Funny story time.(at least I think it's funny)
It was around 1980/81 or so I guess & myself & these 2 ladies were going to see Adam Ant (yea, really

) in NYC at a venue & we were walking on 42nd at around 10th Ave, at a time when Times Square was still Times Square (not this pussy shit they got today, fucking Giuliani ruined it)
Yea, peepshows & whores & trannies & murderers & pimps & drugs everywhere.
It was another Universe & it was FABULOUS!!!!!
Fucking frightening but at the same time magnificent

Anyway, this Puerto Rican comes up to me and asks if I needed anything & I ask blow?)
He says sure & we walk behind a construction fence & he pulls out a bag & I roll a $20 up and he puts some on the back of his hand & I hit it & handed the guy the $20.
He takes the $20 and like BANG!!!, the shit I snorted kicked in (I never tasted it like an asshole)
I'm like fuck, this is PCP/Dust.
I then proceed to try to get my $20 back, again acting like an asshole, a drunk/stoned as fuck on dust Irish asshole.
So, we engaged in hand to hand combat up & down 42nd St over that $20 for like 2 blocks (no one blinked) with me being the aggressor & I remember seeing the 10 in the 10th Ave sign & I stepped off the sidewalk to cross and walked right into the best punch I had ever had the pleasure to be struck by.
Fucking mint punch
I didn't go down but it ended the fight right there, at the corner of 42nd & 10th, where he FLATTENED my nose.
I've been kicked/punched/bitten pretty much everywhere on my body, but my Achilles heel is my nose.
I've broken it 3 times playing hockey, a car wreck & that Rican's punch.
It's very sensitive.
In hindsight I was extremely lucky in that area to walk away with only a broken nose & minus $20.
All for Atom Ant

I saw him the next year finally (he sucked) and someday I'll tell you about that show, it's also good for a laugh.
Yup, in the end this guy almost killed me
What a way to go, right?
Now she would be worth it (she just came up on my loop

One more
RIP Jaco