worse) every day.

The boss is right, it does upset them.
No doubt my BBC Global news will be the next to go. But they'll parrot Hannity and Carlson (or worse) every day.

The boss is right, it does upset them.
Truth usually does.

They hate that cancel culture soooo much.
lol only when they can pretend it impacts them. I think it is a pre-buttle to the eventual stupid shit that they get programmed with so they feel self-rightcheous when they snowflake about what they don't want to hear that destroys the fragile nature of their world view that they have been fed.
Had some idiot at Newsmax scoffing at the article saying you don't need an ICU bed after the surgery. I replied the all you need is a rust knife and a truck tailgate to put the patient on. Most were bitching at the poor quality of VA hospitals, even though it was a public hospital.

typically, you don't. but you don't wait until the patient has pancreatitis to perform the procedure. the risk of the procedure is that you can get pancreatitis from the activity in opening the biliary duct to let the bile flow..sometimes it happens; sometimes it doesn't, but when it does you're very sick and need to be in the hospital.

this guy was past that; you die from pancreatitis just like this guy's not beds; it's staff.
No doubt my BBC Global news will be the next to go. But they'll parrot Hannity and Carlson (or worse) every day.

The boss is right, it does upset them.
There is a reason they are upset, they are anxious, a lot more anxious than you, like I said, in this day and age it is impossible not to have doubts about anything, even conspiracy theories and many of these doubts play out on a subconscious level. It's the doubters who are the most offended, most are along for the ride, but the ride is getting a mite dangerous. Remember these people are emotionally committed and reality is bitch slapping them in the face daily on the LOCAL news, naturally they are gonna be thin skinned.

i've been waiting; he's too quiet.
People are really dumb.

Story to follow if I have the patience.

i knew it! i'm glad you decided to share; you've been way too quiet lately. before i even read your story..doesn't your office Karen listen to FOX in the or something political which is why you became political?..i'm going to read now and leave my comments.
The rule of law... DeSantis is mad, he must be getting his public health advice from Trump! By the time the election rolls around, his base will be decimated from covid and he will have most parents and grand parents in the state wanting his fucking head.
Not anti masker, an antisocial asshole who needs to go to jail. I would have picked up the hot coffee pot and threw it on his dick, and then threw the pot at his fucking head.

Ok. So I was reprimanded today. Boss told me I cannot discuss politics because I am upsetting people.

Here's how it started. Last week one of the women was talking about how bad her mother's reaction to this vaccine was, how the vaccine is really poison and how she can't believe that THEY are trying to force us to take it (current active covid count in our facility is 2, btw) despite the fact that it is all a hoax anyway.

I told her that I am sorry her mother had a bad reaction to it and that there is a possibility of a negative reaction - but that over 600,000 people in the USA had negative reactions to Covid that included death.

She reported me.

Today, my office Karen and a Teamster were discussing "the guy" that used covid tests on an orange, a banana and a goat and they all tested positive. I interjected and laid out the actual facts. Last summer, the President of Tanzania made the claim that he tested them on a goat, orange and pawpaw (not knowing what a pawpaw was, these dipshits changed it to something they could understand). He was a noted Covid skeptic who claimed to be sending a plane to Madasgascar to hook up his people with a potent but unproven herbal cure. He claimed that the Chinese tests were faulty and are being used to create a crisis. He never proved his claim, nor has anybody else. I left out the part about how this clown died this year and is part of a conspiracy theory about how "prominent African leaders are being murdered because of their vaccine opposition". But since they didn't know that "the guy" was the late President of Tanzania in the first place, I thought it best to let them find that rabbithole on their own. So I left it at, "so you believe and unproven claim by the President of Tanzania over our own country's public health administration?"

Obviously, they kind of can't answer that without climbing up on a cross with me holding a box of nails and a hammer.

So they reported me instead.

Boss takes me aside... tells me I can't talk politics. I say, why not, political discussions are literally a daily occurrence and so are religious ones? He says I am upsetting people. Uh, yeah, I get that but they are upsetting me. He says that I wasn't part of the conversation today so I shouldn't have said anything. I pointed out that we share an office. It doesn't matter, he says. I ask if it would have been OK if I had asked permission to correct some of the facts in the story. No. I ask if I can discuss politics with a willing participant in the presence of others. No. I ask if I can talk in private about politics with a coworker. No. I point out that he often discusses politics and ask if he realizes that there is a double standard being set. Yes, but that's the way it is.

And they call US snowflakes.

"people sleep, sleep in the daytime
if they want to"

answer official:

unless you cannot part with this job for some reason, i would find something new. the market is wide open; you can basically name your price- don't miss this opportunity.

this will continue to eat at you; it's already wrecked you this past week or so, that i noticed.

'the best time to look for a job (or an extra sale) is when you don't need one' because you call the shots and you're at ease.

when you get a few prospects, your job will be in the rearview mirror and you will have the opportunity to message upon exit interview.
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We have like 5 people out today at work and I am wondering what the fuck is going on and ask why we are short staffed to this one guy and he said they are all out sick with the flu, it’s flu season. I was like shocked he said that. I said the flu or Covid? And he replied it’s not yet determined . What the hell? It’s not flu season . What a wacko.
We have like 5 people out today at work and I am wondering what the fuck is going on and ask why we are short staffed to this one guy and he said they are all out sick with the flu, it’s flu season. I was like shocked he said that. I said the flu or Covid? And he replied it’s not yet determined . What the hell? It’s not flu season . What a wacko.
You stay safe. I can't wait for my wife to get her booster to be safe.

Thought you might find it interesting that the hospital she works at had over 1000 people wanting to opt out of the mandatory vaccine, and less than 50 got approval for it. It is amazingly scary how effective this online propaganda attack has been at convincing people to be unsafe and not trust science, even when they should know better.
You stay safe. I can't wait for my wife to get her booster to be safe.

Thought you might find it interesting that the hospital she works at had over 1000 people wanting to opt out of the mandatory vaccine, and less than 50 got approval for it. It is amazingly scary how effective this online propaganda attack has been at convincing people to be unsafe and not trust science, even when they should know better.
Wow! Sorry to hear about your wife’s situation. That’s terrible . I wish her and you the best . I just had a patient who told me her husband is a local ER doc and we talked a bit about the stress he is under and wanted to thank him for his service . I told her that might sound a little strange but that’s how I look at it , like a war. She thought it was quite appropriate I say that because he told her he feels like he is working in a war zone like something out of M.A.S.H. Young people coding here, another one dead over there, non stop Covid deaths and critical illness everywhere . A lot of people are dying that got misinformed and it’s really fucked up!
We have like 5 people out today at work and I am wondering what the fuck is going on and ask why we are short staffed to this one guy and he said they are all out sick with the flu, it’s flu season. I was like shocked he said that. I said the flu or Covid? And he replied it’s not yet determined . What the hell? It’s not flu season . What a wacko.

i think it's the law they have to tell you but not this stage assume everyone there is infected and protect yourself in that manner.
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