Pandemic 2020

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I don't get out much, and that's just me, not because of the virus. However, I've thought about being accosted by one of these types. Seriously, I don't think I'd take it well and would likely have an assault charge against me. I have to work at containing myself all the time. Om.
My CTE kicks in if I am caught off guard by aggressive male Karens.

The last time it happened was on a beautiful summer day around 2015. I took my dog out to the park early in the morning, After that I ran into the store to grab some creamer, and then took her to the groomer next door to the store (so she was in my car with all windows open for about 5 minutes tops). As I was walking out some large 50-ish white guy in the old guy work out shorts and a tee shirt that looked half in the bag out of nowhere started to yell at me about my dog being out in the heat, it was about 80 degrees at the time.

I went from a completely enjoyable morning to about a 9, on a scale of 1/10, instantly and remember the look on his face like he was about to piss himself. This was a nice upscale yuppy strip mall and I figure he thought everyone was a soft target.

Im not nearly as cool as this, but it still is one of my favorite scenes of all time (and captures the face change very well).

I think my response was more a 'Are you fucking kidding me' yell, but it is hard to remember what I said.

It is amazing how many dick heads will back down when you flip the switch.
Remember the fate that awaits the unvaxxed this winter, you cannot harm them more than they are doing to themselves. I was looking at the models for Canada and we have a high vaxx rate compared to America, if we go on as we are, the line is near vertical for this fall and there are millions un vaxxed in Canada. Here in NS we will have a 90% vaxx rate or higher when mandates kick in, but that still leaves close to 100,000 eligible plus kids. I believe almost all the unvaxxed will be infected by spring.

I was being PM'd by PJ with antivaxxer propaganda and was using skillful means to try and convince him, no dice, so I told him not to PM me any more. We are not trying to convince individuals, there is a social emotional dynamic here too. The same internet that fills their heads with bullshit and makes them so arrogant as to disagree with the experts, also provides a social/emotional support network, that constantly reifies the disinformation. It would be like standing outside of a church as the congregation was exiting and trying to sell them atheism, or get them to go down on all fours and worship the Devil in the parking lot. You are not up against individuals, you are up against a tribe, works for Qanon, works for Trump. I've been on FB locally doing battle with the antivaxxers, but a bit more skillfully, there is no political component here, it's strictly an issue of age, the victims are mostly young people, the immortals. Mandates should help a lot with this, most work or study.
Glasgow kiss ?
Funny story time.(at least I think it's funny)
It was around 1980/81 or so I guess & myself & these 2 ladies were going to see Adam Ant (yea, really :) ) in NYC at a venue & we were walking on 42nd at around 10th Ave, at a time when Times Square was still Times Square (not this pussy shit they got today, fucking Giuliani ruined it)
Yea, peepshows & whores & trannies & murderers & pimps & drugs everywhere.
It was another Universe & it was FABULOUS!!!!!
Fucking frightening but at the same time magnificent :)
Anyway, this Puerto Rican comes up to me and asks if I needed anything & I ask blow?)
He says sure & we walk behind a construction fence & he pulls out a bag & I roll a $20 up and he puts some on the back of his hand & I hit it & handed the guy the $20.
He takes the $20 and like BANG!!!, the shit I snorted kicked in (I never tasted it like an asshole)
I'm like fuck, this is PCP/Dust.
I then proceed to try to get my $20 back, again acting like an asshole, a drunk/stoned as fuck on dust Irish asshole.
So, we engaged in hand to hand combat up & down 42nd St over that $20 for like 2 blocks (no one blinked) with me being the aggressor & I remember seeing the 10 in the 10th Ave sign & I stepped off the sidewalk to cross and walked right into the best punch I had ever had the pleasure to be struck by.
Fucking mint punch
I didn't go down but it ended the fight right there, at the corner of 42nd & 10th, where he FLATTENED my nose.
I've been kicked/punched/bitten pretty much everywhere on my body, but my Achilles heel is my nose.
I've broken it 3 times playing hockey, a car wreck & that Rican's punch.
It's very sensitive.
In hindsight I was extremely lucky in that area to walk away with only a broken nose & minus $20.
All for Atom Ant :)
I saw him the next year finally (he sucked) and someday I'll tell you about that show, it's also good for a laugh.
Yup, in the end this guy almost killed me
What a way to go, right? :)

Now she would be worth it (she just came up on my loop :) )

One more :)

RIP Jaco
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I don't get out much, and that's just me, not because of the virus. However, I've thought about being accosted by one of these types. Seriously, I don't think I'd take it well and would likely have an assault charge against me. I have to work at containing myself all the time. Om.
i nearly punched an old man near the beginning of the pandemic
I've heard plenty of theories about how republicans want to break the system and start a revolution so they can reshape the nation into their christian vision. If you ever wonder why some of the things they do seem counterintuitive, well...
I've heard plenty of theories about how republicans want to break the system and start a revolution so they can reshape the nation into their christian vision. If you ever wonder why some of the things they do seem counterintuitive, well...
their "Christian" vision isn't very Christian...unless you're a white conservative...Mexicans should be hoeing beets, Asians should be cooking egg foo yung, blacks need to be put back in their place, and LIbs should just be shot...then the "real christians" could get back to beating their wives, abusing their children, and drinking heavily. it's ok, as long as you go to church on sunday and ask baby jeebus for forgiveness
Seriously. There's a surprising amount of hate in there. Jesus teach 'em that? It's weird.

I have a few christian friends that make fun of Catholicism because they say it's the religion that makes you feel bad for everything. Internally, I think...maybe you're supposed to feel bad for things.
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