Pandemic 2020

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Wow! Sorry to hear about your wife’s situation. That’s terrible . I wish her and you the best . I just had a patient who told me her husband is a local ER doc and we talked a bit about the stress he is under and wanted to thank him for his service . I told her that might sound a little strange but that’s how I look at it , like a war. She thought it was quite appropriate I say that because he told her he feels like he is working in a war zone like something out of M.A.S.H. Young people coding here, another one dead over there, non stop Covid deaths and critical illness everywhere . A lot of people are dying that got misinformed and it’s really fucked up!
"They are not covid deaths, the administration calls them covid to get extra funds."
I just heard from a friend I don't see often. It seems he is an anti-vax person. His father-in-law caught it and passed it to his mother in law who died last night of it... both unvaxxed. Now he and his young son have it. He messaged me; "The best protection against Covid is to catch it and recover." REALLY? Apparently, he doesn't see the dumbness of that remark. It is like saying, "The best protection against robbery is to be robbed, and then you won't have any money to be robbed again." Sheesh.
isn't that misinformation? you don't get extra money for a Covid death. i would need to see citation.
Sorry, not my words but what is proclaimed by some of the Republican rabble. That is why I put it in quotes, not my words, threw it in to show logic does not matter to them. I am disappointed all this time it would not be obvious these are words I shake my head at.
Wonder if folk are thinking theyre up against Cowvid
Who is pushing this calumny?
The unvax crowd, they have been saying this from the beginning of the pandemic.Saying that regular Flu deaths are being counted as covid,

If I have to wade through the muck, here you go.

"The death rate of people placed on ventilators is about 70%". Well, HELLO!! People are being OVER-TREATED for COVID (or whatever they're "diagnosed" with). Hospitals get an EXTRA $30,000 for using ventilators on people. HELLO!!!!! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Request high dose Vitamin C (interveiniously) and hydrogen peroxide through a respirator. That works great, per Dr. Joseph Mercola. (Look it up on his site if it hasn't been censored.)

Sorry but no one is dying from covid. I'd be surprised if anyone ever did. Most died from pneumonia or other complications people die from when they get the flu.

And just for fun,

No mention if the people on Ventilators also were heavy mask wearers, like heavy smokers, the more you inhale smoke the greater the chance of lung damage and the need for oxygen, with a mask on and the virus in your lungs the harder it is to get rid of the VIROUS, you just keep breathing it in and eventually it gets LOWER in your lungs,

Anyone who contracts Covid that has to be put on a ventilator has serious pre existing conditions that have nothing to do with Covid. If you have a serious lung condition, such as stage 4 lung cancer, and you get a minor allergy, that would be enough to push you over the edge because you are already so weak. To say the person died from a minor allergy in this case is completely asisine logic. But that is exactly what they are doing with Covid. A tyrannical Government must manufacture an external threat to keep people afraid and paranoid. Especially a threat that is elusive, hard to verify and easily mutates based on the needs of the Government, like Covid and Climate Change.

This goes right along with obese people die more from COVID. The reason - fat people don't move around much, therefore they don't breathe deeply. They are shallow breathers and that doesn't clear out the lungs way down deep. Those who exercise regularly may be somewhat fat but they're also huffing and puffing which helps clear out the lungs and clear them of mucus, viruses and bacteria.

The best thing one can do for themselves is to optimize their vitamin D and take one to two grams of vitamin C per day. Your doctor can test your vitamin D levels.

I know that this was supposed to be a side effect of the vaccine after some months had passed if you were then exposed to another wild covid virus that it would collect in your lungs and the body could not clear them because of the modification the mRNA did to your spike protein. I wonder if these are vaccinated people exposed to the Delta variant? That is the problem with censorship, you never see discussions come to an end so who wins the argument, the vaxers or the anti-vaxers?

"...unvaccinated patients infected with the highly contagious delta variant overwhelm hospital" - straight up lie. It is the vaccinated that are getting sick. When will media tell the truth? When?
It helps to be achingly clear while we are being assailed by gandabots.
I have fought the good fight for quite a while here. How soon that is forgotten. My sensibilities have been displayed more than once. But I can't post a little irony without having to have a little smiley beside it pulling its hair out. Used to see that one around, wish we had it here.

Wonder if folk are thinking theyre up against Cowvid
Dunno, but I am seeing a lot of Covid Karma lately, as the hate radio loonies and other anti-vaxx and anti-mask movement voices go down. Vaccinations and masks have split the GOP right down the middle and the big lie is dividing them too. In the beginning many of them thought they could use it as a biological weapon against black and brown people, but the weapon has been turned on them. No matter how good the vaccines will be in the future, they are cursed and won't enjoy the benefits of this vaccine or the one that ends this bullshit for good, among the vaxxed at least.
I have fought the good fight for quite a while here. How soon that is forgotten. My sensibilities have been displayed more than once. But I can't post a little irony without having to have a little smiley beside it pulling its hair out. Used to see that one around, wish we had it here.


we need some new emoji.

amazing..he's recommending livestock meds up until 8/14, then he's dead by 8/25. that's the interesting thing about Delta- you get it and are dead before you realize what's going on..survivors of dead Covid patients are saying it started off very small 'husband had sore throat' and was dead just a few days later.
this is a conspiracy theory back from early on when Trump was still there. i thought it died out- guess not.
I have posted some of the comments to news articles before. They feel any one that does not side with their narrow view is 'a sellout by Newsmax'. The other 'news' orgs like OAN are even crazier and I don't bother reading the comments. I sometimes dip into that pool to find out what other things are driving society in order to get a bigger picture. I should just forget everything and tend my plants. Might not be a bad thing being a mushroom.

helps with River Blindness too + it's apple flavored.

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